Brian Karis Profile picture
Engineering Fellow - Graphics at Epic Games.
Jan 11, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Not following exactly what you are suggesting on how this can help derive TriangleID but I've been meaning to share this discarded (semi failed) idea for a while.

Graph coloring as a solution for barycentrics when SV_Barycentrics isn't supported 1/n Any planar graph can be 4 colored. Meshes, in this context the nodes of the graph are the vertices are obviously planar if they are UVed in the typical fashion. So there exists a vertex coloring such that no triangle has 2 vertices with the same color.
Nov 14, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
Sigh. Apparently I need to weigh in on this TAA topic. MSAA is an antiquated technique designed to generate more samples on polygon edges as that was the only area that was undersampled at the time. 1/12 It's relevant lifetime lasted from colored triangles through textured triangles. It was artificially extended through per pixel shading and early days PBR with NDF prefiltering. It ran out with artist created material shaders. 2/12
Jul 14, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
More details on Nanite here: Yes, Nanite draws the gbuffer in 4.5ms on average! Many assumed this amount of detail only can be had at 30fps. Not true! This is well within typical 60hz budgets. That doesn’t even count optimizations I’ve made since.