Boeing 747 Profile picture
Railways, politics, civil aviation, public transportation and personal rants. Not walaun friendly.
Sep 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
So I see @FreeMsian quoting how the Singaporean presidential vote is a typical sign how voting there transcended racial boundaries.

Along came a few MalaysiansO:

"Ala Singapore majority Cina"
"Singapore banyak masalah juga, pandai sorok je" Tengok dunia through Malaysian lens. Racial lens pulak tu. Tak malu ke?

Padanlah bodoh.
Jun 12, 2023 41 tweets 7 min read
The government has not made any decisions yet pending a study.

I don't know.

The competition spirit as it applies to airlines does not really apply to the railways this way. When private railway companies essentially had a free hand in building rail routes in the UK in the 19th and early 20th centuries, competition was such that multiple companies built different physical routes between two places.
Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Isu Singaporeans isi minyak kuning instead of hijau ni pada asasnya sama je dengan gripes yang most Malaysians have with them with other issues.

Takde enforcement on our side. In the end kita makilah depa bagai nak gila pun. Selagi mana kita sendiri tak betul, sorry SGD will talk louder than MYR
Jun 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Harga barang sekarang gila lah. Even Econsave pun not that cheap anymore.

Semalam sayu aku tengok ada satu uncle ni dok ramas-ramas a bag of frozen chicken meatballs, lepas tu dia taruk balik. Aku ingat satu beg 500g tu pun dah RM12 sekarang. kalau zaman BN dulu, aku hamun Mat Lan. Iya lah, time dia dulu la lepas kenakan GST harga barang melambung dan dia dengan yakinnya kata, "GST turunkan harga barang".
Nov 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
tak ada masalah peruntukan.

But at least dia ada sebut pasal obsolescence Long term solution - dia nak tukar control system. hmmm
Nov 8, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
This is way past unmitigated disaster.

The Thales (formerly by Alcatel) SelTrac control system is used by a number of urban rail transit systems around the world. This is the first time I've heard of an active system having to be shut down extensively because of problems with it seltrac is supposed to be an advanced train control system. Yet to have failed to this point is nothing short of disaster, and can only mean things are so bad and have been allowed to remain so for a long time, out of probable mismanagement or more likely IMO, shortage of funds?
Nov 6, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
25 minutes on the phone with DiGi support - they refused to refund my broadband usage fee but at the same time unable to resolve my issue - for some reason my 4G broadband refuses to work after 10-15 minutes and whatever usage I have in that period is drawn from streaming quota DiGi broadband has this silly practice of separating quota for their broadband - in my case 24GB for streaming and 20GB base quota. Whatever little use I have in that 10-15 mins are deducted from the streaming quota.
Oct 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Chronic rolling stock shortage. The PLBE Ipoh - Pdg Besar project only had ten ETS EMUs procurement tied to it - none were planned for Komuter. Existing rolling stock used are ones originally meant for Klang Valley . So as it is the limited resources are being spread far and thin Unfortunately KTM does not procure rolling stock or all the upgrade projects we've been seeing for that matter. It is all planned (for want of a better word) by MoT holding the purse strings if MoF.

What bungles the planning though is the incessant political meddling.
Oct 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Aku seriously tak paham orang PAS ni.

Dari dulu dok meratib lawan Ameno pasal nak buat negara Islam. In fact when Dr M (BN) declared M'sia already a negara Islam, PAS said it wasn't true.

Tetiba sekarang kata wajib pertahankan kerajaan Islam. Padahal benda yang sama dia lawan dulu tak berubah pun.

Perlembagaan yg dia kata kapir tu masih sama.

Arak judi yang dia tentang tu masih berlaku.

Tiba2 defend pengkhianat (yang masih allow those things), sambil berkata lagak seolah benda tu tak wujud time BN, hanya time PH
Oct 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Orang PAS ni dari dulu sampai sekarang dok meratib dia paling baik, paling matang sejahtera, paling mulia. Tapi sampai sekarang seekor pun tak dapat justify celah mana Islam yanh dibawa Lebai Razman Zakaria depa - dok fitnah sana sini lepas tu terbukti salah. Dok sokong lagi. Remember this, folks - PAS supporters ain't interested in the truth or justice - two main crux of religion they claim to be championing - you can throw facts and logic at them but it won't work, won't make them think.

Thinking critically is beyond them.