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Anglo-Saxon Cat; liberal utilitarian; anti-conservatist; anti-Putinist; anti-Banderist („Stepan Bandera...” https://t.co/BI2rcybviA) 🤍💙🤍
Sep 12 10 tweets 4 min read
@christogrozev 1).
The views of prof. Alexander Gelyevich Dugin (@Agdchan [1]) are sometimes perceived as contradictory and changeable: @christogrozev @Agdchan 2).
• In the 1980s, adhered to a radical position anti-Soviet and anti-communist. However, perestroika and the collapse of the USSR changed his attitude towards the Soviet regime and communism.
Sep 6 12 tweets 3 min read
@EliotHiggins 1).
„In examining different kinds of agents, people from the free world who have sold themselves to the GRU, one cannot avoid touching on yet another category, perhaps the least appealing of all. @EliotHiggins 2).
Officially one is not allowed to call them agents, and they are not agents in the full sense of being recruited agents. [...] Officially, all Soviet representatives regard these parasites with touching feelings of friendship, but privately they call them govnoeds [говноеды].
Sep 3 13 tweets 5 min read
@mayatcontreras @EliotHiggins 1).
„On Dec. 18, 2017, The @washingtonpost reported that the Senate Intelligence Committee was looking at Jill Steinʼs presidential campaign for potential »collusion with the Russians [1]«. The Stein campaign released a statement stating it would work with investigators [2]. @mayatcontreras @EliotHiggins @washingtonpost 2).
In Dec. 2018, two reports commissioned by the US Senate found that the Internet Research Agency boosted Steinʼs candidacy through social media posts, targeting African-American voters in particular.
Aug 20 15 tweets 5 min read
„Ukrainian propaganda during Russian invasion of Ukraine

Ukraine is waging information warfare as a means of countering the Russian invasion, using media and social media to present the country's military environment to the international community [1].” 2).
„Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian anti-hero glorified following the Russian invasion

– »When we talk about Banderaʼs rehabilitation, we must highlight the responsibility of Volodymyr @viatrovytch [2],
Aug 19 5 tweets 4 min read
@egavactip 1).
John Mark Byers, Michael Hobbsʼ uncle, „is the stepfather of one of the 8-year-old boys killed in West Memphis in a case widely known as the »West Memphis Three [1] [2]«”. @egavactip 2). Endnotes:



[2] @ktloradio en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Memp…
Aug 16 9 tweets 2 min read
@daveweigel @EliotHiggins 1).
„Former President @realDonaldTrump took time during his news conference at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey to rage against Vice President @KamalaHarris' home state of California, @daveweigel @EliotHiggins @realDonaldTrump @KamalaHarris 2).
calling it »one of the worst run states« and accusing her and Gov. @GavinNewsom of destroying the quality of life there.

– »Many people are leaving the state, sixth-most, from her state ... she destroyed as attorney general, she destroyed California,
Aug 15 14 tweets 3 min read
@istories_media @navalny @yulia_navalnaya 1).
– „»Навального в предсмертном состоянии заперли в ШИЗО, а в медсанчасть доставили уже без сознания« – заявила его вдова. Следствие назвало причиной смерти »комбинированное заболевание«. @istories_media @navalny @yulia_navalnaya 2).
– »Погибший в феврале в заполярной ИК-З Алексей Навальный перед смертью жаловался на острую боль в животе, но вместо помощи уже в предсмертном состоянии его заперли в штрафном изоляторе« – рассказала его вдова Юлия Навальная (@yulia_navalnaya).
Jul 29 4 tweets 2 min read
@michaeldweiss 1).
„[...] PMC Wagner said Monday that it had suffered heavy losses in fighting against a Tuareg rebel alliance in the northern part of the African nation of Mali [1].” Between 20 and 80 mercenaries were died [2]. @michaeldweiss 2).
„The neo-Nazi Rusich group [3], which has operated as part of the Wagner structure, said that Nikita Fedyanin, the main author of the Grey Zone channel on Telegram, was also killed [1] [2] [4].”
Jul 25 15 tweets 4 min read
Greg Locke „described an unholy plot that was unfurling across the country, pitting an evil @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris against God-fearing congregations such as Global Vision. [...] on Jan. 6, he was near the Capitol steps in Washington to deliver a prayer, bullhorn in hand. 2).
Much of Locke’s appeal lies in his presentation as an old-school, over-the-top pastor with a country twang. To fans and foes alike, he comes across as an outrageous yahoo, and he knows it, a Chick tract come to life for internet virality.
Jul 21 7 tweets 5 min read
The RF is a state that actively supports neo-Nazi unit, the DShRG Rusich Group [1] founded by Aleksey Yuryevich Milchakov [2]. 2).
In 2014, during the war in Donbas, Milchakov cut off the ears of dead Ukrainian soldiers and carved out a „kolovrat” („Hand of Svarog”) [3] (which was the emblem of his unit) on their faces.
Jul 14 4 tweets 1 min read
@Ivan789789789 @BarackObama 1).
First of all, @Ivan789789789, your post is off topic; secondly, now that youʼve written it, itʼs worth clarifying that as a Ukrainian you probably mean this: @Ivan789789789 @BarackObama 2).
„Without question, Putin bears full and total responsibility for his war on Ukraine and the suffering and death his forces have inflicted. But his attack on Ukraine in 2014, his growing imperial ambitions,
Jun 26 13 tweets 4 min read
@DarthPutinKGB @wikileaks 1).
„It’s well known that Julian Assange short-lived talk show [1], which once aired a respectful interview with the leader of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, was distributed by Russian state television [2]. @DarthPutinKGB @wikileaks 2).
WikiLeaks has also never published sensitive documents from Russian government sources comparable to the @StateDept cables it began publishing in 2010, or the e-mails of leading Democrats in 2016.
Jun 11 11 tweets 3 min read
@EliotHiggins @HansdeBorst1 1).
On Nov. 17, 2022, a Dutch court ruled that the plane crash of civilian Boeing 777-200ER Flight 27 the Malaysia Airlines on July 17, 2014 a over village Hrabove (Horlivka Raion, Donetsk Oblast) @EliotHiggins @HansdeBorst1 2).
was caused by surface-to-air missile fired from the Russian „Buk” missile system in the area of ​​the urban-type settlement of Pervomaiskyi (terytorialna hromada Snizhne, Horlivka Raion),
Apr 24 15 tweets 7 min read
@armenia April 24 – Armenian Genocide (1915–1923) Remembrance Day

„[...] Basically is just three great statesmen in the world, Stalin, me and Mussolini. Mussolini, the weakest, was unable to break the power of the crown or the Church. @armenia 2).
Stalin and me the only ones who only see the future. So in a few weeksʼ hence I going to shake hands with Stalin at the common German-Russian border and make a new division of the world with him.
Oct 31, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
„In the summer of 1943, the ϟϟ organized a training course for the first imams of the Handzar Division. For three weeks they underwent training in Babelsberg, a pleasant Berlin suburb, near the parks of Potsdam, the German Versailles and home of the German movie industry. B)
The aim of the course was to turn the imams into »motivated SS officers.« Hajj Amin al-Husseini (c. 1897–1974) [1] »set out the overall agenda of the course,« by making the »most elaborate attempt ever made to connect National Socialist ideas with Islam.«
Oct 13, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
„Nazi »Cousins«: »Allah above us in heaven, and Hitler with us on earth«” – title of the article @Jerusalem_Post [1] [2])

„It should come as no surprise that Hamas shares its ideological roots with both Al Qaeda and Islamic State.
Image 2).
All three sprouted from the Muslim Brotherhood [3], which in turn represented a toxic mixture of Nazi antisemitism and Islamist extremism. During the second world war, the Palestinian leader Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (c. 1897–1974) [4], collaborated with Hitler in Berlin.
Dec 31, 2022 49 tweets 13 min read
#AssadHitler #PutinHitler

Wojna w Syrii poligonem doświadczalnym Rosji

W 2019 r. lotnictwo syryjskie zbombardowało 4 syryjskie szpitale

Nabad al-Hayat jest jednym z ponad 50. syryjskich zakładów opieki zdrowotnej zbombardowanych od kwietnia 2019 r. W taki oto sposób, 2).
za pomocą bezwzględnych ataków sił powietrznych, dyktator Syrii Baszar al-Assad stara się zmiażdżyć ostatnie ogniska oporu.

Podejrzewano, że Rosja bombarduje szpitale w Syrii. Do pewnego czasu nikt nie był w stanie tego udowodnić.
Dec 29, 2022 8 tweets 13 min read
@drPNapierala 1).
Ogólna liczba zabitych żołnierzy po obu stronach wojny na Ukrainie różni się znacznie, zależnie od danego źródła.

Jeśli chodzi o liczbę poległych Ukraińców, jak utrzymuje 9 grudnia doradca Szefa Kancelarii Prezydenta Ukrainy Mychajło Podolak (@Podolyak_M), @drPNapierala @Podolyak_M 2).
wynosi od 10 000 do 13 000 żołnierzy [1].

Co do strat po stronie rosyjskiej, szacunki @BBC z 9 grudnia określają je na 10 000 zabitych żołnierzy [2].

21 września minister obrony Federacji Rosyjskiej (@mod_russia) Sergiej #Shoigu w znacznym stopniu zaniżył straty
Oct 16, 2022 14 tweets 13 min read
@dimailnitsky 1).
The immediate initiator of the Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia (1943–1945) [1] was former officer of the Battalion Ukrainische Gruppe Nachtigall [2] Roman Szuchevycz (1907–1950). In the order issued on February 25, 1944, he stated: @dimailnitsky 2).
– „In view of the success of the Soviet forces it is necessary to speed up the liquidation of the Poles, they must be totally wiped out, their villages burned... only the Polish population must be destroyed”.
Aug 25, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
@the_ins_ru I.
As he admits dr. Boris Leonidovich Zhuikov [1], it is very unlikely that the reactor core will be damaged in a way that will release its radioactivity in a catastrophe similar to the one that happened in Chernobyl in 1986 [2]. @the_ins_ru II.
According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nuclear Reactor Laboratory this is pure fantasy [3]. So it is an view of scientists around the world that a reactor explosion in a modern nuclear power plant is impossible [4].
Aug 25, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read

In 1994, during the „Matthiae-Mahlzeit” – annual banquet aking place on the occasion of Saint Matthias Day taking place around February 24 in the ballroom of the Hamburg City Hall [1] – one of the guests was the then vice-mayor of St. Petersburg #VladolfPutler, 2).
deputy of Anatoly Sobczak (1937-2000). A speech that evening was made by the President of Estonia, Lennart Meri (1929–2006) [2]. When he accused the Russians of attempt to retrieve dominance in the East,