Brian Niemeier Profile picture
#1 Best selling author. Dragon Award winner. Hire me to edit your writing to perfection:
Dec 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1 New writers are far more likely to be influenced by movies, video games & TV shows than books.

That's a problem because going in unfamiliar with the art form sets the difficulty higher. And finding success as a writer is already hard enough.

How does being well-read help? 2 You wouldn't try being a professional musician if you don't listen to music.

You wouldn't become a mechanic if you don't drive.

If you rush into writing books without a basic grasp of the form's strengths & limitations, you won't realize your potential.

What to do ...
Aug 14, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
This is why nonbelievers are disadvantaged at discussing Christian morality: Looking in from outside, they miss vital context.
Like Fr's next line👇 Holy Church does not pretend morality happens in a vacuum. The 3 necessary elements of every moral act are
1. motive
2. means
3. context