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The y’all in “Here y’all go with the statistics.”
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Sep 26, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
When you're reading the Eric Adams indictment today, take a moment to ask yourself why the Turkish government and its aligned business interests were willing to go so far and spend so much on bribes to make sure that they could develop skyscrapers in NYC. There's a story to be told about how major US cities and their governments have turned themselves into partners for foreign governments/business interests to develop real estate and make billions in profits that don't benefit anyone who actually lives and works in those cities.
May 16, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
The only question right now is "WHY is the entire US establishment willing to go so much farther suppressing dissent about Israel policy than seemingly any other type of dissent other than racial justice protests?"

And the only possible answers are extremely disturbing. Military-industrial complex profiteering, corporate control of "free" press, dark money SuperPACs, 9/11 era Islamophobia, the nexus of US law enforcement/Israeli surveillance tech, foreign lobbying groups w the ability to blackmail politicians/business leaders... it's all there.
Apr 18, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
For 50 years, corporations, politicians, and mainstream media have been conditioning the public to see college campus protests as silly kids who "don't know how the world works."

Not bc it's true, but bc they know how powerful youth movements can become if they're not suppressed Counterculture antiwar youth movements of the 60s terrified the corporate/political establishment & made them genuinely fear that they could lose their control over society.

The backlash against every grass roots anti-establishment protest movement since has been unrelenting.
Mar 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Boeing whistleblower John Barnett was planning to drive home to Louisiana after his deposition on Friday 3/8 before Boeing lawyers asked him to stay one more day to finish his testimony.

His body was found on the morning of 3/9. finance.yahoo.com/news/last-days… Barnett was planning to start driving from SC to LA after completing his testimony on Friday 3/8, but that night the Boeing lawyers asked him to stay for one more day of depositions on Saturday 3/9.

Something happened overnight at his hotel, and he was found dead that morning. Image
Mar 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The Boeing whistleblower was found dead 3 days ago.

It took 2 days for news of his death to become public, no update from Charleston police, no comments from any politicians, no "narrative" about the story on corporate media, nothing except people like me talking onhere/TikTok. As far as I can tell, no major news org is following up on this very suspicious/newsworthy story.

No one trying to get more info from Charleston police, no interviews with friends/family/former coworkers, no coverage at all past one article on each outlet reporting his death.
Mar 7, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This is NOT one of those "is this happening more or are we just seeing it more on social media?" situations.

Planes catching fire midflight, losing panels because loose bolts aren't checked, having pieces of the wing fall off is NOT a regular thing, and it wasn't in the past. There's something very unsettling about the way that corporate media, politicians, and business leaders encourage the public to just accept big changes to the way society works by pretending that nothing really changed at all and anyone saying it has is just being hysterical.
Feb 2, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
If McDonald's supply chain (they're the largest purchaser of beef in THE WORLD) is dependent on prison labor being paid under $1/hour...

The implications are so SYSTEMIC that it means you have to throw out everything you've been taught to believe about how the "economy" works. The narrative on "prison labor" has always been "they punch license plates, press t-shirts, work jobs like food/custodial service in the prison" etc.

Actual reality is that large corporations (w powerful lobbyists) are taking prisoners OUT OF PRISON to work for almost nothing...
Nov 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The price of eggs was fixed. It was not "supply chain issues" or "increased costs due to inflation."

Every major egg producer worked together to fix prices, gouge consumers, and massively increase profits. The egg industry is just one very obvious example.

The truth is that there are no "free markets" and corporations that claim to be "competitors" are all working together AGAINST consumers to raise prices and increase their profits.
Mar 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Everything in the economy now, price gouging on groceries, private equity buying up homes, Fed raising rates to increase unemployment, tech layoffs... it's all backlash to those first 6 months of the pandemic when we all saw that the world won't just end if ppl stop going to work Nothing in my lifetime ever scared Big Business more than when millions of retail/low wage workers on pandemic unemployment were getting $600/week.

Not the 2008 crash, not 9/11, nothing. The backlash to that $600 and what it meant about how our society really works is ENORMOUS.
Mar 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
What — and I can't stress this enough — THE FUCK Median rent for 1 BR apartments in the city rent is $3000. Incredibly profitable financial, biotech, healthcare industry corporations are based within BLOCKS of that T station.

There is so much money in Mass but the infrastructure is literally disintegrating. What a disgrace.
Nov 2, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
George Will is 81 years old and he's spent the last 50 years working to help Republicans gain as much power as possible and then use it to implement extreme right-wing policies that have effectively destroyed this society.

That's really all you need to know about him. Instead of talking about George Will's latest column, let's talk about why someone whose political views haven't changed since the 70s and who has been demonstrably wrong about MANY important issues is still considered a newsworthy opinion writer, published in the WaPo in 2022.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
For anyone who's somehow been able to avoid learning the meaning of "Let's Go Brandon" for the last year:

This is the official Republican Party twitter account tweeting out something that means "F Joe Biden" There is def an escalation happening across the GOP.

High level Republicans are laughing about the violent attack on the Speaker of the House's home, their fascist "militias" are intimidating voters at ballot drop boxes...

One week till election day.
Jul 13, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
It's not just airlines.

Every industry is price gouging, screwing over customers, failing to deliver the product you paid for, funneling record profits to execs/shareholders, and hoarding cash for when the entire economy falls off a cliff within the next year. "Business leaders" have been OPENLY saying that the next crash will be an opportunity to cut wages and force workers into accepting worse conditions (including ending remote work).

This is while they're raking in record profits due to price gouging being sold as "inflation."
Nov 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Literally just repeating Fox News talking points line by line. Nothing a Fox News addict likes to do more than invoke MLK to try to justify their selfishness as some sort of selfless sacrifice for the greater good.
Apr 29, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Stephanie Ruhle just said said "I could make $200k, my partner could make $200k... and a lot of Americans wouldn't really consider that rich." Ruhle then said there are "millions & millions" of families making over $400k.

It's about 1.5% of roughly 120 million households in the US, so maybe 1.8M families. Hardly "millions and millions" but I'm sure it feels that way to Ruhle because everyone she knows is in the 1%.
Apr 26, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
The job market situation is simple:

After the 2008 crash, employers were able to hire workers for much less than they were worth and got used to having a ton of leverage in the employment market.

They want to do the same exact thing now, but workers aren't having it this time. In 2009-2010, people with graduate degrees were taking very low paying jobs, people with 10 years experience were laid off and took pay cuts/demotions to keep working, hourly workers were *competing* for jobs at places like Walmart and McDonalds.

This time, it's different.
Apr 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The best thing I saw this weekend was the new Secret Life of Whales doc on Disney+.

The Beluga episode was so cool and the Sperm Whale episode about how they have different cultures/languages in different ocean regions was the best new hour of nature programming in years. These whales are TALKING to each other. Full sentences, full awareness of reality. If we think we humans are even 1% more intelligent than them in any way, we're fooling ourselves.

They are full conscious intelligent beings, period.
Apr 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
How do you have a political system where the Republicans just make something up out of whole cloth and then within 24 hours literally all of them are acting like it's a verified fact?

You don't, really. That's where we're at. The "Biden wants you to eat 90% less red meat" lie feels harmless because it's very low stakes but the speed it spread and the way that the ENTIRE right-wing Republican system is treating it like a verified, indisputable fact is terrifying.

Big Lies, small lies, it's all lies.
Jan 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
For background, Kash Patel came from the traitor Devin Nunes' staff and Ezra Cohen-Watnick came from the traitor Michael Flynn's staff. Ezra Cohen-Watnick is extremely close with Michael Flynn.

Michael Flynn was advocating for Trump to declare martial law and force swing states to "redo" their elections.

Cohen-Watnick used his position in the Pentagon to stop the military from defending the US Capitol on 1/6.
Jan 26, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
This assumes that if Democrats preserve the filibuster, Republicans won't destroy it themselves the next time they have a majority.

They already did that for judges, and they'll do it for legislation too if they believe it will help them in their pursuit of absolute power. There's no reason to believe that if Democrats keep the filibuster in place now, McConnell (or another Republican) won't get rid of it later when they have a majority later.

We know for a fact that Republicans will do ANYTHING if they believes it will give them more power.
Dec 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Cops just letting the Proud Boys and other fascists do whatever they want with no tear gas, no beat downs, no "rubber" bullets shot at their face...

Tells you everything you need to know about cops. All that "law & order" and "Democrats want mob rule" talk but when there's an actual violent mob of right-wing fascists on the street... cops are marching with them, protecting them, allowing them to do whatever they want.