The Bruton Boar - Rogue Rewilding - turning your world and gardens wild since June 2020 thanks to a mysterious benefactor.
Oct 31, 2021 • 27 tweets • 7 min read
Morning all. With #NaturalCapital exercising rural/eco/farming/tweedy twitter like never before mostly thanks to @Rebirding1 who has managed to unite the Scots Nats, Eco Marxists, Countryside Alliance, ecologist academics and assorted greenish types in a truly extraordinary way.
Here are my utterly worthless views to stir the pot, offer up a few sacred cows for consideration and hopefully stimulate debate. (I’m doing this on my unlocked account to get outside of the normal echo chamber but most of you known my identity or can guess...)
Aug 29, 2021 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
Long thread so apologies - in all of the noise and armchair experts passing judgment on the Afghan situation I keep coming across references to this #KabulCar however slightly odd looking 4x4s in the worlds trouble spots are actually something I know rather a lot about. cont.
So fairly obviously we have a Toyota Landcruiser - since the utter failure of Landrover the Landcruiser is now the king of 4x4s in situations where your life may well depend on it as opposed to merely navigating Waitrose carpark.