Bradley Onishi Profile picture
Prof. of Religion. Founder: Axis Mundi Media & @IRMCEorg . Co-host @StraightWhiteJC. Find me: NYT, HuffPo, NBC, RS, Fresh Air, MSNBC, BBC. 4th Gen Laker fan.
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Jul 19, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
Today @StraightWhiteJC we connected the dots: JD Vance's Catholicism is a decoder for understanding his worldview and what he brings to the ticket. 🧵…
Vance converted in 2019 after growing up loosely Protestant and then going through an "angry atheist" phase. He outlined his conversion story at length here:…
Jul 14, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Why would those of us who see Trump as a fatal threat to democracy condemn the attack on him tonight and all forms of political violence? 🧵 First, we condemn all violence. That includes political violence against Trump. We do so in the name of humanity and in the name of democracy - a system in which we do not settle our political differences through violence, but through the expression of the will to people.
Jul 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
A thread from the @StraightWhiteJC Weekly Roundup on the immunity ruling, Trump, and Project 2025.
As soon as the ruling lands, the leader of the Heritage Foundation, says that as long as the left will allow it, we'll have a bloodless revolution. He's championing this ruling. This is also the organization that has built project 2025 along with 80 to 100 other cosigners, creating a Christian nationalist vision for a unified executive led by, as Justice Sotomayor says, a president who is now a king above the law. Why would they want this?
May 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
This is not a provocative flag. It's a flag symbolizing Christian revolution. It's used by extremists. @TaylorMatthewD and I wrote about it here in an award-winning piece:…
The Appeal to Heaven flag is "a symbol of the spiritual-warfare driven Christian nationalist revolution he hoped to see in American politics."
Apr 5, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Some exciting personal news 📢 - I recently founded the Institute for Religion, Media, & Civic Engagement @IRMCEorg, a 501c3 whose mission is to develop reliable and relevant media on the promises & threats religions pose to democracy. We have received a generous grant from the @HLuceFdn in order to create 4 podcast series in 2024 focused on both the pro-social and anti-democratic dynamics religious communities and movements present to our public square. We are excited to work with a group of amazing scholars!
Oct 18, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
I know I might get a troll army or two sent my way because of this, but I think it's important. There's a new book dropping next week called "The Case for Christian Nationalism" by Stephen Wolfe. I haven read only excerpts. I have also spent more time than I'd like to admit on Wolfe's Twitter feed. Here is the argument I think he is making:
Oct 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the things that Stewart does well here is bring out into the open that the decisions being made to prohibit gender-affirming care are not being made on the same scientific standards as other forms of care. It's because these laws are based on theology, not science. You can't have a free and fair democracy that guarantees freedom of religion and freedom from religion - much less freedom of bodily autonomy - if your laws are based on theology. And in this case, the theology is bad bad theology.
Oct 1, 2022 9 tweets 8 min read
The @Yale White Christian nationalism conference came to a close, but lucky for y'all I have @StraightWhiteJC interviews with almost all the participants.

First up, @GorskiPhilip and @profsamperry talking about their work the Flag and the Cross:… A great follow up - "The Nostalgic Myths that Drive MAGA Nation" with @RuthBraunstein…
Oct 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
At the @Yale White Christian nationalism conference @RiccardiSwartz discusses white Christian nationalism as a privileged authenticity in terms of nationalist and religious frames in the USA. . @RiccardiSwartz now points out that when American leaders take on the Christian nationalist label they are often looking abroad to foreign examples in Russia, Hungary, and elsewhere.
Oct 1, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Now @profsamperry talks about how polarization is shaping political races and elections from Pennsylvania to Arizona. This is related to how the the interplay of Christian nationalist belief interacts with larger trends in American politics.
Oct 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Eric McDaniel begins the Sedona day of the @Yale Christian nationalism conference talking about American religious exceptionalism as a belief system that argues the nation is divinely inspired. Mentions three categories: Dissidents, Laity, Disciples.
Nov 9, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Some final thoughts on my interview with @Danielsilliman and his book Reading Evangelicals @StraightWhiteJC:

Silliman proposes that we approach contemp evangelicalism via the bookstore. This will provide a different window into evangelical life and culture than either political, or theological approaches. The goal is a different history of evangelicalism via the fiction they read.
Oct 9, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Ted Lasso is a show about emotional intimacy, healthy masculinity, and the work required to attain them in the wake of toxic masculine mentors and fathers. It is so striking the way that the men in the show support one another openly, express their emotions, and refuse to perform the characteristics often associated with successful men--arrogance, domination, emotional unavailability, and sophomoric rationality.
Mar 17, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Killing half a dozen Asian women and attributing it to sex addiction, not racism, is Christian nationalism in a nutshell:

"Purity culture made me feel bad about my sexual needs, so I eliminated the temptation. What does race have to do with that?" (Hint: everything)
Aug 25, 2020 15 tweets 9 min read
So much Falwell news to dissect and analyze. The jokes abound. But I want to take a minute to discuss how this scandal fits into evangelical discourse and American sex scandals generally. I am preparing for an interview with @lesliedorroughs on her new book, Compromising Positions: Sex Scandals, Politics, and American Christianity.…
Oct 31, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
Thread on how "good people" end up participating in virulently racist and xenophobic movements through religion: One of the questions asked in the wake of Trump's election was: "Are all Trump voters racist?"

This seemed preposterous to many, including many left-wing news outlets. How could so many family members, neighbors, and church friends be racist?"
Oct 28, 2019 25 tweets 7 min read
This is a thread on civility and how enforcing its boundaries is a favorite tool of the privileged--and especially white evangelicals. This morning @AntheaButler provided us with a great thread on how and why acts of incivility are not only thoroughly American, but a very effective tactic for disrupting systems of oppression.
Oct 1, 2019 21 tweets 8 min read
Thread on the importance of religious literacy: I recently returned from the Religious News Association conference where I met and attended panels from some incredible religion reporters: @lizkineke @liamsadams , @sophiasgaler @ayshabkhan @andrewmarkhenry @AndrewLSeidel @kathsstewart @C_Stroop
Oct 1, 2019 22 tweets 6 min read
Thread on Christian privilege and the coming attempt to whitewash the sins of white evangelicals: We have entered new territory now that the House is moving forward with a formal impeachment inquiry. The news from today about Trump’s pressuring the leaders of Australia portends what could be an avalanche of damning information.