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Humanism is cope. Richard Wagner and José Mourinho fan.
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Jul 6 12 tweets 8 min read
1999 Austrian election. Jörg Haider's FPÖ became the largest party on the right. A coalition government was formed, but it collapsed due to the foreign sanctions and hysteria provoked by his persona, which persisted until his death.

How have things changed in Europe?

Thread🧵: His father had been a SA member and Wehrmacht lieutenant who had joined the DNSAP (Austrian NSDAP) in 1929 as a 15-year-old, and his mother was a leader of the League of German Girls. His time as Governor of Carinthia ended after he commended the Third Reich's employment policy:

Jul 4 4 tweets 3 min read
Wernher von Braun's vision of World War III: An atomic blitzkrieg unleashed from a space station that destroys the Eastern Bloc's manufacturing centers and leaves the "Asiatic mass" in ruins.

From his science fiction novel 'Project Mars: A Technical Tale.’

🧵 1/4
His plan to reach Mars: sending an armada of spaceships that would make the journey in 8 months. They would total 10 giant spaceships, each of which would weigh about 4,000 tonnes and would be assembled in orbit. 950 three-stage rockets will get everything into orbit.
Jun 29 15 tweets 9 min read
Thread 🧵 with curiosities about Scientology:

Both founder L. Ron Hubbard and his successor David Miscavage "disappeared" their wives. Miscavage's wife is confined in the Twin Peaks HQ of CST, the organisation that stores Hubbard's writings in titanium capsules underground… Image This will ensure that Hubbard's writings would survive an apocalyptic event. 

The vaults are marked with the CST logo, making it easy for future survivors and aliens to find them.

The police can't do anything about their wives, it is their right as adults to be in a cult.
Jun 23 50 tweets 26 min read

1930s Germany was a time of political factionalism. How did Adolf Hitler become Chancellor, and how did he get the Enabling Act that gave him total power passed?

This thread chronicles the most important moments of the "transfer of power":
Antecedents: after being imprisoned for the 1923 Putsch, Hitler decided to pursue power through legal means. The NSDAP had few seats in the Reichstag before the great depression caused an increase from 12 in 1928 to 107 in '32.

This graph shows the relevant people in this story: Image
Jun 12 11 tweets 8 min read
The 'Night of the Amazons' was an event that took place in Munich during the Third Reich. The performance celebrated Germany history and the future of the National Socialist regime, and it included nude women and bronze-painted men to evoke classical antiquity.

Thread🧵: It took place in the context of the "International Riem Racing Week," an event that included 14 major equestrian competitions, including horse breeding and racing. The "Brown Ribbon of Germany" was at the time the race with Europe's highest trophy price: 100,000 Reichsmarks.

Jun 6 22 tweets 14 min read

The Thule Society is seen as the secret society that led to the NSDAP. However, it was only a front of the real secret society: the Germanic Order, which dedicated its paramilitary and spying divisions to counter-revolutionary operations against the Bavarian Soviets. Image They were influenced by the ariosophic beliefs of Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels and the works of Gobineau (1853) and Darwin (1859). The "Gobineau Association" was founded by Dr. Ludwig Schemann in 1894 and enjoyed support from the Pan-German League, another precursor. Image
Jun 1 16 tweets 6 min read
My new translation:

The second and final volume of ‘Undefeated Soldier,’ the comic book that narrates the life of Franco. This one is dedicated to his victory in the Spanish Civil War. Enjoy!


May 30 23 tweets 18 min read

Two big Ahnenerbe investigations involved Spain: the Visigothic necropolis of Castiltierra and the Guanche mummies of the Canary Islands, which they connected with Atlantean and Hyperborean mythos. Julio Santa-Olalla and Otto Rössler were Himmler's men in Spain.
Santa-Olalla was the foremost expert on the Visigoths and had been involved in many excavations. He had been a professor at the University of Bonn and was Himmler's guide during his October 1940 visit to Spain. An early Falangist, he survived a communist Cheka, unlike his brother
May 27 5 tweets 2 min read
It was an expedition by the Ahnenerbe's "Research Center for Inner Asia" department, one of 45. No department dealt with esotericism. 83% of German scientists, the best, joined the Ahnenerbe. They worked with the finest in Continental Europe and innovated in every field.

🧵 1/4 Aerial photography, sedimentology, analytics, archaeobotany, mapping, systematic documentary census, ground surveys, extensive stripping, stratigraphy, refining of dating techniques... They created the new archeology that was applied after WWII. Image
May 23 16 tweets 7 min read
New Translation:

This is 'Undefeated Soldier,' a very rare comic book narrating the life of Franco, first published in 1969. This volume narrates his time fighting in North Africa, where he rapidly rose through the ranks to become the youngest General in Europe at 33.



May 20 18 tweets 8 min read
Thread 🧵

The Hexenkartothek was an investigation into the Medieval witch trials conducted by the SS-Ahnenerbe. This was a topic of great interest to Heinrich Himmler, who allegedly was a descendant of Margareth Himbler, a woman who was burned as a witch in April 1629.
Himmler wasn't the only National Socialist leader who was fascinated by this topic; Hermann Göring always remembered how during the Great War he saw ravens "flying in circles around and settling in the old execution sites." This enjoyed discussing this topic, …
May 17 21 tweets 8 min read
The movie could have ended in this scene: “Go home, Doctor. You have a beautiful wife. That should be more than enough for you, because you are not cut out for the highest levels of power.”

Thread on Eyes Wide Shut 🧵 The initial reaction to Eyes Wide Shut was that it wasn't really provocative or erotic and that Kubrick was out of touch. Like with every Kubrick movie, it took the critics more than 20 years to reassess the film.
Apr 6 27 tweets 16 min read
🚨Important Thread!🧵

Time is running out! The Uranus cycle occurs every 84 years, each cycle preceding an era of great turmoil. The prime mover of this epoch will be Donald Trump, who is a Gemini with Mars on the ascendant. This grants him the archetypical characteristics…
Image of Mercury as a negotiator, but also the warlike qualities of Mars.

A powerful symbol, given the fact that Gemini is symbolized by the celestial twins. A mark of affinity but also of ability to create a new order, like in the case of Romulus and Remus, who were thought to…
Apr 5 11 tweets 5 min read
Thread 🧵:

This game is about Japan, as represented by the protagonist and his mentor, Susano-o, reasserting itself spiritually and politically in a world of dwindling American influence, symbolized in the game by Yahweh, who has vanished, leaving the world in a state of chaos.
Yahweh was allegedly slain by Lucifer, who in this video game series represents the “alignment” (one of three paths or endings for the player) of Chaos.

The old gods have thus returned to prominence, and they rule again over their former homelands: Odin, Zeus, Shiva and Khonsu…

Apr 4 10 tweets 5 min read
Thread 🧵 1/9

August 16, 1942. At the end of a requiem mass for fallen Carlists in the War, a Falangist threw a grenade at the Carlists who were leaving the basilica.

The fact that Franco made these people work together is more a testament to political brilliance than malice.

The purported aim of the attack was the killing of the Carlist General José Enrique Varela, Minister of the Army.

The event followed years of tensions among the different factions inside the regime.

A cause of resentment was the power of Serrano Suñer, Franco’s brother-in-law.
Feb 4 14 tweets 9 min read

A year ago, there were many articles in the press talking about a 1935 letter from Salvador Dalí to André Breton calling for the creation of a “racist Hitlerian religion.”

I provide a full translation of the letter with additional commentary about the ideas behind it:
Dalí asserts that the Surrealists were becoming "priests." The movement was led in a personalist manner by André Breton, who, as a member of the Communist Party since 1927, had an interest in integrating them within the International Congress of Writers.
Jan 28 15 tweets 6 min read
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was a cosmopolitan, a freemason, a pacifist, a feminist, a mischling, and, ultimately, a better class of liberal, but his fame among those who believe in a supposed ‘Kalergi Plan’ is unfounded.

🧵 Thread with some excerpts from his books:
He had excellent networking abilities, partly due to his aristocratic linage and partly because he had some knowledge of at least 10 languages. Thomas Mann and Freud attended to his Pan-European Congress. Image
Nov 10, 2023 30 tweets 6 min read
Dumbest sh*t I’ve ever read.

Reality: This is the Article 62 of the Spanish Constitution. On paper, it forbids general pardons, but our leftist Supreme Court may think otherwise.

What is ACTUALLY happening in Spain:

Image The left wants to carry out a general amnesty of the Catalan secessionist movement, many of whom are today in prison for crimes like sedition, embezzlement, misuse of public funds, influence peddling, organized crime…
Sep 14, 2023 18 tweets 8 min read
- "It may be true that in a 5-year period I transitioned from NRX to judaism, then to becoming a commie, being ordained a protestant minister and finally to Paganism, but when you notice this it is woke cancel cultcha!"

- "The woke are more correct than the mainstream”

I already talked about this guy, and now he is seething about his weird story being posted in english. First, he hides that his surname is García because it is Spanish (actually Basque) and calls himself by his mother's surname, a former Catalan Government Minister.
Sep 11, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
- “Listen to my story:

In 2018 I was a communist.

2019: converted to judaism and adopted the name ‘Boaz’.

2020: became a Protestant minister.

2021: became an Evolian Catalan Nationalist”

- “I was born right wing. Those who speak of a “red gene” are correct. You are a troon”

Aug 23, 2023 31 tweets 16 min read

Masakado was a 9th century samurai.

Calling himself Shinnō (new Emperor), he led the first uprising against the central government, an enterprise for which he was deified by the locals.

Legends abound about his severed head, which was said to have come back to life…
In 9th century Japan (Heian period 794-1185) Heian-kyō (Kyoto) was the centre of government. The country was divided in 68 provinces, each ruled by a regional governor appointed by the Emperor.