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Tim Pickles / The Pickled Blog / Views are my own / Feedback welcome / Follow me for musings
Sep 9, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
How to rule the world for dummies. A thread.

1. Common energy - the fuel of life being shared is a key pillar for control potential. Ensure one type wins out.

2. Control energy - control that energy by arms length via private companies and key technology

3. Common currency (1972) - the $ became the world global reserve currency
It impacts everywhere

4. Flows of information - accelerate and assists media consolidation to a handful of key players (radio, newspapers, then tv, then cable, then online)

From this base and a room of no more than 50 people you can conceivably plan high level goals and destinations for the entire world

2/ Each pillar of the system can protect another and ensure no risk to system collapse

You price your energy to control growth

You use monetary policy to take it back via inflation or create new wealth for yourself to ensure total capstone power in global finance by inflating asset prices

Your currency dictates terms of trade globally

Whatever the truth needs to be is achieved through mass market penetration (availability bias) or as that eroded with online the good old fashioned smear returned to the fold in fact checking and conspiracy theory labels.

The masses who love to think they are well educated parrot the lines back and forth and cement their adoption as truth. Climate science the greatest example. It just becomes one of those things that’s obviously true despite it not been.

Any movement that uses a teenage girl to cry and sway you is a sham movement.

Science presents detailed and fully repeatable experiments to prove fact. Models are not science. They are forecasts. And fallible.

We can’t even control inflation but we can model global climate. Both can’t be true. Or cure cancer too tough. But the outcome of the entire planetary system to the nearest 0.01c
Mar 6, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
@NorthmanTrader Energy cost is the key parameter to how quickly we came to a cliff edge

Oil is giving less net new energy as easy oil is used. To get more you use more energy. Cost would rise. But if you don’t control all supply a nation like Iraq could pump loads and crash the price. Cough @NorthmanTrader But you need a high enough price to allow more and more expensive supply to come online

Cheap oil due a market flood would engineer a cliff edge sooner than a managed higher price that provided certainty to invest

Nuclear got smeared as cheap energy is even worse as..
Mar 24, 2022 36 tweets 12 min read
@DrJBhattacharya @JamesDelingpole @joerogan @benshapiro @ConceptualJames @Cernovich @elonmusk

The next events that are certain and time to get worried.

No conspiracy. No vaccine debate needed.

Just logic.

Global system collapse. Total.

A thread 1. Decisions are made in isolation

We make choices and assume the systems that choice interacts with will behave normally. All things equal.

2. Most decisions are marginal choices - taxes, investment…

Their scale is not disruptive, the systems around it adapt. No biggy