Oliver Sauter Profile picture
Brain Broker. 🏗 @memexgarden | 💸 with ReFi | ❤️ intentional communities/relationships
Mar 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Look Ma, the new Twitter API will cost $42.000/mo.

I got that info coming off a call with the Twitter Enterprise API team yesterday.

I think it has the potential to seriously harm Twitter's network and future revenue 🧵 First of all, I think that the Twitter API should be paid.

It was an enormous gift while it lasted but this steep entry price aimed at "enterprises" will kill an entire ecosystem of smaller apps and tools that are the backbone of what makes Twitter's network effects strong.
Mar 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Just got news that the new Twitter API has an ENTRY price of $40k/month.

It'll probably kill the long tail of tools/services that were /are crucial for Twitter's network effect success. Oh and they say we're about 4-6 weeks away from this being enforced. :/
Jun 15, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
We've done 60+ onboarding calls in last 3 months. Here is what we learnt about Memex product direction & our understanding of its place in the network of existing tools of the ecosystem. 👇🏼 WHY?
Memex helps you to overcome information overload, be better informed and less polarised.
It should be an order of magnitude faster to find, capture and share the most valuable content, and understand topical nuances by building on & comparing the previous research of peers.
Jun 14, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
After wasting nearly 200.000€ on a wrong product direction, we've done a lot of work in the past year to improve our product development processes.
Here is what we've learnt.

I wished I had these insights 4-5 years ago.
I see a lot of new founders making the same mistakes. Disambiguate your product narrative from the actual plan. Think hard about: Do I tell myself a nice story about my product and its value or is it really needed by people?

What's the pain frequency and strength of the problem?

h/t @joshu. Thanks for this life-changing reframing.
Jan 8, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
How I note down my insights in the fastest and most frictionless way when taking walks, doing online research or having an epiphany with @otter_ai, @RoamResearch and @worldbrain

👇🏼 Using @otter_ai's speech-to-text I can go on reflection walks and just talk out what comes up, without being interrupted to write notes.

When doing my [[Weekly Review]] I can skim through and easily extract the most important bits in text form.

Jan 8, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
A list of my currently most important tools:

👇🏼 Our own @worldbrain Memex to
- Annotate websites & Youtube videos
- Have a GTD workflow with an Inbox to quickly save
- Full-text search all pages, PDFs and Tweets I save
- Sharing collections of content or annotated versions of pages
- (soon) following collections of friends
Dec 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I just figured out how you can do co-watching sessions of ANY video online, and you speak to each other too.

The other person doesn't even need any additional account to your fav streaming service

👇🏼 Step 1: Setup a zoom call with screensharing. Make sure to tick "Optimize Screen Share for Video Clips"
May 9, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
In tech there's a lot of buzz around decentralisation and privacy.

I think both are the wrong product values to OPTIMISE for, even though we're building decentralised & privacy respecting products with @worldbrain

Instead: It's interoperability/openness. [THREAD] Don't get me wrong. Both decentralisation and privacy are important values. But building products with such a prime focus will hinder market adoption and thus the potential impact of your products. Just think about one blockchain product you ACTUALLY use in your daily life? 2/10
Apr 10, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
It's been 5 years since I started researching online misinformation and building practical solutions. Here are things I learned about one of the most complex and fundamental problems of humanity: Making sense of the world around us. [1/13] Misinformation is not just about false information, but information overload. The more information people need to process daily, the higher the chances are that misinformation can affect them. Reducing this overload is as important as providing correct information. [2/13]