Brandon Bloom Profile picture
Former Twitter User
Oct 3, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Revealing where I've landed:

I'm now at Apple 

I manage the Game Frameworks team. Here's a🧵about why and – of course – the roles I'm hiring for! I've always loved games & even worked at Xbox early on in my career. In the past decade+, the games industry has changed _a lot_. Apple has quietly become one of the largest players by profit💰 in the space, but has remained an afterthought for many gamers.
Jan 13, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Having seen now what happens when 50+ developers write a ton of TypeScript, I can conclude it’s as much of a loss as it is a win and probably not worth the complexity. Even the best and most pragmatic engineers get sucked in to solving puzzles and fighting with dependency hell. The puzzles are insidious, because casting to any feels like defeat and the type system has enough fancy stuff in it that a solution is likely close, but exploring the wide search space is time consuming.