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Ri。WangXian 💙❤/🚫🔄🚫 。Dead Dove 🖤🖤 Unfollow/Block if themes are not to your liking 🖤 YLLZ Core 🖤 Pls Tell If I Don’t Tag Correctly 🖤
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Apr 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
“I like you Lan Wangji.” Wei Wuxian says. The statement was not exactly false, but it wasn’t exactly a normal day...

It was the first of April.

He was about to reply that he was joking, but then, “I like you too.”

Wei Wuxian’s mind paused. Lan Wangji.... likes him back? He definitely thought Lan Wangji could’ve been hiding something but he didn’t think it was because he was in love with Wei Ying??? Wei Ying thought he liked girls.

But then again... it’s the first of April... maybe his reply was also a prank.

While Wei Wuxian was having
Mar 15, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
He feels warm arms cradling him as he blinks to adjust his vision, see the morning light seep through the windows of the Jingshi.

Lan Wangji was still sound asleep, perhaps thinking it would be nice to take the day off from teaching.

Wei Wuxian smiles at the view he currently has, while he unknowingly had tears fall down his cheeks.

He didn’t know why it happened, couldn’t find an explanation on why this could be, he couldn’t stop them either—

“Wei Ying, are you alright?” Lan Wangji wakes, eyes furrowed in confusion and eyes glazed in worry. “Your
Feb 12, 2023 50 tweets 10 min read
⚠️JGS but make it QHJ, Inthest, R*p3, Under!g3, Darkji, Age Difference, Degradation (To Everyone oop)⚠️

Lan Zhan hated his father.

The man was a walking red flag, and someone he would not like to associate himself with.

Little backstory: his mother and father had to be wed as an agreement– not that they both agreed to it. They were practically forced to. The difference between them was that his mother tried– his father didn’t.

His older brother was born first, and the Lans were glad to finally have a firstborn to take over the company if ever
Feb 12, 2023 33 tweets 7 min read
⚠️Implied Others/WWX, Heartless!WWX, Degradation, Gore (Please take note of GORE. Please. It might not be for u uwu)⚠️

Lan Wangji blinks, surprising warm air greeting him once his eyes start to clear up. He shifts his head around, but only seeing darkness envelop him. He knew his body was being laid down, he felt it. He tried moving his arms and legs, but they seemed to be numb, refusing to move under his direction.

Lan Wangji sighs, opting to try to find another way on how to get out of this… equipment.

So he tries to look around once more, only
Feb 10, 2023 32 tweets 6 min read
Here he was, with Bichen sheathed onto his waist, and Wangji on his back fully prepared to go into battle. He could see wisps of black smoke surrounding the area, making it look menacing. Other had trembled before it as well—

But only Lan Wangji strode fearlessly. ✨TAGS✨

⚠️Canon Divergence but Alternate AU Where Lan Wangji was more inclined to believe the Lan Clan than he did Wei Wuxian⚠️

⚠️Angst, OOC!LWJ, MCD, So Many Deaths (ALL Wens)⚠️ for my beloved @weiyingscorpse jiejie who waited for so long for this 🥺🥺🥺

Feb 10, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
“Oh thank you God! Thank you for saving my child!” Wei Wuxian yet again hears another praise from outside the room. He scoffs at the audacity of this parent, thanking not the doctors who did the transplant, but rather a being whose existence is not sure of. ⚠️OOC!WWX and OOC!LWJ, degradation and not in a sexy way (Wei Wuxian thinking of other people being lower than him etc etc), Darkxian, read the previous thread to understand this thread⚠️
Feb 10, 2023 44 tweets 9 min read
⚠️Lan Wangji/Others, Darkxian, Jealous!WWX, Stupid/Idiot Planner LWJ, Gore and Death, T0rture⚠️

“Oh look, he has another one leeching off him.”

Wei Wuxian turns to see Lan Wangji walking towards the lunch tables, another random girl clinging to him, feeling his arms, and leaning onto him. Wei Wuxian doesn’t notice he was already gripping a bit too tightly on his utensils until Nie Huaisang shook his arm. “Hey, you okay Wei Xiong?”

Huffing loudly, he rolls his eyes. “Yeah. Fine.” Without a word, he gobbles his food up, filling his mouth to
Feb 7, 2023 42 tweets 8 min read
⚠️Darkji, Time Travel, 16/17 Year Old WWX, A Bit of Age Difference, Gore (the usual), JIANGS Bashing duh⚠️

He had just come back from a beating— punishment. He had idled a few seconds late in the bridge, admiring the newly growing lotus flowers. Thus, he was unaware of the glaring presence behind him, and was then whipped to submission again.

He didn’t tell anyone about it, preferring to smile and hide the pain of the spiritual whip’s effect on him. When his shidis had urged him to come with them to town, he
Feb 7, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
⚠️ INCREDIBLY OOC WANGXIAN, WWX being Selfish/Careless, Darkxian and Darkji-ish ⚠️

Lan Wangji grips the basket before he enters the gate. He looks around to make sure no one follows him in— which, to be fair, isn’t really needed.

Almost everyone in the Lan Clan already knew where he went frequently and who was behind these gates.

Still: it doesn’t hurt to be wary.

When he finally deems it safe, he proceeds to saunter in, food and drink in the basket, while his other hand hid Tianzi Xiao. “Laopo.” He calls.

A beautiful, lean and tall
Feb 3, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
He had been spoiled a lot of times, endlessly given gifts and all the touches he desired when he asked for it.

He doesn’t ask— a simple stare at his husbands arm, Lan Wangji would immediately give what he wants without even asking.

So now, the least he could do was repay it. Swollen feet, heavy body, feelings and mood swings from the influence of hormones— he holds it all back in, all trapped deep inside.


Based from my own tweet. If someone wants to steal the prompt, go in ahead. I’d like to see your works too 😳
Feb 2, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
⚠️Younger omega LWJ (but it will change dw), Age Difference

He crumpled the paper beneath his hands, gritting his teeth as he stares a hole into the writings.

He hated it. Lan Wangji was an omega, and even younger than Wei Ying who was an alpha.

“Omegas cannot turn into alphas.” That’s what it said. But as if that would allow Lan Wangji to stop there.

“FUCK!” He throws all the things around him, raging and mad at this fact. But then again, he could always change it.

He was called the prodigy, was he not? Then he’s going to live up that name.
Feb 2, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Ever since that day, Lan Wangji had sworn to himself that he would never ever allow anyone to hurt Wei Ying.

He would destroy anyone into bits if they even dare try to think of hurting the one he loved the most.

You see, Wei Ying had been kidnapped. He had panicked that day, the first time he’d ever lost control— this was much worse than when the news of his mother’s current state was told to him.

His mother had been in critical condition and he had almost lost his mind— she was luckily fine now.

But here and then,
Jan 26, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
⚠️ OOC!Wangxian, Unzer4g3!LWJ, Gr00m3r!WWX, dead dove basically ⚠️

The Lans were in... trouble. This has never happened before, hence why it was a shocking ordeal. They’ve lost thousands in a single night, and had no idea who had stolen it.

Hence why Lan Wangji was here, being a personal dildo to the richest alumnus of his uni.

“Fuck...” his senior moans, sinking down deeper, tightening around his length and throwing his head back. “Fuck... I knew you would feel this good, ugh.”

He holds back a groan back, his hands itching to grip on
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
⚠️Angst and a ‘What If’ Situation⚠️

It was the day he was born, a day where he grows a year older, and a day where he could’ve been happy—

Should’ve been happy.

But here he was, holding a bleeding, lifeless body of the very person he longed to make his wife. “Wei Ying...” he cries. “Please... please...” he had fended off all the corpses, and tried to make sure Wei Ying wouldn’t be hurt from the very things he controls.

“Please... at least tell me to get lost...” he begs, wanting to at least hear a voice, hear a sound.
Jan 22, 2023 35 tweets 7 min read
⚠️ Mentions of WWX/Others, Aphrodite!WWX, Hephaestus!LWJ ⚠️

“It’s just not... right.” Nie Mingjue, in all his glory had stood there, awkwardly rubbing his hands together. “See? You’re just gentle— too gentle. You have the figure like a strong soldier, but many covet you, chase after you, and I look like a fool while I do the same—“

Wei Wuxian raises his brows. “How is that a problem? I don’t even mind others—“

“But it is.” The god of war insists. “It ruins my reputation, it ruins the image I’ve worked so hard on to create. I’m not risking it
Jan 19, 2023 49 tweets 9 min read
“One to three four,” Wei Wuxian says. “You’re all I’m coming here for. Five and six, seven and eight,”

His eyes glow a monstrous red, glinting in the night sky. “Cause you all know you gave me a reason to hate.”

Everyone around trembles, looking at one another as if to plea, begging someone strong to defeat this man who is mad— who has gone insane due to his cultivation.

But it wasn’t cultivation they should have been worried about.

It should’ve been his grief.

“You all... deserve no mercy...” he walks, steps stuttering, and his voice raspy.
Jan 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Mianmian had beenLan Wangji’s only friend ever since they were younger. There are times when— dare she says— knows Lan Wangji more than his brother could ever.

One thing that almost everyone knows about Lan Wangji is that he likes to capture moments. But only Mianmian knows how much thoughts he puts into every frame.

When Wei Wuxian came in his life, everyone thought his photos started to get careless— just photos of his beloved, smiling.

But Mianmian knows better. She knows that Lan Wangji placed more care, more love into
Jan 15, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
My life was quite eventless, nothing to look forward to: just hay and water. That’s how it’s been for maybe a year or so, when this crazy lunatic hopped on my back, and fooled me with an apple.

What can I say? Apples are quite delicious. This man, Wei Wuqian I think, was an idiot. Well, quite annoying but he was pretty smart too... if that damn mourning husband wasn’t around.

I mean come on: really? Wei Wuqian, a smart and incredibly fast-working-minded person, was suddenly so helpless around this big hunk of a man?
Jan 14, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
⚠️Age Diference, Under!g3 darkji

“Xian gege!” Lan Zhan calls, feet pitter-pattering across the marble floors. “Wait, I want to give you this!”

Wei Wuxian looks at the much younger boy, handing him a box. “Oh why, how sweet. Can I open it?”

“No!” Lan Zhan pouts. “No. Xian gege must only open it when he’s at his room.”

Wei Wuxian sighs at Lan Zhan’s insistence. To be fair, he had been warned that this young master of his was such a spoiled brat. He had many governesses, but no one had stuck with him for as long as Wei Wuxian. “Okay okay, I promise.”
Jan 12, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
“Wake up now, A-Yuan.” He hears a voice rouse him up, a slight wet-like cool poking his face. “It’s already five.”

The little boy, clad in whites and blues groggily wakes, rubbing his eyes to rid of the crusts he formed while he slept soundly. “Mmh?” “Come now, you don’t want to be late. If you do, you’d have to write as punishment: you don’t want that, do you?”


“Alrighty then. Come on up!”

He makes his body move, heavy as it is. He drags himself to the bath, and soon changed his clothes. This time, he was a
Jan 4, 2023 32 tweets 6 min read
“Excuse me?” Wei Wuxian had looked at her, tapping on the marble desk to try and get her attention. “Could I see my husband please? I’d like to give him his lunch he forgot at home—“

“You’re not on the list.” She says, deadpan. “You can’t just go in and see him too. He’s busy.” •••

Thread inspired by Kaz jiejie’s thread uwu