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7 subscribers
Oct 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
A woman will abandon her family

A woman will leave her high paying job

A woman will leave her religion

A woman will change her name

A woman will lie & manipulate her people

A woman will abandon her children

A woman will stage her kidnap

A woman will abandon her country & people

A woman will sacrifice her career goals

A woman will abandon her marriage

A woman will forget EVERYTHING she swore not to do


Oct 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read

Be the problem she's trying to fix & cannot.

Remain untamed!

And never pander to her.

She would be too focused on fixing you, trying to conquer you, too invested in loving you to have time to wander off.

Women cheat when they're bored. And they're bored when you don't give them something to fix, when you're too perfect...

"No woman cheats like a woman in a perfect & secured relationship."

Wise men know this.
Feb 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The harder you are with her, the softer she'll be with you

The softer you are with her, the harder she'll be with you

I didn't make these rules, nature did.
Feb 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm going to see a friend = a man

I'm going to see my friend = a lady

I went out with a friend = a man

I went out with my friend = a lady

I was on the call with a friend = a man

I was on the call with my friend = a lady

Note: Women don't use the possessive 'my' when referring to men because they subconsciously know that men & women can't be friends.

Deep down, she's aware he wants something other than friendship & she's leading him on.

This is why when she says, 'He's just a friend', what she means is, 'I know he wants to sleep with me & I have kept him as your replacement.'
Jan 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read

• You make her too comfortable in the relationship. You don't put her on her toes. The relationship is predictably boring. This leads to the slow death of romance.

• You tolerate & indulge her bullshit. No reprimands or withdrawal of attention where necessary.

• You fall for her shit tests. You lose frame & bend to her will.

• You need her more than she needs you. You are scared of losing her

• You're obsessed with pleasing her. Afraid to piss her off once in a while.

The bottom line is, when you don't lead the relationship as you should, you've given her power to kill the relationship.

And she will.

Because she'll get bored of leading the relationship. And will find another who has a better frame to lead her.
Nov 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Damaged women have been with many men so never underestimate their knowledge of what you want in a woman.

They know you want a lady who's submissive, respectful & loyal. A lady can cook & clean. So they often play these roles perfectly to bait you for marriage.

It's called Mirroring Manipulation Tactic (MMT)

She mirrors your interests in a woman, so she can pose as a perfect match for you.

And if you're not smart, you won't see the misery you're about to be enrobe in.

And lest I forget, they're usually beautiful & can fuck the thinking daylights out of your brain.

So you may not even think about dumping her when you know about her underwhelming pasts.

But what you want most in a woman—SEXUAL EXCLUSIVITY— is what she can't guarantee. Why?

Because she's used to attention from every angle, which translates to getting piped by different men.

And so she'll carry that habit straight down to your matrimonial bed & you'll be cucked & made to raise children never yours.

That is how every foollish guy pays the price of ignoring a woman's past.

Nov 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Women are happiest & sweetest when in love. It's in their nature to be so because finding love is their primal craving, their utmost fulfillment in life. For this reason is why they aspire to marriage.

Men on the otherhand don't find utmost sense of fulfillment in love; rather they find it in work, in building something, in working on their goals....

This is the way of men.

This is why a broke & idle man can't be happy, even though he may be in love with a woman.

But a woman in a relationship can be happy while being broke & idle because she's not a success object.

As long as there's a man to satisfy her emotional needs which is love, her happiness blooms like a flower.

For this reason is why a woman can be well off, independent yet depressed.

You'd expect that with her independence should come happiness but it's clearly not the case. Why?

Because money & success isn't her utmost fulfilment in life, finding love (marriage) is.

As a man, this helps you to understand why you don't need a woman to be happy in life; rather she needs you.

You only need your purpose to be happy.

When you understand this, you become the PRIZE.
Oct 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Signs of A Low Quality Woman (Updated List)

• Parties, smokes & drinks

• Has a High body count

• broke & entitled

• Very materialistic

• Keeps male friends

• Has tatoos

• She's vulgar (Uses swear words)

• Has anger issues

• Wears revealing clothes

• Piercings (nose ring)

• Fat

•Tints her hair

• Daddy issues

• Cat/dog mom

• Puts career over family

• Identifies as a feminist

• Keeps slutty friends

• Supports LGBTQ+

• Social Media Freak

• Single mother

• Sticks out tongue in pictures

• Shows off ass in pictures

• Hates this tweet
Oct 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A woman underestimates a man's love for her. This makes her more inclined to keep her options open, even while in a relationship.

You have to understand that in relationships, women always have insecurities that they're not loved enough or atleast the way they should be loved. And this puts them in perpetual quest to feel & experience love either from you or elsewhere.

On the otherhand, a man overestimates a woman's love for him. This is why it's easier to find a man in a one-sided relationship because men always interpret a little display of affection from a woman to mean love.

So he's more inclined to stay where his energy isn't reciprocated because he thought he had seen love, which is an overestimation of her interest in him.

And unless he's a player, he hardly keeps his options open.

This concept helps you to understand why women easily move on from breakups, while men hardly do.
Oct 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Signs of A Low Quality Woman (Updated List)

• Parties, smokes & drinks

• Has a High body count

• broke & entitled

• Very materialistic

• Keeps male friends

• Has tatoos

• Piercings (nose ring)

• Fat

•Tints her hair

• Daddy issues

• Cat/dog mom

• Puts career over family

• Identifies as a feminist

• Keeps slutty friends

• Supports LGBTQ+

• Social Media Freak

• Single mother

• Sticks out tongue in pictures

• Shows off ass in pictures

• Hates this tweet
Oct 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It easier for a man to change his toxic traits than a woman to change hers. Why?

Because unlike men, women are less rational, more emotional & less accountable for their actions.

And instead of changing her toxic traits, she'd use her emotions to justify them.

She's likely play the "that's the way I am" card, got from her deck of bullshit.

This is why women are often big on astrology. They use zodiac jargons to rationalise their toxic traits & by doing so, they give up the power to change & become better persons for themselves & others.

You see this trait when a woman is wrong & instead of apologising, she'd try to play the victim card & may end up making you apologise for indicting her for her wrongs.

For instance, if you catch a cheating woman, she'd most likely convince herself that she did no wrong & that it's because you weren't giving her quality attention that pushed her into the pit of infidelity.

And even when she may not be bold enough to say it to your face, she'd justify her actions inwardly & then shift the blame to you subconsciously.

This is why we often tell you to cut off damaged women.

She'd never change. she's NEVER truly sorry for what she did. And would go back to committing the same crime the next minute.

Cast her aside!
Oct 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

• You make her too comfortable in the relationship. You don't put her on her toes. The relationship is predictably boring. This leads to the slow death of romance.

• You tolerate & indulge her bullshit. No reprimands or withdrawal of attention where necessary.

• You fall for her shit tests. You lose frame & bend to her will.

• You need her more than she needs you. You are scared of losing her

• You're obsessed with pleasing her. Afraid to piss her off once in a while.

The bottom line is, when you don't lead the relationship as you should, you've given her power to kill the relationship.

And she will.

Because she'll get bored of leading the relationship. And will find another who has a better frame to lead her.
Oct 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
When it comes to matters of the heart, women are more logical than men. They all love opportunistically.

And thanks to hypergamy, they get to choose men who are richer, stronger, more powerful than them.

It's only in movies that women date down, not in real life.

Men on the otherhand, are hardly logical. Most are incurable romantics who don't have standards to dating & are willing to go down the lower rungs of the ladder in search of a spouse.

And that's a blessing & a curse in itself.

A blessing because it helps to create balance in the world. If all men decide to marry women who are on their levels. Not so many women will be married today. And that's a big blow to the gender that aspires to marriage.

On the otherhand, it's a curse because most women have grown complacent in many areas of development & are now weaponising & selling sex because they know most men have zero standard in their mating choice.

"Just look beautiful & give him some overused pussy & watch him eager to spend his money & the rest of his miserable life with you"

This is where we find ourselves today.

The only way out is for men to start setting standards for the gift of their commitment:

It's OK to reject a lady on account of her whoring past.

It's OK to date a lady in her early 20s.

It's OK to say you don't date a broke & entitled lady.

It's OK to shun fat ladies.

It's OK to want a virgin.

Set your standards & never go below them.

Don't succumb to their shame game.

It's a tactic used by the worst of women, who are in the majority, to make you select them.

Never fold!
Oct 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A woman is less offended to know a man is a player than to find out he's a virgin.

You may think telling her you're a novice excites her the same way it excites you to find out a lady is virgin.

It doesn't.

Men and women see things differently:

Women want experience while men want innocence.

She finds the player intriguing because his exploits demonstrate a strong willpower to dominate women & also conquer life.

The virgin, she finds repulsive because he seems untested, green & naive. And may lack the drive to compete in a dreadfully competitive world.

I have said it before, your morality isn't important to a woman, what she cares about is your strength.

If you're morally upright but weak (as is often the case with nice guys), no woman will find you sexually attractive.

Women fall in love with your strength, before ever considering your personality.

That's why their choice in men is often terrible, because they consider a man's strength, above his virtue.

She falls for the bad guy because he projects strength. She knows virtue is far from him, yet she can't help herself.

So she picks him & expects to change him for the better, an experiment which often fails to her dismay.

In essence, to be dominated & ravaged by a man is a woman's greatest fantasy.

But how can he possibly fulfill her craving if he's untested & weak?

That's how she thinks.
Oct 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The reason it's easier for women to move on quickly from a break up than men is because on the average, the female gets more approached by the opposite sex than the male.

Thus, in a way, she makes little or no effort in keeping her options open.

This is even why it's easier for women to casually cheat in a relationship than it is for men.

And indeed they do. But don't expect them to admit so. It's not called cheating in their parlance. They call it "weighing her options"

And this is also why before any relationship ends, she knows the next man on the list.

The same cannot be said for a man. He barely gets approached & even if he does, he's still the one to do the heavy lifting of taking the initiative as the man.

How many initiatives can the average man possibly take while in a relationship?

The reason this is important for you to get is that it makes you understand why being less emotionally invested than your woman in the relationship is the ideal.

Am I saying you shouldn't love your woman?


All I'm saying is that you need to be with a woman who feels she's lucky to have you; for that's when she can ward off the offers & attention of other men.

If you stay with a woman who feels otherwise, get ready to be cucked because she would entertain these other men. And that marks the beginning of the end of your relationship.
Oct 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
As a man, you need to realize that in the dating world, you are either a predator or the prey. There's no in-between. Nothing about relationship is ever moral.

If you've got game, you qualify as a predator because you can't be preyed on by women who are naturally born with game.

Put simply, you won't be easily manipulated into committing to a woman worth shit. Thereby settling for less. Rather you'd do manipulation yourself by carefully selecting a worthy woman & discarding the rest.

Men without GAME are preys. They are the simps easily manipulated by women. And no matter how good or well-intentioned they are, they often attract low quality women.

And this is not because they prefer low quality women to high value women but because they themselves are incompetent in properly evaluating the true worth of a woman.

They are men whose sole criterion for selecting a woman is beauty. Hence they fall prey to low value women who are usually big on aesthetics because that's the only thing they got to offer.

That's the fate of men clueless about women nature:

They all pay for their ignorance in tokens of grief & doom.
Oct 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The only way your relationship with her could survive is

"If She Looks Up To You"

• She must look up to you in finance

• She must look up to you for advice (knowledge & wisdom)

• She must look up to you for pleasure

If these three criteria are not satisfied, she'll have a harder time submitting to you.

That's why you must constantly invest in yourself as a man. Don't get too relaxed in your relationship.

Seek knowledge!

Work on your finances!

Hit the gym. Work on your body!

Become a better version of yourself every day.

For that's only when she can sit up & become the better version of herself too.

If you're complacent, she'll be same too.

Don't forget your woman is your follower. As such, what you project will rub off on her.

One of the reasons modern day marriages don't last is because men don't get this concept well.

They fall in love & fall into complacency.

Why do I put the blame on men alone?

It's simple:

Men are leaders & must always be the measure of all things.

This is why I put the blame for the social ills we suffer today on men—weak men to be precise:

"The real pandemic is the lack of masculine men"

In conclusion, men must realize that the love & respect of a woman, especially in a union, is a series of battles that must be constantly won, if we don't intend to lose the war which is a lasting union.
Oct 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"If she's stressing you, dump her"

The problem with this advice is that all women will stress you at some point.

There's no exception to this.

I say this because this kind of advice often push men to dump good, feminine women who raved at some point.

The thing is, the masculine & the feminine don't think the same way & thus won't act the same way.

You shouldn't be too wishful as to think your woman will act like your fellow men. She won't. She will act like a woman—stubborn, rebellious, chaotic etc.

Put simply, she'll always bring drama to your relationship. And you shouldn't resent her for this. It's in her nature. You don't hate a bird for flying.

However a distinction must be made between the stress that comes from a woman who's merely being dramatic & that which comes from a woman who's damaged.

Always remember:

"All women, by nature, are dramatic but not all women are damaged"

If she's feminine, submissive, from a stable family & has low body count & doesn't cheat on you, she's bound to stress you at some point & that's her being dramatic. So dumping her won't be a wise move.

On the contrary, if she's cheats on you, always recalcitrant, comes from an unstable family, has a high body count, feminist-minded, then she's damaged & compromised.

And you're encouraged to do away with her.
Oct 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
If you can't beat your chest to say that "your" woman loves you, it's because you're not her main option.

Accept it.

Women talk to different guys at a time. If she's not reciprocating the energy you're giving her, trust me, it's going elsewhere.

And there's no amount of "pressure" you apply that can change the narrative.

Don't be tempted by your emotional brain to think "maybe she needs more time" to accept you.

No, it doesn't work that way.

This is where a slap of reality is needed:

The best thing to do is to emotionally check out of the relationship. To stay further is folly.

And you do this by telling yourself the truth & limiting the energy you bring thenceforth.

For instance, there are some relationships where the two people won't talk if the guy doesn't text or call first.

When faced with such a situation, you need to give it a break. And increase your options by talking to more girls.

PS: This strategy is also effective in winning her over, that of course is, if she has an iota of interest in you.

The simple rule is:

To boost her interest, lower yours.

That way, your absence does what your presence couldn't.
Sep 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Women appear to be more religious than men because it's in their nature to be obedient, compliant & submissive to a higher authority.

Men, on the otherhand, are more rebellious, off-the-wall & freethinking because they apply logic to things. And logic & religion hardly go together.

However being more religious doesn't translate to being more morally upright.

Women have a distorted view of morality because they view it through the lens of their emotions, barren of rationality.

Men on the otherhand view morality through logic. Thus tend to be more selfless, just, kind & honourable than women.

In essence, women may appear to be more religious than men, but they're certainly not more morally upright than men.
Sep 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Women in their early 20s go for older men & hardly date their age mates.

Their logic is simple:

Those older men are more mature, wiser, richer, more stable & independent.

As usual, their age mates have no problem with this. They don't complain because they know every dog has its day.

They stay on the grind & level up while some of their girlfriends leave them for older men.

When these young men get older & decide to go for younger women, their unmarried age mates now in their 30s begin to shame their choice. Predatory they call it. Whereas they themselves enjoyed the company of older men in their early 20s.

The logic for the choice of these men can't be any simpler:

They insist that the older a lady is, the higher her chances of being in many relationships, thereby having many exes & a body count twice her age.

So they'd rather go for younger women because it is believed they generally stand a higher chance of being more fertile & having less sexual exposure overall.

These are the facts of the matter:

Be the judge!