Gator | Dentist Profile picture
I’m the dentist that doesn’t agree with the other 9 | Not Medical Advice | Co-founder of Twitters favorite toothpaste @betterbiom 👇
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Jun 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Someone replied/QT you with the infamous braindead meme?

If you've been hit with this meme more than once, there is a chance you've been acting pretty low IQ.

Don't fret though, we can fix you (maybe). 👇

HOW NOT TO BE BRAINDEAD ON TWITTER 🧵 Image RULE #1: Deceptively simple, rarely followed: read the post before commenting.

See a thread that interests you? Read the whole thing. Have a question? Read the comments.

96% chance your question has been answered 12 times.
May 18, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Everyone loves an ancient herb, especially one like Black Seed Oil. Meet Nigella Sativa, a potent plant that's as old as time, but this time in the context of your oral health.

(Check out @Grimhood for all other things BSO related) Image There are many on Twitter who talk at length about Nigella Sativa, but a brief intro:

Inside we find Thymoquinone. It's got antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a strong contender against inflammation and oxidative stress, the usual suspects in gum disease. Image
May 17, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Receding Gums probably account for 75% of the questions I get in replies or DM's, yet the only guidance they receive from their dentist is "get the graft surgery"

Maybe you need the surgery, but what if you don't?

Join me as we walk through the valley of recession together👇 Gum recession sucks.

It hurts.

It looks bad.

It happens quickly.

Before we can consider how to fix it, we need to define where it comes from. Image
Apr 26, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Cold sore got you down?

Not you, of course. Your friend. Statistically 70% of the population has some form of herpes, but definitely not you.

This thread is for your friend 😉 Image The herpes virus (HSV-1) is a sneaky little bitch. It hides out in your trigeminal nerve, waiting to strike in your weakest moment. It never fully goes away, only ebbs and flows Image
Apr 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I’ve been spending some time trying to understand design from a higher level rather than learning specific software

Recently down a Dieter Rams rabbit hole, and early designs from Braun

I’m obviously drawn to the oral care products but the whole brand is very interesting to me Image I’m not an expert by any means so take my observations with a grain of salt but this product was designed 40 years ago and is almost indistinguishable from waterpicks today. If anything, this is even an upgrade in some respects. Image
Feb 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Zyn has taken the world by storm as a safe way to get your nicotine fix.

We may not have flying cars but we have modern tobacco-free nicotine. Zyn has become a meme and possibly responsible for a portion of the GDP due to reported increased productivity output.

Is it healther? Before I dive into this let me clarify:

I am not naive to the benefits of nicotine. There are plenty of articles that demonstrate nicotine is not all bad, and has neuroprotective effects.
Jan 24, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
So you've been told you grind in your sleep but they weren't talking about your bank account?

Maybe your dentist even told you that you need a $900 night guard.

Let's go over fact vs fiction Image The first trigger for a dentist to say "you grind in your sleep" is tooth wear.

They see worn down teeth and say "ah HA! You are wearing down your teeth because your gnashing those teeth while you sleep."

But how do they know for sure?

Well, they don't. Image
Jan 16, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Your dentist probably didn't tell you this but..

There's a supplement that helps gingivitis.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) or Ubiquinone is known for it's cardiac benefits but it can aid in keeping your gums healthy. Image CoQ10 is a fat soluble antioxidant produced naturally by our bodies and found in food.

It's an energy transfer molecule, found in high concentrations in tissues with high rates of metabolism.

Deficiency leads to decreased cell function/efficiency and increased oxidative stress.
Jan 6, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Nano Hydroxyapatite

Discovered by NASA and dubbed the "magic bullet" for your teeth (by me, the cavity crusher)

Maybe you've seen it mentioned, or maybe it's the first time you're hearing about it. The mouth is a busy place, there's a lot of action in there.

We are always in a state of REmineralizing or DEmineralizing our teeth.

If you couldn't put it together, we want to maximize remineralization (adding minerals) to avoid permanent damage and cavities.
Jan 4, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
You want whiter teeth, be honest.

The problem: there's way too many products out there that claim to "whiten"

Let's cut through the BS to get you a few shades brighter 👇 Teeth get stained, it's a fact of life.

However, people often mistake erosion for stain. Don't try to whiten teeth with erosion.

The yellow is from the inner layer of tooth (dentin) shining through because you've lost your enamel shell.
Dec 22, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
"You need to get your wisdom teeth removed"

Almost everyone has heard this from their dentist at some point, but is it true?

Are they enamel bombs waiting to blow up?

Or are they the hidden link to the tooth/body connection by meridians? Wisdom teeth (third molars) get their name because of the age in which they erupt. They start to peek their heads out around 18-25 years old, when you're supposed to be a "wiser" adult.

Some people never get them at all, it's more common than you think.
Dec 20, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
The most misunderstood thing in your mouth:

White fillings (composite/bonding)

Is it the perfect alternative to silver fillings?

Or is it a chemical ridden plastic, leaking BPA into your body? In 1963 Dr. Rafael Bowen discovered you could chemically treat silica particles allowing their surface to be chemically bonded into a hard mixture starting a new chapter in dentistry with the resin composite.

These composites weren't great but the technology has come a long way.
Dec 12, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
Do you or a loved one have metal fillings?

180 million Americans have over a billion teeth with fillings, most of them being metal.

You might be worried about mercury exposure, and I'm here to break it down in plain english. Image First, let's go over what exactly a metal filling is and why it's used.

They are called "amalgam" which is defined as a mixture or blend.

These fillings are a blend of different metals that start soft and harden:

Liquid mercury (elemental)
Copper Image
Dec 7, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
So you want to reverse a cavity and remineralize your teeth . . .

This is how I optimize my patients against cavities (and myself, too). Image The dentist tells you that you have 49 new cavities but you've never had one in your life and it doesn't hurt..

Then you go for a second opinion and they say you actually don't have any at all.

What gives? Is it a scam?

Let's start by defining a cavity Image
Dec 5, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
The dentist is a scam, and I'm telling you this as a dentist.

However there is a way to correct the ways in which we think about teeth that can save you money and stress. Most dentists mean well, they really do. They are a lot less rich than you think, and those depression statistics are true.

They are underappreciated and often forgotten members of the healthcare community.

Where did things go wrong?
Nov 30, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Everyone knows sugar causes cavities...

But did you know there's a sugar substitute that PREVENTS them?

Enter Xylitol: The Miracle Sweetener Xylitol is a naturally derived sugar substitute that is found in berries, mushrooms, and cauliflower.

It's different from sugar because it's a polyol, or sugar alcohol.

It has the same sweetness as sugar, but half the calories.

AND it protects your teeth.
Nov 21, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Nobody cares about their toothpaste until they get told “you have cavities and gum disease”

Read this story if you don’t want to regret your decision 10 years too late: Image Your toothpaste sucks, and I’m not going to dance around it.

But I have the solution, and it's available now:
Oct 10, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read

Does your sister have a better jawline than you? Do you get rejected for being a weak-jawed bitch? If the answer is yes someone has a product to sell you. Not me though, read on for Mastic Gum 101

>What is it?
>What does it do?
>Is it bad for me?
>Should I chew it? Image The claimed benefits of chewing mastic gum:
>Improved digestion
>Cures infections
>Reduces acid reflux
>Reduces cholesterol
>Gives you a jawline that will cause women to faint as they pass by

This almost sounds too good to be true, lemme get some of that mastic gum!
Sep 26, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Everything you wanted to know about toothpaste but were too afraid to ask

Your local grocery store has a sickening amount of options, and tbh your dentist likely hasn't educated you about what the differences are. The most important aspect of a toothpaste is abrasivity. We're not talking about your drunk uncle being abrasive at thanksgiving. This is about how rough/gritty the toothpaste is because it WILL wear away precious enamel. RDA (relative dentin abrasivity) is the measure we use.
Sep 15, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Did you know over 50% of the population has one or more areas of receding gums?

It doesn't look good, it usually leaves you with sensitive teeth, and the exposed roots are more prone to abrasion (wearing down).

ALSO it happens in people with good oral hygiene so what gives? Image What causes your gums to recede? (a lot of things)

>Brushing too hard (even more w/ hard bristle toothbrush)
>Orthodontic treatment
>Plaque buildup
>Periodontal disease
>Messed up bite
> Genetics

Sep 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

yes, the thread none of you want but many of you need.

8/10 people brush their teeth incorrectly (I made that number up but it's high)

Let's talk about proper technique

* Things you'll need: An extra soft toothbrush, and non-abrasive toothpaste Image "The Modified Bass Technique" is the most effective way to keep your teeth clean.

The photo gives clear childproof instructions

Most people usually:
> Brush too hard
> Don't go at 45 degrees
> Not long enough

These mistakes are likely causing enamel abrasion and gum recession Image