How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, holding businesses/employers accountable would be an option, but the country’s too drunk on the concept of the individual, too scared to hold employers accountable, and too invested in the status of labor endorsed by an organization to even start down that path. do believe that withholding our labor is incredibly powerful right now…I also believe that employers have left most Americans in a position where that choice requires sacrifices they aren’t willing to make, regardless of the long-term implications it’s a tacit acknowledgment that it’s all you’ve really got, so put your energy there. Is it lazy? Maybe, but I also think people know what’s up. want to see Black freelancers take advantage of location-independence and lifestyle design…but to maintain and enhance connection with/contribution to communities and find safety…not adopt predatory behavior. #BFTips“Your job isn’t who you are” is a partial truth to keep you invested in the system.