bakuhou 💥 Profile picture
Headcanons for Bnha, YOI, Black Clover. Mainly BKDK and Viktuuri. Can find me on AO3 and ffnet as bittybitt39! She/her. Writer, drawer. 28 yo. 18+//nsfw.
Sep 13, 2022 51 tweets 10 min read
Part 5 beginning below.

Enjoy 🥰

Onto the road of recovery!

… and Revenge 😈 Link to previous part - Part 4!
Dec 15, 2021 59 tweets 12 min read
Thought I would pick this up again… 👀

Cheating alpha thread being updated below! #cheatingAlpha #PiningKatsuki #OmegaIzuku #AlphaKatsuki #angst #noncon #bkdk #bakudeku #ktdk #katsudeku #omegaverse Back to the very start of this thread!
Oct 6, 2021 48 tweets 9 min read
Part 3 incoming of Cheating Alpha AU!

Start of the thread here: Katsuki felt a strong hand on his shoulder that pulled him out of his mind. He looked up from his hunched over position in a waiting room chair to see his mother and father smiling down at him.

“You alright brat? We came as soon as we got your call.”

His dad nodded, “Is Izuku
May 12, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
#bkdk #bakudeku #CollegeAu #FemDeku #EstablishedRelationship #NoQuirksAU

Eijirou was excited for the long weekend.

It had been a rough couple of weeks. Between studying for exams, and late, late nights in the library and in his dorm room, he was ready to relax. And also party.

His roommate, Katsuki, who he can now safely say is one of his best friends on campus after a rough start of being practically strangers before moving into together, was having a friend come visit this weekend.

Not only that - said friend was a GIRL!
May 6, 2021 46 tweets 13 min read
#omegaverse #bkdk #bakudeku #omegaIzuku #alphaKatsuki #pining #lightangst #noquirksAU

Izuku was miserable.

Not in a terrible way, just that every time he thought he was moving forward in his life, it felt as if something was holding him back. It was as if life itself found it a point to joke around in his love life.

He took another sip of his beer as he glanced around the overly crowded room of the bar he was in. His eyes constantly searching for that stock of blonde hair he was both hopeful and dreading to see.
Apr 2, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
#bkdk #abo #omegaverse

Izuku and Katsuki had been married for almost three years now, and had a pup and another on the way already. Most who looked at them said the princes looked so, ‘in love’, and that it could be spotted from miles away the looks they sent each other’s way. Izuku didn’t see it because his husband never showed it.

That’s not to say that Katsuki didn’t love Izuku - oh no, he very much did. After growing up together, spending each summer with one another in each other’s country, and then presenting and going through six years of
Feb 26, 2021 36 tweets 7 min read
Part 2! The first time Izuku woke up, his body was sore almost like he got hit by Muscular all over again. Not only that, but his throat was tight, his eyes burned from the lack of moisture, and his ears had a dull ringing to them.

He tried to move his hand to rub at his eyes, but it
Feb 25, 2021 43 tweets 11 min read
#bkdk #bakudeku #cheating #unnamedalpha #alphakatsuki #omegaizuku #piningKatsuki #omegaverse #angst #fluff #smut

Izuku hushed himself as he heard his alpha unlock the front door of their apartment. He had hidden himself in the master bathroom, hiding away to surprise him Since he got Home early from his patrol today. He knew his alpha got home from his desk job around this time each day, came into the bathroom to shower, before relaxing till Izuku got home from his own job.

He wanted to spice it up since he had noticed how distance the alpha
Jan 14, 2021 22 tweets 6 min read
New thread idea. #bkdk #bakudeku #omegaverse #oba #agegap #olderkatsuki #youngerizuku #phkatsuki #uastudentizuku

“Hey Bakugou.. can you come to my office for a second?”

Katsuki looked up from his desk, filling out his latest report. He pinned Hawks, his boss, with a glare. “Can’t it wait? I have a ton of reports to do and-“

“No. It really can’t.” Hawk’s lackluster smirk made Katsuki’s blood boil but he stood up and followed behind him anyway.

Closing the door behind him, he leaned against it and fixed his boss with a glare. “What’s this about?”
Nov 30, 2020 22 tweets 6 min read
Support Alpha Izuku and Failed Domesticated Omega Katsuki. OBA Omegaverse #bakudeku #bkdk or in this case #Dekubaku #dkbk

Katsuki was sent to this god forsaken facility after being told he would have to either be domesticated, mated and pupped or face the consequences. When the time came for his ‘chosen’ mate to domesticate him, it didn’t go according to his parent’s plan.

He fought tooth and nail. Scratched and hissed his way out of it till the point he almost went feral and killed the asshole who forced himself on him.
Jul 16, 2020 24 tweets 7 min read
Hunger Games X Bnha Bakudeku Omegaverse Au

Rewatched all the movies over the weekend and now I can’t get this out of my head.

#TheHungerGames #Bakudeku #HungerGamesAu #omegaverse #alphakatsuki #omegaizuku #bnha #bnhaau #THGxBNHAau District Twelve - Katsuki is an alpha male who grew up as a merchant son of alpha Mitsuki and omega Masaru. His family owned and ran the only fabric/clothing store in town. Of course Katsuki wasn’t all the interested in it, instead spending his time studying and wanting to move
Apr 7, 2020 48 tweets 9 min read
Continuing this thread:

The day Izuku went to his new home, his alpha hadn’t even come to retrieve him. His driver, another alpha named Kirishima who was all smiles, opened up his car door and waited patiently as he said goodbye to all his friends and only family he’s ever Known. He was quiet for the first half of the drive, looking out the window at the scenery as it all went by.

He finally drew up the courage to ask.

“Why hadn’t he come for me himself?”

Kirishima looked in his rear view mirror before a smile formed on his face.
Mar 25, 2020 78 tweets 17 min read
#abo #toughlife #omegaIzuku #alphaKatsuki #OmegaHouse #ProudOmegaIzuku #ParentalAbuse #bakudeku #bkdk

Izuku was one of the older omegas in the Omega House. He had been here far too long.

Nearly going on 21, most omegas were accounted for by the time they were 16. They were allowed to leave for their new homes once they turned 18. This Omega House and all others in Japan held to this rule. And if the omega wasn’t ready, then the alpha had to be willing to wait.

It was a good time for all omegas, and Izuku was proud to be one.