Boots Riley Profile picture
I have a show about a 13ft tall Black man who lives in Oakland, CA. It's called I'm A Virgo. It's out now on Prime Video.
Dec 30, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I loved A Complete Unkown. The performances were amazing.

It left out important tension between Seeger & Dylan- political, not just aesthetic.

I didn't mind. I know it'll bring ppl to the songs

Dylan, Guthrie, Seeger. Heroes of mine. But this statement by Noam Chomsky holds: Image .@bobdylan didn't become apolitcal. His politics changed. Many times. He's a complicated person, like us all. But always a brilliant songwriter.

I've looked to his life when deciding whether being a great artist would be enuf.

It helped me decide to not limit myself to artistry
Oct 30, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Ppl keep saying Hamas's charter says "kill all jews"

1000s r being killed w them as justification, so I looked it up

Theyve had newer charters.
The latest is 2017.

1) they say their struggle isnt against Jews

2) they say they want the 1967 borders… From the Hamas Charter (2017):

"Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion."

"Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine."
Oct 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I signed this letter calling for a ceasefire, not cuz I think Biden will do the right thing- but to stand w other writers/directors/actors while calling out this historical nightmare. Btw, I'm Black and I'm a Jew. My mother's mother escaped the holocaust in Germany. Her brother was in a young communist org that physically beat down Nazis in the street b4 they came2power. He had2leave 1st. He was later involved in the French resistance.
Sep 21, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
The fake "crime wave" narrative u see on news & social media outlets is racist & being pushed by police publicists-

AND its attempting to pushback against the strike wave happening in the US & the move to the left by the working class.

30 yrs ago? Crime was 2x what it is now. It can feel like there's "more crime" because not only do we have news outlets being lobbied to report it- but there r pages on IG, tiktok, & twitter dedicated to pushing this story, often calling rhemselves "culture" based & being pushed to you by the Musk/Zuckerberg algorithms.
Jul 14, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
if SAG gives waivers 2indie films during the strike-
studios & streamers will just switch their biz model2buying indie films-

investors will invest in those films knowing a sale is more likely due to the strike.

Production wont slow down very much @ all. Hurts the strike. I hope that the indie waiver is just a rumour and that SAG-AFTRA doesnt actually do that.

Some ppl will be annoyed at me for saying this, but it has to be said.

We need the strike to win.
May 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In the US, one of the "richest" countries in the world-

the bottom 20% (66M people!) make an average of less than $15k/year.

This number is only that high after giving a value to social services available to them.

Stats from the World Inequality Database Image To continue from my last thread: This is the wealth relationship Kissinger et al (and the people they all worked for) killed millions to uphold.
May 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"Kissinger —

who helped prolong the Vietnam War & facilitate genocides in Cambodia, East Timor, & Bangladesh; accelerated civil wars in Africa; & supported coups & death squads thru Latin America-

has the blood of at least 3 million people on his hands"… "Kissinger was on the phone with Gen. Alexander Haig, his military aide, relaying the command for a relentless assault on Cambodia. “'t’s an order, it’s to be done. Anything that flies on anything that moves. You got that?'"
Apr 11, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Here's a quick tutorial on how Tibet was a fuedal slave-owning society (practices China was pushing them to abolish) and how the CIA worked with the Dalai Lama and other slaveowners to keep those practices

last thing I'll do on this. Because people keep saying "ask a Tibetan"- besides the autobiography by a tibetan I posted- the following pics are some quotes from Tibetans in Tibet, and a couple in India, that support my views. some r giving their view of what other tibetans think
Mar 5, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Police bots are out here trying to stoke fear about crime to argue for more police.

[The person in the 3rd slide is who had their face stolen by this bot- he is NOT who wrote the other stuff]

(Continued on following tweets) The Intercept had an article recently about how Police departments are hiring publicists to get the news to stoke fears about a false "crime surge". Bots must be part of it.
May 30, 2020 36 tweets 6 min read
Racist violence and police murder are inherent to capitalism. It will be around until we get rid of capitalism.

Knowing this is also key to finding short term ways that we can collectively get some semblance of more immediate reprisal 4 these injustices

Follow me for a second You cannot have full employment under Capitalism.

Capitalism must have a certain percentage of unemployed ppl to exist.

When unemployment rates lower past a certain point- u see WSJournal, FTimes, etc worry because it means that wages go up- &stock values go down- in real time
Feb 19, 2020 33 tweets 5 min read
I have never voted for a candidate in my life.

But I will be voting for Bernie Sanders in the democratic primary and the general election. If I’m doing that, there are probably tens of millions in that same position.
Let me explain why I’m doing this now: I’ve spoken out many times over the years about the dangers that electoral politics hold for mass movements- reducing involvement to this one moment, this one person, and making it unclear to masses of people that power under capitalism comes at the point of exploitation.