NoBody Profile picture
I AM just here for the hearty snacks. Ancient broken record still playing the same annoying tune (LOVE EACH OTHER). Venmo: @ Raphael-QueueBurt
Duxinaro Profile picture 6%CocoT36 Profile picture therealcrystalblueangel7 Profile picture TyDecker Profile picture Metrock Profile picture 5 subscribed
Mar 9, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Whom Do You Serve?

It's a simple enough question and easy to answer, but only if you're willing to be truly honest with yourself, which is far less simple and easy. Where does the majority of your attention and focus go? What makes you feel like you've been "productive"? If it has anything at all to do with your career or your "hustle", ask yourself why. If the first part of your answer is anything like "getting money so that...", then you've got your answer. You serve money, regardless of what justification you've appended after the dot-dot-dot. When
Mar 7, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
Communion, Neurolinguistic Programming and the Death Cult

To Christians, Communion (aka "The Lord's Supper) represents a beautiful solemn ceremony that connects them to their god. Growing up in The Church I was taught that, because of what it symbolically represents, The Lord's Supper was a solemn and holy ritual that shows our connection and devotion to God. But, what is the true underlying symbolism here? That the most innocent and perfect being to ever exist willingly gave himself up as a LIVING SACRIFICE to be tortured and ritually killed, and his
Feb 22, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
Mark of the Beast vs Fingerprints of God

FAIR WARNING: This is probably going to be a long and complex read, and will very likely have a problem accepting it as a possibility. Still, I have hopes that it will find the few who are capable of at least considering what I say here. So many people are waiting for the "public announcement" of some forced mark that people will be given, which (to the blind sheep) will be the sign that the antichrist is, indeed, fully among them and finally playing out his long-awaited "endgame" in the age-old battle of good