Dr Amy Kavanagh Profile picture
Blind activist, freelancer, gamer & history PhD. Guided by @GuideDogAva She/her #JustAskDontGrab
Bad Saturn Profile picture Patch Panda Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 8, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I'm blind. This morning I was walking through my local park with my pram & my white cane.

A man shouted "Woah!" in my face & grabbed my cane & my pram.

I pushed back in shock & demanded he let me go.

He refused.


Because I was going to "walk over some dirt & grass". 1/ I had to push & pull my pram & cane away from this person's hands so that I could leave.

He had his hands on the pram with my baby in it & wouldn't let go until I started physically trying to get him off.

All because I *might* walk over some dirt & grass on a path. In a park 2/
May 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
One thing I really miss about using my white cane compared to working with a Guide Dog is all the people who play “blind chicken”.

Today I was walking with my pram & a woman just repeatedly screamed “omg!” at me. She just kept walking closer instead of moving… or stopping… 1/ Eventually she was so close & screeching I stopped & yelled back “I AM BLIND”

She started saying “oh no I didn’t mean.”

But I managed to navigate around her & just walked away.

I encounter this behaviour often, instead of moving or communicating, people force space conflict 2/