Just a lost Güero living the good life with the beautiful people of Mexico.
Autistic, Amateur Artist, SCUBA diver, Free Diver, Spearo and Photographer.
Aug 27, 2021 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
So @Bardsrok asked me to tell the tale of the mech that would become the UM-K9 in MWO. Not ideal a format to use Twitter for, but here goes.
Back around 01, 02 I had a campaign set on Hsien, and on a lark, it was pretty much dispossessed Mechwarriors trying to retain order
while dealing with Sun Tzu's sponsored terrorists, Guerilla fighters, etc. The Garrison had one ancient STG-3R Stinger & some vehicles. And a lot of beat cops, retired vets, etc. It also had huge junkyards of scrapped mechs from the 4th Succession War, w/ lots of Urbanmechs