Chiapas in New Afrika Profile picture
Pan-Africanist/Third Worldist writer + organizer from 313. Black anarchic radical. PhD candidate in philosophy. "Tell no lies, claim no easy victories." He/him
May 8, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
This is the person who led the #NoMore campaign against US intervention (sanctions) against Ethiopia during the height of the Tigray War. Opposing US imperialism *consistently* and *ethically*=/=denying the biggest genocide of this century, then working for US Congress Some might argue that Hermela was, after all, working for Maxine Waters, one of the most celebrated "progressives" in the House. Waters, of course, as a Congresswoman, has referred to Israel as "our friend and ally," affirmed their right to defend themselves against Hamas...
Mar 12, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
What if goofy ass white kids just stopped talking about the Black Panthers, period? Because yall don't know shit about the ideological tensions within BPP. Nothing about the East Coast nationalists, the breakdown of intercommunalism, the BLA formation, or anarcho-pantherism For instance, the rightward move toward the Democratic Party was initiated by Huey's personality cult. Huey was also responsible for the intercommunalist turn that diluted the concept of colonialism to include white workers as the colonized + rejected revolutionary nationalism
Sep 20, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Hey y'all! To initiate the Institute of Anti-Colonial Studies, I will be teaching a public course on Sylvia Wynter and Cedric Robinson's contributions to Black radical theory. The course will run from October through January Some topics we will be discussing include: Wynter and Robinson's critiques of Western radicalisms (Marxism and anarchism), and of Western humanism as a whole; the philosophical (metaphysical, epistemological, ethical) implications of their writings...
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So a Black man got killed on a subway by some cornfed wannabe Rambo whiteboy and Lance from The Serf Times chose to "debate" the fascist Tim Pool about it...? For what exactly, like what is the optimal outcome of that? You gon sway the hearts + minds of his KKK fans...? Like Internet leftists find a way to commodify literally anything and everything. Never in life will you catch me debating a fascist with anything but my fists or something else. Let alone over the validity of a public lynching. And dude not even Black! Who appointed you?!?
Apr 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
"Marx and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat" by Hal Draper is a must-read for those who think one-party states are the necessary form of the proletarian class rule that Marx and Engels advocated. Or just read The Civil War in France, but we know MLs prefer the short version When Marx spoke of the "dictatorship of the proletariat," it was nearly always in contrast with Blanquists, with whom he had formed a united front during the upheavals in France. Blanquists argued for putschist centralism made possible by a revolutionary vanguard, contra Marx
Jan 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The fact that they keep pushing it back again and again and again lets me know the outcome for Gazi is very bleak. It could be worse though. One of the people you SAed or life you threatened w/drug-addled teen assassins could have got to you themselves first. What a putrid, soulless mistake of a birth this "person" turned out to be. Imagine you were born rich when so many Black kids in this country (like me) grow up struggling for the basics. Then not after you fuck up your privilege, you run to the working class for shelter
Jan 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I love how PoliceSL is talmbout "anarchists don't do anything" right now when the effort to Stop Cop City, whatever its faults, was spearheaded by anarchists + ATL is hot right now bc pigs murdered a forest defender. When the right fumes about "antifa" they mean *us*, not you. Anarchists are the ones who put mutual aid on everybody's lips. Anarchists are the ones who been consistently agitating that we smash fascists while your party leaders courted them for guest slots on their shitty podcasts. Anarchists the ones squatting + assisting the houseless
Jan 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
We need to be clearer about sociological definitions. For instance, the idea that "working class" only produces surplus value directly overlooks the phenomenon of compound labor which explains why products of skilled labor have more value despite equivalent labor time expended Teachers are essentially trainers for segments of the working class that would be less capable of doing their jobs without the skills demanded by the job market. They don't own the instruments nor the facilities for training students + are controlled by managers + big bosses
Nov 25, 2022 12 tweets 8 min read
not one to usually brag on myself but I really did my thing on this one. Could have been a master's thesis in Black Studies, and I only say that bc I know I pushed myself to my physical and mental limit to get it out there… some extracts
Oct 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
not sure when I will have time to write a full response to "Cult of Cedric Robinson" hit piece. So here's a thread of my (nearly finished) article series "Black Against Profit" which shows that basically every concern raised by "Cult" has already been addressed by "Robinsonians"…
Oct 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
wow, I never knew Robinson didn't coin "racial capitalism" even though Kelley mentions its origins in the anti-apartheid movement that Robinson was studying like, every time he mentions Robinson. So glad the Marxists got me together on that. Btw who coined "labor theory of value" only asking because it's an equally fatuous point. The labor theory of value becomes radical with the mediation of surplus value as a category of hidden exploitation. And now nobody radical really talks about Smith or Ricardo, but mainly Marx when LTV is brought up
Oct 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm still on that boo boo "Cult of Cedric Robinson" article because nah, yall not doing that. You literally base your interpretation of all reality on a dead white man from 150 years ago whose predictions about revolution in Europe never came true, yet we're the cultists like there will be a 1000 reasons why state socialism revealed itself as state capitalism, hence is not true Marxism; how Marx was not a Eurocentrist though he talked about Asiatic MofP and used "nigger" in letters; why revolutions came from peasant-based countries
Oct 8, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
If "Robinsonians" (not an actual thing) treated Marx like Marxists treat Cedric Robinson, we would read one of book only then draw all kinda unwarranted conclusions about his ontology, epistemology, philosophy of history. Critique is easy when you know the conclusion from pg. 1 in spite of the repeated insistence of Eurocentric Marxists, Robinson wasn't a Hegelian (dialectics=/=Hegelianism). So he didn't have to effect his own metaphysical inversion to provide his own definitive claim about the totality. He only indicated what Marxist 'totality' missed
Oct 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
imma be honest. The remaining 'chiefs' in this cult just really needed their ass beat way more when they were growing up. Your leader is facing a century or more for heinous sex crimes + you out here working his insane strategy to woo yt fascist support for his anti-white cult this is like sheltered white kid edgelord level obliviousness. Here your options, "Oju" and Co.: drop this embarrassing chapter of your so-called life and go into hiding, hoping the f3ds don't slap a conspiracy charge on you too; or enmesh yourself further with a lifelong loser..
Oct 8, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
this article is butt. I might write a reply if I'm so inclined, but I'm so tired of people's critiques of Robinson boiling down to one text that they actively misunderstand. Name-dropping "Anthropology" doesn't mean you know his framing assumptions… using Cabral (who nowhere called himself a Marxist) as a counterpoint to Robinson is really ridiculous. "The Weapon of Theory"--which they quote--states that if history begins with class struggle, then whole African societies w/o strongly differentiated classes are unhistorical
Oct 2, 2022 28 tweets 6 min read
Red Voice News is back up after being down a couple weeks for some maintenance stuff. Here's a thread of some of the fire our contributors have been putting out since 2019. Bl3ssing's article on Sex Class Theory soon come…
Jul 6, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
in my opinion, every organizer who's serious about revolutionary feminism today should be reading the brilliant analysis of Nsambu za Suekama/Bl3ssing, who is one of the most advanced thinkers of transfeminism I have ever encountered (a thread)…
Jun 26, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
it's not anti-organization to point out that the existing "revolutionary" orgs in the imperial core not doing shit and don't plan on doing shit except protesting and collecting semi-mainstream public faces in their ranks to seem more palatable to the middle classes CPUSA has been around since the 20's and they've been a cop organization since at least the Cold War. WWP been around since the 50s, and the PSL founding cadres had decades of experience in that compromised cult as a head-start. They more Abby Martin than Abbey Lincoln clearly