Ellie 🦇🍷 - IA for work Profile picture
The_Most_Happy on ao3 - Pfp and header: @Nobodys_art 📍 Carrd: https://t.co/CFtDgW970r
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Apr 29, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Ok. Listen. 9-year old Chuuya celebrating his first birthday with a tiny cake and a single candle Shirase stole for him.

And his very first wish is kind of simple: “I wish I could dream”. He can’t.

His wish the year after is: “I wish I can protect my friends next year, too.” At 13, it’s “I want to make the Sheep proud.”

At 16, it’s “I wish I can beat Lippmann at billiard next year.”

At 17, it’s “I wish I could see my friends again.”

At 18, it’s “I wish I could tell Dazai.”

At 19, he just wishes people could stop leaving him.
Jun 30, 2022 • 72 tweets • 13 min read
Something in Chuuya’s eyes shift — something /human/ Dazai can’t decipher.

“Would you care if /I/ leave, or if Arahabaki leaves?”

/Great question, no good answer that won’t get him in trouble./

Dazai stalls, gnawing at his bottom lip.

The truth is, he doesn’t /know/. He likes Chuuya, he likes his defiance and constant challenge, but it’s not /love/. Not yet. Maybe never.

Losing a god to the DOA would be a headache, but he existed centuries before the human called Nakahara Chuuya. He’s quite damn sure he’ll manage to exist /after/ him, too.
May 2, 2022 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
I need to write an extra of the secret marriage AU series where Dazai is internally freaking out and desperate to get Chuuya out of the water

Now, Chuuya trusts his husband’s plans.
He doesn’t need to know every comma to believe Dazai will never let him die, but this might be a little too extreme even for him.

No dramatic scene, no fairytale-like rescue mission.

Practically speaking, Chuuya saves himself and Fyodor.

Dazai pulled some strings to make sure his partner didn’t die (who will feed their cat and water their plants, if Chibi dies?) but he
Apr 19, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Hi Ellie! Can you pls link If We We’re Villains? I can’t seem to find it anymore 😣 — Hello! Thank you so much for asking. Iwwv was deleted because frankly, I got some serious backlash. I got a few nasty comments (for … curiouscat.me/Ellie_whatever… Again, I’m incredibly INCREDIBLY grateful for the people who commented and liked the fic and read the tags. It’s very sad that a handful of uncivilized people silenced the great response that chapter got, but it was really a too heavy for me to be comfortable keeping the fic+
Apr 19, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read

Consider Chuuya getting the ugliest, tinities succulent plant and naming it “Dazai”.

It’s part of a therapy to communicate with his disaster of a partner (google said that it works so it must be true) and— well, the plant is ugly enough to represent the stinky Mackerel. Now, it /is/ satisfying to glare at the plant and threaten to dump it in the trash when Dazai is not around, don’t get him wrong.
It’s nice and relaxing but he never considered it properly helpful.

Certainly, it never helped them communicating.
Apr 18, 2022 • 143 tweets • 25 min read
Chuuya, kissing him in a destroyed city and in a restroom.

Chuuya calling him Osamu and a monster in the same breath, not knowing how /true/ that statement used to be.
If he could dream, Dazai is quite sure it would be of the innocents he slaughtered in his darkest days. Chuuya begging for more.

Chuuya, kissing him like their first time was also going to be the last.


/His/ Chuuya, smug and naked and handsome and human.

“Nakahara is the vessel of an ancient god,” Francis says, snapping his train of thoughts. “/Why/ didn’t you say so?”
Apr 1, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Ok but can we consider baker Dazai and Port Mafia Boss Chuuya

Chuuya literally just wanted a croissant to go, why is the shitty baker judging his hat now?! Doesn’t he know who Chuuya /is/?

(Spoiler: Dazai doesn’t care tbh)

But the pastries are heavenly and Dazai smells like+ vanilla and fresh bread (can a smell be /warm/?) and sometimes he flashes little, vulnerable smiles and
— oh no! — Chuuya suddenly would /really/ like to clean the sugar on Dazai’s cheek away with his fingers /or/ his mouth.
Mar 28, 2022 • 245 tweets • >60 min read
/ “When we grow up, I’ll marry ‘Samu.” /

Six pairs of eyes fix on him.

Now, Nakahara Chuuya — age 6 — is fairly sure of his words as he practically shouts them for the whole party to hear.

/ He’ll marry ‘Samu./

He says it around a big smile, because he likes the sound of it. He likes how the declarations brings the entire table to a halt, with his dads /gawking/ at him and Mitsuru forgetting her iPad and Pretty Cure episode to look up.

He /blushes/ at how Mori-sensei grins.

But most of all, he likes—

“Ewwww, who wants to marry a chibi?”

Mar 23, 2022 • 335 tweets • >60 min read
“For /me/?”

“I suspect you’re worth the trouble, flower.”

Chuuya’s brow furrows.

/Sure/. Yeah.

Like Chuuya believes it.

Part of him is flattered but, somehow, he /doubts/ he’s worth the trouble of someone like /Dazai/ getting rid of his current sex partners for him. He’s not the kind of person that gets the Master of an entire city, the boss of the Port Mafia, to do starstruck romantic gestures — he’s nothing special, he’s only human.

Besides, again, the timing of it is funny.

There is a /limit/ to how stupid he can act because of a dick.
Mar 22, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Still thinking of IAHILY SKK dealing with an organization that kidnapped Sonoko, and they both go absolutely feral — the legendary Devastating Rivals way.

Who thought a child would soften Chuuya was wrong.

The lines in the executive’s morality were always few and far between, but he’s ready to burn them all to the ground for good.

Because Chuuya always tried to control his violent impulses.
He tried to be /merciful/.

But he doesn’t give a damn as long as the people who threaten his family suffer under the crushing power of gravity.

And Dazai—
Mar 20, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
For tonight, consider an Hades/Persephone AU where Dazai has to return to the aboveground — to the /light/ — for the next six months.

These are the very last hours he gets to spend with Chuuya for a /while/.

It’s the last time he gets to see his husband, touch him, thread his fingers through red locks and make love to his beautiful partner in their bed, Chuuya moaning softly while Dazai gets lost in ocean-deep blue eyes.

Make no mistake, Dazai /adores/ the time he spends in the light.
He can’t wait to roam the earth and cause troubles.

(It’s just—)
Mar 16, 2022 • 331 tweets • >60 min read
Chuuya scoffs.

He has no idea what to expect from Dazai’s /present/ and, quite frankly, he’s pretty sure he hates it already.

Because there is /nothing/ coming from Dazai Osamu that can make Chuuya’s life easier — not after saving him like that, after /kissing/ him like that. A shiver rushes down Chuuya’s spine, liquid silver, unsettling and hard enough that he’s /forced/ to stop in the middle of the room and ponder over his misery.

What really sickens Chuuya is that Dazai is acting like he is /worried/ about him.

And what if Dazai /is/ worried?
Mar 11, 2022 • 262 tweets • >60 min read
When Chuuya created the holes and caused the explosion in the area, he must have forgotten to do it /out/ of his own body.

Or perhaps this the toll that Arahabaki takes on him, the price for a God’s rage — for a God’s power.


This is the proof that Chuuya is Arahabaki. He /must/ be Arahabaki.

Because if Chuuya is not Arahabaki, if Dazai is wrong, then he might be something altogether more dangerous.

But he’s also partially human, and Dazai /can/ help him.

He can let Chuuya be the one who drinks from him — just this once, just enough to heal.
Mar 9, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Consider a Omegaverse AU where SKK have been friends forever, and started dating at the beginning of high school.

And they kind of work /fine/ until they accidentally bond.
It’s been a heat-of-the-moment, stupid blunder, but it changes everything.

Not immediately, of course. But Dazai /needed/ an open door to not overthink his relationship too much, and Chuuya wasn’t ready to be bonded this soon.

Chuuya wanted to travel the world, Dazai to get into a good university and move to Tokyo.

Dazai wants pups, Chuuya doesn’t.

They /regret/ it.
Mar 8, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Still brainrotting over a coffeeshop AU where Chuuya a booktuber who likes to chill and read in his favorite coffeeshop.

Odasaku’s coffeeshop-slash-indie-library is /lovely/ and Chuuya adores it and its owner to bits— too bad for the co-owner.

Because Dazai Osamu is loud, annoyingly smug and cheeky, and Chuuya may or may not have a crush on him.

He’s not saying he /likes/ the way Dazai pokes his cheek or calls him short. No. But there’s something in how Dazai looks at him, how he smiles and always recommends the best books—

Something /special/.
Feb 18, 2022 • 426 tweets • >60 min read
When he moved to Yokohama, three days ago, Chuuya wasn’t planning on staying forever.

Well, whatever ‘forever’ means when death is not such a hard line anymore.

It’s not like Chuuya doesn’t like the blue sky and shimmering water. It’s not that his curiosity isn’t tingled by the weird black towers guarding the city.

/But/ he’s twenty-five and jobless and, as of four days ago, alone. He doesn’t have anywhere else.

He doesn’t have a /fucking/ home, so this will have to do.

Why Yokohama, one might ask. Out of all the corners in the world, /why/ this one.
Jan 22, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
But SKK who have been secretly reconnecting for a while — aka, yes, they are dating, though they’d aggressively deny it — and have been trying to find a way to tell their colleagues.

Until the day Chuuya is forced to trigger Corruption during a fight with an enemy organization. Dazai nullifies it, but something is not right.

Chuuya is still bleeding, and he seems trapped in a nightmare that resists even as Dazai tries to shake him awake, and—

And there is /no/ mistaking the despair, worry and /love/ that break Dazai’s voice as he calls Chuuya’s name.
Jan 13, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
// Nsfw

Ok but I’m thinking of 🐥Chuuya asking Dazai to command him in bed

It’s a /major/ proof of trust and consent, but they both know that Dazai has a lot of pent-up possessiveness to release and Chuuya loves how the commands roll on his skin, low and velvet-thick Btw Chuuya /totally/ has a power play kink — one he refused to acknowledge since he was constantly defending himself in relationships, but it’s there. Like, majorly.

But Dazai is usually a very controlled alpha with a strong bloodline, so he low-key goes full darkzai when he
Jan 10, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
No update because I’m still cleaning the house, but I’ve been brain rotting on some domestic ways 🐥skk say ‘I love you’ without saying it

Chuuya waking up earlier to make a bento for Dazai

Or Dazai accepting to watch on TV that movie he hates because Chuuya /loves/ it — and even if Chuuya falls asleep halfway through he doesn’t change it

Dazai falling asleep on the couch after uni and Chuuya covering him with a blanket

OR Chuuya actually asking his mate to grab something from the highest shelf instead of climbing on chairs just to prove a pointTM
Jan 8, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🐥 skk being apart because Chuuya has to visit his uncles in Paris.

Once they see each other at the airport a month later, Dazai holds onto Chuuya /so/ tight, unable to let go, nose buried in his mate’s hair.

It’s the longest hug and they can’t break it even if ppl are sharing These two are the kind of couple who can’t stop kissing/hugging/staring because they just feel too /at home/ in each other’s arms and I’m not ok
Jan 6, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Ok but this is exactly my jam???

SKK a/b/o royalty where there was… well, if not love, at least attraction in the beginning.

They were young and rakish. Chuuya was a handsome lordling and prince Dazai wanted him. Nobody but him.

He moved mountains and kings to marry Chuuya. ImageImageImage But years pass, the couple doesn’t have heirs and the marriage turns into something Chuuya never imagined: a mistake.

A love that bloomed in spring, lasted a summer, and withered with the first snow.

Clearly, Dazai’s coldness doesn’t do well with Chuuya’s impetuous temperament.