Anyone But Bernie Profile picture
My biggest mistake in 2016 was not explaining to Bernie fans why people don't like him. This left them susceptible to "rigging" narratives. I'm atoning.
Aug 3, 2019 17 tweets 9 min read
@GraeMatterz Ready for the "Read Bernie's Bill" challenge questions?

First Question Section 601, annual budget allocations to fund Berniecare. Is it smart to limit how much funding can increase while not limiting how much it can decrease? See GOP tactic, "Starve the Beast". @GraeMatterz 2: Is it accurate or honest to call this bill "Single Payer" when it functions as a block grant to the states program and tasks each individual state to come up with its own internal structure?
Feb 1, 2019 19 tweets 22 min read
@HynesRL @TheRealGRAF @kharyp @eclecticbrotha 1/ My metric is a 2 pass system, first non-political qualifications to do the job. Honesty. Leadership. Delegation. Teamwork. Second platform. I can't do a second pass yet because platforms are in flux. Harris, Castro, Klobuchar, Biden, Gillibrand, Beto and Warren look qualified. @HynesRL @TheRealGRAF @kharyp @eclecticbrotha 2/ The non-political parts really do matter a lot. They are why Trump is so much worse than Bush even though they are both Republican. When 9-11 happened Bush immediately sought to prevent retaliatory violence. Trump would NEVER give this speech.…