How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App a separate not the American Society for Metallurgist handbooks are the single greatest example of technical writing I’ve ever learned from is the foundation of pretty much all major structures 😂. Basically, you burn all the CO2 out of some rock and get a powder. Later on, someone add some water, and the mixture sucks CO2 out of the air and it turns back into rock take that back; even with normal areal loadings they'd probably still have an edge. That stack pressure might be tough for consumer electronics but definitely feasible for automotive. Garden of the Forking Paths by Borges is one I would recommend most highly. As good as The Last Question and gets way less love. Borges has a ton of amazing work beyond this too identified lithium could be intercalated into TiS2, but Li/TiS2 batteries had safety issues