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Jan 27, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
It's always been detached, and it's always made the real economy worse.

[THREAD] 1/10 What is profit? It's excess labor.

You and your coworkers make a chair. Your boss sells that chair for more than he pays for the production of that chair and pockets the extra money.

So he pays you less than what he should and calls the unpaid labor he took "profit." 2/10
Aug 30, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
Portland is about to be national news again because a man was killed here last night.

This means that the entire Republican apparatus is going to activate and opine about what happened and what should be done in a city they've never visited.

So here is one local's perspective. This is our home.

I think people forget this, or just don't care.

This is our home.

For the past four years we have endured an endless stream of right wing provocateurs who come to Portland looking for trouble.

And we have endured it... but not without cost.
Feb 23, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
I've been thinking a lot about propaganda lately because the sad truth is that we are all vulnerable to it. That's why it's so dangerous.

That's gotten me thinking about ways to avoid it in my life, and I'm wondering if my research rules might apply. 1/9 - Don't rely on headlines. Headlines can be wildly deceiving. Don't assume that it is a fact, or even reflected in the article. And I know we're all busy, but if you don't have time to read an article then don't share it. Not even if you really like how the headline sounds. 2/9
Jul 22, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
I've been noticing something troubling. Whenever someone speaks out against the inhumane policies of the current administration, there's often someone who says "This /is/ America, otherwise it wouldn't have happened... I bet you didn't know America did bad things in the past." 1/ We know. Seeking to create a more perfect union doesn't come from an ignorance of the past, it comes from knowing how far we have to go.

Understanding the past is important, as it can guide us in the future and help us avoid pitfalls that hampered our forebears. 2/