BowTiedDuck Profile picture
Turbo Autist: DeFi @ BTB | 🦆🔪🤡
May 7, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I had 6 figs of student loans obligations .

I scrimped and saved every penny . Lived at home .

I took me 3 years to pay off my debt . Meanwhile , my classmates were driving around in nice cars , trips, luxury goods . Funny thing about compounding and no debt (mortgage excluded) is that it allowed insane astronomical risk.

From buying crypto “early”, going deep into statistical sports betting, participating in otc trades, and throwing $ at high risk endeavors (most failed )
Jun 30, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
I hope the Duck team @unitprotoccol is ready for a near total collapse in borrowing/ earnings.

Maker is cutting rates to many collaterals to very low rates.

The USDP pool on Curve reached 21% USDP/79% 3CRV at one point. Heavy imbalance. Currently USDP pool on Curve sits at 29/71% which allows a peculiar arbitrage.

USDP swap through curve yields 1.25% premium to USDC/USDT.

This means you can deposit the stablecoins on duck, rake in a 1.2% premium on ~6-6.5% risk (roughly), which equates to roughly 18%
Jun 28, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1/400k supply= UHNWI Image BTC: 21M/400k= 52.5 BTC -25% lost/dead coins= ~40 BTC
ETH: 120M/400k = 300 ETH
LINK: 1B supply (Assume 25% held by team/devs)= 750M/400k= 1,875 LINK

40 BTC/ 300 ETH/ 1875 LINK
May 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Wait till everybody figures you can borrow from Duck for beautiful cash/carry.

Borrow @ 5.5 % AND
LEND out USDT to Aave (9-12%+) OR
LEND 3pool yearn vault 13.5% OR
LEND USDP yearn vault 30% Of note: there are fees moving things around. Breakeven is generally 1 week for fees (deposit/withdraw to curve + gas)
May 3, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
*Autist Alert*

Duck Unit Protoccol…

Page 1

- MakerDao for Shtcoins= Digital Collateralized Pawnshop for Coins
- DEGENS want more LEVERAGE + COLLATERAL options
- Cheap, Fixed-rate Interest ranging from 5.5% (BTC/ETH/YFI) to 12% (Shtcoins) Page 2

- Generates fees in UP and Down Markets. DUCK= ANTIFRAGILE BUSINESS MODEL!
- Major Risks=
1) 30% overnight market drop in Large Caps, 50% overnight drop in shitcoins
2) Smart contract bug
3) Oracle risk (reduced risk since switching to Chainlink in April 2021)
Apr 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Just got scammed for the 1st time in yield-farming

They duplicated the whole telegram chat. Added fake admins and users hyping an air-drop.

I used my farmed rewards to send to their air-drop address. OFC it was a scam smh.

always check the telegram handle. smh luckily, it was a small loss. But hey stay safe out there.

Lots of SCAMS