Brooklin Myers Profile picture
🎙️ Host of the #ElixirNewbie podcast 🧙‍♂️ Elixir Instructor at @DockYard Academy 🙏 Helps new and aspiring developers adopt Elixir
Oct 26, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Chapter 2 of Metaprogramming Elixir by @chris_mccord

You can get a copy here:…

Summarizing so you can get the key takeaways! 🧵

#elixirnewbie #myelixirstatus

0/11 Macros can be used for powerful code generation. They can save time, reduce boilerplate, and produce elegant APIs. To realize the power of macros, remember that most of the Elixir Standard library is implemented as macros.

Oct 26, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
Chapter 1 of Metaprogramming Elixir, Write Less Code, Get More Done (and Have Fun!) by @chris_mccord

You can get your copy here:…

Twitter summaries are back! 🧵

#myelixirstatus #elixirnewbie.

0/17 Ever dream of having that one cool feature in your language of choice? With luck, you might see it in a few years, more likely never. However, Elixir is different. Through metaprogramming, Elixir allows you to extend the language and create first-class features.

Sep 22, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
Today's summary comes from the book Elixir in Action. by @sasajuric.…

What is Erlang?🧵0/17

#myelixirstatus #elixirnewbie Erlang is a general-purpose development platform that supports concurrency, scalability, fault-tolerance, distribution, and high availability. It was built in the 1980s by Ericcson, a Swedish telecom giant. However, it is not specialized for telecom systems.

Sep 16, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
Todays summary: Watched @lawik's LiveStream: Video: Nerves, Livebook & small displays (eInk, OLED)…

How @NervesProject helps you get started with Elixir and IoT without needing to know a lot about the hardware.


#myelixirstatus #elixirnewbie Raspberry pi is a great way to get your start in IoT, and Nerves and Livebook take that even further. Cool enough: the first real Elixir code Lars wrote was for the Rasberry Pi Zero.

Sep 15, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Listened to @ThinkingElixir with @cadebward @bernheisel and @brainlid and guest @voltonez

OTP Certificates Woes with Bram Verburg.

On September 30, 2021, the root CA certificate DST Root CA X3 will expire. Here's how you stay safe. 🧵

#myelixirstatus Bottom line, before the end of September, if you are on Elixir OTP 23 or 24 you should upgrade to the latest patch.

specifically OTP or OTP 24.0.4
Sep 14, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Today's summary thread! @ElixirOutlaws with @Adkron, and @ChrisKeathley. Episode 101: Bright and Tight.…

This episode was packed with information on handling errors in Elixir.

#elixirstatus #elixirnewbie

🧵0/10 Error handling can be tricky, and can cause a task you would expect to take a single day to instead take a whole week!

Sep 13, 2021 25 tweets 6 min read
Listened to @BeamRadio1 Episode 18: Code Heresy with Chris Keathley.

Today's panel: @lawik @akoutmos @_StevenNunez @redrapids, @sm_debenedetto, and special guest @ChrisKeathley.

Summarizing some interesting and controversial opinions today 🧵 0/24

#myelixirstatus #elixirnewbie By far the most loved library on the Panel today was Telemetry. Telemetry powers monitoring and observability in elixir projects and provides a consistent interface to do so. Other mentions were OTP, Livebook, and site_encrypt.
