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Published: @USAirForce CUWS @htTweets @RussiaBeyond @officialCLAWSIN. Cited: US ArmyWarCollege, US Naval PGS, Johns Hopkins SAIS, @CarnegieEndow @IDSAIndia
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Jan 13 4 tweets 4 min read
Dark Decades Of Kashmir: How Valley Had Turned Into A Porn-Hub

1. A picture of an aged Kashmiri man kissing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's large standee went viral on social media just last week. To the detractors of PM Modi, it was a PR stunt well managed by the ruling BJP. But a common Kashmiri is acknowledging the changes sweeping the valley after the removal of article 370. For several decades, Kashmir's most scenic valleys have hidden some of the deepest perverse stories of the brutal sexual violence perpetrated against the local women by the Jihadi's. For the terrorist's in Kashmir, sex was their religion and the valley... their porn hub.

Burhan Wani, who became a face of terrorism in the valley in the past decade, had an unhindered access to the Kashmiri local homes and a defacto right to rape any women at will - in most cases, the fathers also facilitated Wani with their daughters - sources in the Indian army say. Wani's multiple mobile devices, after he was killed by the Indian army in an encounter, revealed hundreds of sexually awkward pictures of Kashmiri girls and a long list of contacts to satisfy his cotius needs.

Another terrorist nicknamed the 'Mast Gul' (a ladies man) kiilled in an encounter before Wani, was Kashmir's most infamous playboys with a penchant for girls, who had freshly attained puberty. A crowd of women both in their teens and also a little older and married, shoved-off their tops and thrust their bosoms onto his dead face as Gul's lifeless body was being dragged down a hill by the army after his encounter. The hapless Kashmiri husbands, the victims of Gul's frequent forays into their homes, spat on his body.

The picturesque snow clad mountains of Gulmarg and the Dal Lake of Srinagar have masked a society that for decades, after the exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits, has been grappling with bloodshed, decayed values and a hugely reluctant attitude to confront its own muck. 2. Every gun toting terrorist was a hero to the Kashmiris, who shamelessly granted them unrestricted access to their young daughters and wives. Men who envied the terrorists for stealing their wives fell in minority in Kashmir. There are stories of women taking pride in their first child being fathered by a Jihadi instead of their husband - a kind of phantasm for civilized societies.

The slogan "Pakistan jaayenge, bachha leke aayenge” (We wish to be impregnated by a Jihadi from Pakistan), spread like a war cry among the Kashmir women at the peak of terrorism in 1990s. These sordid tales of sexual perversity have been brushed and stuffed under the carpet to paint the terrorists as valiant and righteous freedom fighters and the locals as pitiful victims of a fascist Indian state.

More than the promise of Kashmir's freedom, it was the desire to sexually exploit Kashmiri women at gun point and a perverted sense of respect that led the youth to become a Jihadi. The Indian army is full of stories from the captured terrorists, who were promised pretty Kashmiri women as the spoils of Jihad.
Dec 15, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
The man enjoying tea as a prisoner of the Indian Army is the top commander of the Pakistan Army in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). On this day, December 16, 1971, General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi was captured along with 93,000 Pakistani soldiers.

This was the largest military surrender after the capitulation of the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad in 1943. It was also one of India's greatest military victories in the last 1,000 years.

But India made a strategic mistake after winning the war and having Pakistan over a barrel. These 93,000 Pakistani soldiers and officers were lodged, fed and entertained (via weekly movies e.g.) in POW camps in India (Madhya Pradesh) for 18 long months.

Because of the shortage of space, many Indian Army officers vacated their homes and slept in tents in freezing winter and hot summers so the Pakistani prisoners could be accommodated in comfort.

The idea was to make these Pakistanis ambassadors of peace. Instead, these well-fed soldiers displayed open hostility, threatened to return in another war and destroy India. Imagine these unrepentant beasts saying that to their Indian captors.

Because none of these soldiers were tried for their horrendous war crimes - the murder of 3 million Bengalis and the rape of 400,000 women - they went on to kill over 10,000 Balochs a few years later.

The hard fought victories gained by our soldiers on the battlefield were frittered away on the negotiating table by the politicians. A broader victory should have been ensured by exchanging these 93,000 criminals for PoK.

The secular weakness for peace at all costs resulted in endless conflict. It'll now take an out-of-the-box strategem to destroy a nuclear armed Pakistan.

However, let's not downplay the magnitude of the event. The 1971 War was a brilliant strategic victory as it cut down Pakistan to size literally and metaphorically. Never again would a small country like Pakistan have the audacity or capacity to launch a direct war on India. The war therefore made India the unquestioned power in the region.

(More pics in the thread)Image
While the Pakistani soldiers are devastated and humiliated, the Pakistani officers seem totally at home. The reason was that many Indian officers were their batchmates from the pre 1947 era and treated them with extreme friendliness. Some embraced the Pakistanis as brothers.

Aug 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
How to spot an Indian Intellectual
(From a lecture by former JNU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Kapil Kapoor at the Indore-based India Inspires Foundation)
1. These intellectuals are to be distinguished from Hinduism’s traditional men of knowledge, or Rishis. The Rishis were devoted to the welfare of society, and they encouraged responsibility, self-reliance and cheerfulness. By contrast, our present “intellectuals” are only Buddhi Jivis, those who “use their intellect to make a living”. They have certain typical characteristics: 2. They are worried, with a perennially worried look on their carefully careless-looking faces. They think that everything is bad, particularly all that really or allegedly stems from Hindu religion: caste, sati (even though the Sati after whom the custom was named, set herself on fire while her husband Shiva was alive, and even though all Hindu scriptures from the Rg-Veda on down condemn this rare Rajput practice), superstition etc. They worry about minorities and gender, and about the environment: whatever Hindus do, is polluting. Thus, while their consumerist lifestyles are above criticism, Hindus throwing around coloured powder on Holi are harming the ecosystem. Nowadays they worry about the farmers, even though they can’t tell a hoe from a plough.
Aug 16, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
In 1947, Muslims in India were fully behind Pakistan. They voted for Pakistan and planned to stay back in India even "as a slave". Just see their dedication to the Ummah. You think they have changed today?

1. After the British divided India as per the Boundary Commission, the Muslim League met on June 9, 1947, at the Imperial Hotel in New Delhi under the Presidentship of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After the recitation of some portions of the Koran by Maulana Abdul Hamid of Badaun, UP, Muslim leaders made speeches laced with hate and threats towards Hindus. Even Muslims who had absolutely no plans to move out of India supported Pakistan.

Abdul Hamid (Assam): “I belong to a Muslim minority province and according to the new plan I will be a resident of Hindustan; yet I support the plan. If, according to this plan, the majority of the Muslims become free, I prefer to remain as a slave. I urge that the plan be accepted." 2. Maulvi Abdul Rahman (Central Provinces): “On behalf of the Muslims I request you to accept HMG's plan. Even if the defects, which have been pointed out by the previous speaker, are embodied in the plan we should have no fears on that account. After all, we will have more land than what they have in Afghanistan, Iran, Arabia, Iraq, Yaman and Palestine. We have more wealth than they have. We have industry and agriculture, therefore if those countries can be happy and free, I have no doubt that Pakistan would also be prosperous and free. I appeal that this plan be accepted.”
Aug 1, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
Detritus of Partition: How Meo Muslims came back back from Pakistan and are creating a mini Pakistan in Mewat

1. In 1999 I was travelling from Delhi to Jaipur by road with my brother in law (a Jat). An hour out of Delhi, we entered Haryana’s Mewat - a 75 percent Muslim majority… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. Mewat has nearly 100 criminal gangs. “Earlier they used to be simple cattle catchers or bike thieves. Now, they have become more organised and indulge not only in robbing trucks on the highways, but also demand ransom from the families after kidnapping the drivers,” said… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jul 31, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
A few truths you need to know about Mohandas Gandhi

1. Gandhi did not give us freedom. He likely colluded with the British to delay it.
Gandhi started off as a humble lawyer in South Africa. While his supporters argue that he evolved into a saint over the years, few are aware… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. Gandhi played a deplorable role in the creation of Pakistan.
In the 1920s, Turkish nationalist Ataturk was involved in a power struggle with the effete Ottoman rulers and the Caliph of Istanbul. At this crucial juncture two Indian Muslim brothers, Maulana Mohammad Ali and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jul 29, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Bharadwaj Speaks is targetted because they reveal facts that the "system" finds disturbing.

Biryani is not a Mughal dish
By Bharadwaj Speaks

1. Biryani is NOT Mughal dish.Its earlier name was "Hindavi Laziz" ="Indian delicacy"

The word Biryani is NOT Arabic, Persian,Turkic. It… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. The FIRST unambiguous mention of Biryani comes from Nuskha-i-Shahjahani in 17th century.

It was made in the kitchens of INDIA which have access to spices. This is NOT surprising. Biryani IS MADE OF rice and spices which could be found only in India (or South East Asia)

Now… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jul 9, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
Back to Chanakya: Why India Needs to Adopt the Mauryan Model of Government

1. In 326 BCE, Alexander of Macedon invaded India, and in alliance with three Indian kings In Punjab, established an Indo-Greek empire in the country's northwest. It was history's shortest lived empire.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. The magnitude of the Mauryan Empire was astonishing. With a population of about 50 million people, it was larger than the Mughal Empire 2,000 years later and even larger than the British Empire in India, extending in fact all the way to the border of Persia and from… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
How Jawaharlal Nehru planned to turn the Indian Army into a labour force
From the book 'General S. M. Shrinagesh: Soldier, Scholar, Statesman' by Brig Satish K. Issar

1. Soon after Independence, after the initial security problems of the nation had been tackled by the Army, the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. "Leaders of free India were busy impressing upon the world that we were a peace loving nation, with people wedded to the ideology of Ahimsa, and steeped in the belief that peaceful attitude was a sufficient safeguard against any thought of aggression. As a matter of policy, we… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 22, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
1. This is how to counter the two morons Promila Jayapal and Chris Hollen on spreading lies on human rights in India under Narendra Modi.

If these two morons seriously want to quote Gandhi, Gandhi is the most outspoken on conversions in India and said if he has power to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. Aping of Europeans and Americans by converted Christians

As I wander about through the length and breath of India I see many Christian Indians almost ashamed of their birth, certainly of their ancestral religion, and of their ancestral dress. The aping of Europeans by… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
May 24, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Burying a PAF lie
1. Pakistani politician Maryam Nawaz Sharif claimed in a tweet that on May 9 a violent PTI mob in Mianwali burnt down a fighter jet, flown by PAF pilot Mohammed Alam.

“The fighter aircraft, with which M.M. Alam shot down six Indian jets within a minute, you… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. One of the biggest lies peddled by Pakistan was the “30 seconds over Sargodha” incident. On September 7, at the height of the 1965 War, Mohammed Alam, a Pakistan Air Force squadron leader, claimed he had shot down as many as five Indian Hunter aircraft in only 23 seconds.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
May 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
My bank manager's story of black money and demonetization in Kerala.

1. The manager was posted in Malappuram, Kerala, during demonetization. Had lots of Harmful customers who had just Rs 2,500 in their accounts and were applying for loans, claiming poverty. 2. When demo happened, they all came running to the manager, asking him to help them park Rs 1 crore to Rs 3 crore cash in his bank. When he refused they offered him 25% per crore. That's Rs 25 lakh cash for each crore he can help them whitewash.
May 12, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Lesson for Mallus

1. In Judaism there is the concept of "Fargin". If someone outside the community sells something cheaper and better than you, we still buy from you because you are from our community. And if you screw up, we come back to you and tell you how to fix it." 2. Fargin needs to be embraced by Kerala Hindus because even committed Sangh Parivar members buy from Harmful and Ricebag shops. When you ask them why they don't go to the Hindu store their answer almost always is: "The attitude of Hindu shopkeepers is not good. Bad service."
Apr 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
E.V. Ramaswamy is the hero of the DMK and Dravidianists. He is portrayed as a champion of women's and Dalit rights. Here's the real Ramaswamy.

1. He hated Dalits and said cotton cloth prices are increasing because Dalit and Adivasi women have started wearing blouses. Image 2. He didn't want Dalits to enter temples.
Apr 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Why Pakistan and Subcontinental Muslims are poor
1. In 1526 CE when Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi and took the fort of Agra, he found a vast treasure. It was the remainder of the wealth looted from the south by Malik Kafur in 1307 CE. Image 2. So vast was the wealth looted from the southern Hindu kingdoms by Malik Kafur (Alauddin Khilji's general) that 200 years later the looted wealth was available to the Mughals.
Apr 14, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
Worshipping an Islamic pirate in Kerala

1. Over 10 million Hindus travel on pilgrimage to the famous Ayyappa Temple in Sabarimala, in southern Kerala. All of the cash and gold offerings made to the deity go into the coffers of the state Government. 2. The revenues are used for “secular” causes. That is, much of it gets transferred indirectly to Christians and Muslims by way of salaries and funding of minority institutions. And lately, it has started going directly to Christians and Muslims.
Mar 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Amritpal Singh can run, but he can't outrun the Punjab Police

1. When Punjab Police comes after you, they will change your kundali. Punjab Police under Supercop KPS Gill started eliminating terrorists and their sympathizers with impunity. Thousands of terrorists were killed.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. Gill expanded a bounty system of rewards for police who killed known militants – a practice that encouraged the police to resort to extrajudicial executions and disappearances.
Mar 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Lesson from Japan
1. In the year 1633, realising the seriousness of the Christian missionary threat from the West, Japan sealed its borders. For 250 years it prescribed the death penalty for foreigners entering or Japanese nationals leaving the country. It finally ended in 1868… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. "No Japanese ship, nor any native of Japan, shall presume to go out of the country; whoever acts contrary to this, shall die, and the ship with the crew and goods aboard shall be sequestered until further orders.....
Oct 15, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Why Indian Christians are against Russia

1. During the Cold War, Indian Christians were against the Russians because of the anti Soviet propaganda peddled by the Pope and the West. Today, they hate Russia for the same reason. 2. Irony is Russia is more Christian than the West. But Moscow doesn’t export Christian fundamentalism or interfere in India’s internal affairs or support BreakingIndia forces. These qualities of Russia are precisely the reason Indian Christians don’t like Russia.
Sep 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Kerala Police says the Popular Front has detailed maps, sketches and photographs of the homes and neighbourhoods of each RSS and BJP member in north Kerala. This is for assassinating them at 24 hours notice. 2. The Popular Front has "Area Reporters" who scout the neighbourhoods where their targets live. They draw the easiest route to the homes of RSS and BJP members.
Aug 24, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
How the Paloli Mohammed Committee Report marginalised Kerala Hindus.
By @ShubhaSreedhar2
1. If there is a population that has been heckled and bullied into abject submission through every system in Kerala - education, media and politics - it is the Hindus of Kerala. 2. Stockholm syndrome might as well be renamed as Kerala syndrome. The Hindu of Kerala considers his social, political and religious establishment as inferior and second class.