Canciller de Cuba. Patria es Humanidad. Hagamos lo imposible. Esposo, padre, martiano, fidelista
En Instagram:
Dec 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
The #TwitterFiles, the documents leaked to journalists, show that the US intelligence agencies, the Pentagon and the @StateDept coordinated psychological warfare actions with Twitter. The FBI used to pay that company to respond to its requests.
The editor of Substack @mtaibbi has revealed that the long lists of accounts received by Twitter with censorship indications included Cuban users "marked for digital moderation or execution".
Los #TwitterFiles, documentos filtrados a periodistas, demuestran que las agencias de inteligencia de EEUU, el Pentágono y el @StateDept coordinaban con Twitter acciones de guerra psicológica. A la par, el FBI pagaba a la empresa para que respondiera a sus solicitudes.
El editor de Substack @mtaibbi ha revelado que en las largas listas de cuentas que recibió Twitter con indicaciones de censura, se encuentran usuarios cubanos, “marcados para moderación o ejecución digital”.
We have learned from various sources that the United States government has been carrying out intense efforts and exerting pressure on countries in the region to try to exclude #Cuba from the IX Summit of the Americas. 1/7
In fact, #Cuba has already been excluded from all the preparations & working groups for the Summit, including prep. of the Health and Resilience Plan for the Americas until 2030, something shameful, given Cuba's contribution in promoting health for its population & the region
Feb 27, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The U.S. determination to continue NATO’s progressive expansion towards the Russian Federation borders has brought about a scenario with implications of unpredictable scope, which could have been avoided. 1/5
Statement by the Revolutionary Government:
Rigorous & honest assessment of situation in Ukraine not possible if just claims of Russia to US & NATO and factors leading to the use of force & non-observance of legal principles & international norms, fully subscribed & endorsed by #Cuba, are not carefully assessed.
Feb 26, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
El empeño estadounidense en continuar la progresiva expansión de la OTAN hacia las fronteras de la Federación de Rusia, ha conducido a un escenario, con implicaciones de alcance impredecible, que se pudo evitar. 1/5
Declaración del Gob. Revolucionario:
No resulta posible examinar con rigor y honestidad situación actual de Ucrania, sin valorar detenidamente justos reclamos de Rusia a EEUU y OTAN y factores q han conducido al uso de la fuerza y la no observancia de principios legales y normas intls q #Cuba suscribe y respalda
Sep 3, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
A campaign is being promoted in an attempt to deny the existence of the blockade, claiming that the US exports foodstuffs to #Cuba, which occurs exclusively as a Congressional exemption establishing discriminatory conditions.
It is only about one-way sales from US to Cuba, with no possibility of using credits and the obligation of making cash-in-advance payments under licenses that need to be approved by the Treasury, which is absolutely incompatible with international trade practices.
Sep 3, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Se promueve una campaña que pretende negar la existencia del bloqueo usando el pretexto de que EEUU exporta alimentos a #Cuba, lo que ocurre exclusivamente bajo una excepción aprobada por el Congreso de EEUU que establece condiciones discriminatorias.
Se trata únicamente de ventas unidireccionales de EEUU a Cuba, sin posibilidad de crédito, mediante la obligatoriedad de pago anticipado y en efectivo, y bajo licencias que tiene que aprobar el Dpto. del Tesoro, todo incompatible con las prácticas del comercio internacional.