not paying to use twitter - artist - free black woman - proud wife & mama - removed sc’s confederate flag in the name of Jesus on june 27, 2015 - Psalm 27 🙏🏾
Ella Sanders Profile picture BlaqueArtemis 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture ApharmdBattler Profile picture eDo Profile picture Liz Profile picture 117 subscribed
Jun 5 6 tweets 1 min read
We’re in a day by day situation right now. Absolutely. Not to panic, but also not to deny reality. We knew it was coming, we also knew it would be highly unpredictable in terms of what systems/infrastructure would collapse & when

We see what’s happening with climate disaster + infrastructure failure in major cities + the govt becoming more fascist & militarized
May 16 4 tweets 1 min read
The problem is the bipartisan power structure itself. That’s why the fight for democracy is within the resistance, not the Biden reelection campaign.

The Biden Admin has only enabled & empowered Trump because Biden isn’t a true opponent of Trump’s agenda We are being presented w/ an illusion of choice (though it’s increasingly difficult to maintain the illusion with such unpopular candidates).

The agenda is genocide, Jim Crow & an end to abortion rights. Period. If you don’t want that, you’ll need to get more radical than voting
Apr 23 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s not, I’m sorry. There’s already been a massive trillion dollar wealth transfer from the working class to the capitalist owner class in the last 4 years alone.

What you’re experiencing is a feeling of being wealthy relative to other low-wealth people, which the vast majority of us are. I wanted to make sure I didn’t misunderstand before I made this point I feel we should all understand— we’re all collectively poorer than we were in 2020. More wealth continues to be taken from us than we are ever allowed to accumulate.
Apr 2 9 tweets 2 min read
They are not replacing humans. They are replacing types of labor. There’s a difference. They don’t want to “replace humans”. They want to control & dominate humans through human trafficking in perpetuity
Mar 31 4 tweets 1 min read
Right. But again, Palestinians aren’t “white” & the folks defending the US won’t admit that whiteness shapes their worldview And when I say “whiteness shapes their worldview” I mean a whole lot of nonwhite folks internalize white supremacist ideology too.

Again, the only way as a Black person to identify with the Israeli settlers more than the Palestinians is if your self-image is warped by whiteness
Feb 21 4 tweets 1 min read
There is literally no daylight between the genocide against Palestine & the daily oppression of being Black in America. I really need folks to understand this. 1/ Our communities, schools, hospitals, libraries, futures…

EVERYTHING is being drained of money & resources—

OUR money & resources, mind you

—and taken by the US govt to murder other Black & brown people, steal their land & give their land to white people. 2/
Dec 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
“We can’t just burn it all down!”

The system we live under presently, colonial capitalism, is collapsing.

It’s an unsustainable economic & social system b/c it’s built on slave labor, past & now

We can sit here & do nothing about it & the system will still collapse around us “We can’t just burn it all down!”

Implies that civilians are the main ones destroying critical infrastructure when it’s clearly the ruling class.

What community is asking anyone to destroy their schools, water systems, public spaces, etc.?

These things are destroyed by policy.
Dec 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
We need more dialogue about the phenomenon of white people using whatever marginalized identity they can claim as a cover for their racist actions against Black, brown & Indigenous people.

A lot of the professed fear over rising antisemitism is exactly that & we must be honest. Even the idea that Israel is necessary b/c the USA isn’t a safe place for white Jewish people in 2023 is such a bald face lie.

Black, brown, Indigenous & Muslim people have never been granted the same proximity to whiteness as Jews of European descent.

Extreme gaslighting
Dec 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The idea that white people & nations are the only ones with an inherent right to self-defense is yet another byproduct of white supremacy 🤷🏾‍♀️

Israel has been kidnapping Palestinians & holding them hostage all this time & the world barely batted an eye before Oct 7. Western white society is upset because they command us to treat the lives of white Europeans, Americans & Israelis with greater reverence than the lives of any Palestinian, Arab, Black, brown or Muslim people.

Literally all of this is about white domination & Black enslavement.
Oct 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Again— note the use of terms like “war” & “invasion” to describe the Israeli military storming what is essentially a ghetto that they’ve forced people into. This is like the USA announcing it’s going to blockade & “invade” NYC because there are yet more “terrorists” there

& also that the millions of people who live in NYC with no way to flee may unfortunately be wiped out in the process.

It’s textbook genocide. No gray there.
Aug 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Yes & also

The elimination of public facilities & amenities in the US is a direct response by the white elite to racial integration No social or political phenomena in the US can be analyzed, understood or explained without consideration of structural whiteness/antiBlack racism
Aug 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
…And this is why Black neoliberalism is only ever an acceleration of antiBlack violence administered & supervised by Black officials A Black mayor who polices Black people even more violently than his racist white predecessors… progress!
Aug 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Again—there is no such thing as a democratic ethnoreligious nationalist state.

That is an inherent contradiction in terms.

The far right elements advocating for government-sponsored religious extremism—in US, India, Israel, etc—are squarely against democracy & human rights. None of this would even be up for mainstream debate in the USA…

except that it carries implications for structural whiteness & colonialism in 2023 America.
Feb 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Whiteness isn’t politically neutral & neither are white-centered perspectives of history The problem is the idea that the classroom is politically neutral until people introduce Black or other nonwhite perspectives
Feb 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
5 to 10 years from now we’ll still be uncovering & managing various long term illnesses among people who got infected during these first three years The Covid denialism still blows my mind
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Because the actual mainstream position is to not do anything that empowers working class Black communities The insistence on funding police goes hand in hand with the refusal to properly fund housing, schools & other public services.

That’s because this isn’t about public safety but about the ongoing Jim Crow-style racial oppression of Black communities by the government.
Jan 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I see that picture of Tyre Nichols holding his child & it’s a reminder that our focus needs to be on liberating ourselves & future generations, not whether or not “America can be redeemed.” I don’t even think freedom is possible as long as we’re concerned with redeeming the system that inflicted centuries of unspeakable horror on us
Jan 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
First thing we need to acknowledge as an indisputable fact is that police forces were never formed for the purpose of protecting Black communities or keeping us safe. That’s number one. So how does it make sense to insist we somehow transform a racist institution with a long history of terrorizing our communities into something that does the opposite? It doesn’t. It actually makes no sense at all.
Jan 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Memphis Police Chief Davis was the one who formed the Scorpion unit in 2021 after overseeing a similar unit in Atlanta that was also disbanded over similar conduct. She defended the Scorpion unit even after the killing of Tyre Nichols. The pro-policing establishment very clearly had a plan to put Chief Davis out front as a Black woman, as a representative of progress & reform simply because she’s a Black woman police chief. She is directly implicated in the violence & the initial attempt to cover it up
Jan 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
“She also led the city’s infamous REDDOG unit, according to her biography on the Memphis police site”… “Several dozen officers were involved in the raid, including members of Atlanta PD’s "Red Dog Unit"… During the raid, bar patrons and employees were subject to anti-gay slurs, derogatory language, and both threats of and actual physical violence.”…
Jan 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
“How can it be racist if the police are Black?”

BECAUSE THE INSTITUTION OF POLICING ITSELF IS RACIST This is why it never works when people try to deflect from the fact that policing itself is the problem & therefore can not be reformed into a solution