Bob Saenz Profile picture
Screenwriter: Extracurricular Activities + 18 more you've seen or can see. Author: That's Not the Way It Works and a new novel in May 2023. Occasional actor.
Apr 6, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ Got a question on how I broke in as a writer, so… I wanted to be an actor. At 40. So, I took every extra job that came to town. I was background in a LOT of films. It was there I got my education on how everything worked on a set. It has turned out to be invaluable. 2/ I got my SAG card by uttering one line in a film. Got a local agent thru networking with a casting director. Got auditions. Got tiny parts. Ended up on a series for 6 seasons, Nash Bridges, as a glorified extra who spoke occasionally.
Nov 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I live outside Nashville Tennessee. Have 9 months. I’ve never lived in LA, was in San Francisco before moving here. I have carved out a pretty steady career as a screenwriter without living in LA. Was it easy? Hell no. It took 12 years from my first script to a produced film. I did visit LA whenever to had to, paying my own expenses (part of the cost of being in the business of screenwriting). It was a long hard slog, but I never took my eyes off the prize. I wanted to do this and wasn’t going to let not being in LA stop me.