Brianna DeMayo Profile picture
I help artists build their leverage & get their coins. HBIC @tastecreators
Nov 8, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
For the artists who want to reach a much wider audience, let’s do a little self evaluation… Are your social media channels optimized? Are you easy to find if someone googles you? Does your profile photo make a great first impression? Do your bios say something intriguing? Do you have a link in your bio that gives fans quick access to the most important things about you?
Aug 28, 2018 14 tweets 2 min read
Artists, what are you doing to promote your music?

Here’s a few ideas (a thread): Are you utilizing Facebook and Instagram ads? And if so, are you targeting those ads according to how old your fan base is? Your location? And the similar interests of your fans?