Chris Hutchinson 🇺🇦 🕊️ Profile picture
Presbyterian Minister / Married, Dad, Army Vet / Lyme ♿️ / Twitter policy on my substack / Mercy triumphs / FWIW my humility book:
Jul 3, 2024 359 tweets >60 min read
It's important to be spiritually rested Sunday morning as much as possible. Try not to do church business before (or after) the worship service. Tell your deacons. If there are members who occupy your time right before the service, gently ask them to talk to you afterwards.

Preaching is a divinely given gift. I don't say that to puff you up, but to do the very opposite. There are other gifts. This just happens to be one entrusted to you.

Dec 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Some rules I skatted out for some spontaneous ecumenical dialog -

1) First, that we be curious. That we refuse to settle for easy answers and learn to ask good questions of one another.

2) Second, that we be accurate. It's important we understand what others actually believe - not a caricature that they themselves would not recognize.
Jul 9, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
This morning, my wife and I got to worship at an historic black congregation in town. I know the pastor and we've been wanting to do so for years, but couldn't what with being a pastor myself most Sundays.

But this is what sabbatical is for - we get to rest and worship.

1/13 We've been to a variety of churches this summer, some liturgical, some non-denominational, all (except one), we've not been to before.

Each one had its own beauty and authenticity and proclaimed God's love in Christ to sinners.

May 20, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
About 15 months ago, I got a short email with no subject line that I assumed was a scam. It said -

Hey Chris -

Could I call you briefly?


1/15 The address was from a Tim Keller in NYC. I cautiously wrote back, and sure enough it was him.

Keep in mind, Tim and I had barely interacted over the years. But the internet was like a palantír for Keller and he kept his eyes on many things (safely - he was a good wizard).

Apr 14, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
I've been asked to share some of my past artwork on here. I was never great, but I was not too shabby in high school.

I'm hoping to take 🎨 back up this summer and attempt some more abstract work. Anyway, for those interested, here is a 🧵 of some of my pieces: First, my banner is the National Cathedral, one of my favorites: Image
Jul 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This scene reminds me of a true story. Great Awakening evangelist Geo. Whitefield died & was buried in the crypt of a Presb. church in Newburyport, MA. Some 🇬🇧s stole his bones to "return him home." In time, the church got em back. The thighbone is on display in the narthex #hatm (or was when I saw it back in the mid-90s)
Jul 17, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Will be joining this in about 3 minutes. Some of y'all may want to mute me for the next 2 hours. And then you can forget to unmute me tomorrow, and that's a double win for you! #hatm Does anybody else get National Treasure and The DaVinci Code mixed up? #hatm
Jul 16, 2022 57 tweets 11 min read

A Choose-Your-Adventure Twitter Thread*

*not affiliated with Choose Your Own Adventure books. Credit for the idea to Edward Packard. Loved these books growing up.

All Rights Reserved, 2022

See next tweet for the rules:

1/55 1) Open the whole thread


3) Go to the Tweet Number you are directed to per your choice. Try to skim other tweets to avoid spoilers.

4) You have one life. When you lose it you are done. YOU DID NOT SURVIVE THE SEVENTIES. Good luck!

Jul 16, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
OK, it's my last day of stay-cation and I am about to post a weird, experimental twitter thread just for fun.

I need about 3-5 test-readers. Should take about 15 minutes. Any takers?

I will post it, and then you all will be the first to read it. Hopefully it works. OK, that should be enough. Let me give you a little context. @hchorey @RevAlexFord @OtisRobertson @rrickardjr @Custom_DVDs It's a Choose Your Adventure thread based on these anecdotes. 1/3

Mar 28, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
Thinking back to some bizarre stories a friend told me about his time at one of those Christian "elite teen" camps, somewhere in Texas. A 🧵 about grifting, works religion and spiritual abuse. 1/22 First, a quick caveat. I am not talking about substance abuse boot camps. I don't have an informed opinion about those. I am talking about camps that "train" normal, healthy, but insecure teens - mostly parachurch groups outside of denominational oversight. 1.5/
Mar 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Reviewing J&JW by @kkdumez for a study group and on p. 138, reminded of how after the Soviet Union fell, globalism became the new boogeyman for many evangelicals.

Explains a little bit support for Trump and even P*tin. Always looking for a big archenemy "out there" to fear. 1/4 I have noticed this about conservative Christians. We are always looking for explanations, of big systems, of how it all fits together.

We want to make sense of out world, and are often way too confident in our abilities to offer explanations. 2/4
Mar 4, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Some other ways to pray for 🇺🇦:

I'm an amateur observer, but I have been astounded by the #'s of *confirmed* reports of lost R*ssian vehicles - many abandoned. Which means they did not just run out of fuel, or get stuck, it means the R*ssian army could not secure them after. 1/7 This points to widespread poor morale, logistics and leadership. If P*tin intended a quick, surgical strike - as many suggest - it did fail, largely b/c his army stinks.

And because of efficient, flexible, hit and run Ukrainian resistance. But... 2/
Jan 17, 2022 25 tweets 7 min read
Breaking my Twitter silence for an #MLK Day 🧵 on the 1966 Lutheran documentary, "A Time for Burning" (spoilers ahead).

Every white moderate Christian like me ought to watch this film. Every white moderate Christian ought to then read MLK's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail." 1/ I am not saying this as some kind of expert. I am saying this as someone, who at age 54, is late to the game.

I am also saying this as someone who to follow Jesus, not the culture warriors from either side. To follow Christ first, even if it costs me. 2/
Dec 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵The PCA is very conservative when it comes to women's ordination - only men can be elders and deacons.

NEVERTHELESS, the advice of the 2017 Report on Women in Ministry is that churches consider ways for women to contribute in worship in the spirit of I Cor 14:26 (p. 61).

Some "non-controversial" (line 6) ways women can contribute:

1) Women may lead congregational or choral singing.

2) Women may "stir up one another to love and good deeds" (Heb. 10:24) by describing the value of upcoming ministries of mercy and disciple-making.

Dec 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Everyone has their key verses to share the Gospel. Here are a few of mine. The Gospel in three verses:

Its subjects: Isaiah 57:15
Its effect: John 5:24
Its extent: Revelation 7:9 For thus says the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:

“I dwell in the high and holy place,
and also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit,
to revive the spirit of the humble,
and to revive the heart of the contrite.
Dec 5, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
The problem with Christian nationalism is not that it makes Christ's Lordship too large; it is that it makes Christ's Lordship too small. Christian nationalism is too optimistic about what government can accomplish in the moral sphere; and too pessimistic about what Jesus will do through His Church.
Nov 19, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
PCA 🧵.

As the pastor of a church in a college town, it's my privilege to introduce many students and others to the PCA. And then to recommend it further as they move on, trying to help them find a church near them.

I won't give numbers but after 17 years, it's been a few 1/10 But it's not automatic. We are but one small part of the larger Body of Christ (Book of Church Order 2-2). Sometimes there are other healthier or more fitting churches.

So what makes me want to recommend the PCA first?
It's been our overall "brand" as I see it. 2/
Nov 19, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Presbyterianism 🧵.

At my first presbytery meeting, way back in the mid-90s, there was a controversial case before the brothers.

One large church's delegates said that if the presbytery did not vote a certain way, they would drastically reduce their funding. 1/10 In one sense, I understand that. If you believe a ministry is altogether unfaithful, you don't want to send them your money.

But this was the ministry they themselves belonged to. And the threat was made as *part of the debate* itself. 2/
Oct 2, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Thoughts on Christian preparation for potential political violence in the U.S., no matter how serious you think the threat is:

1) Avoid misinformation online. Have friends with differing views monitor your posts and give feedback. Don't be part of the problem. 1/6 2) Avoid extreme partisanship. Check yourself when you begin to mock or demonize the "other side."

Don't let the world manipulate you. Rather, be transformed by the renewal of your mind in Christ (James 1:27; 4:1-4; Romans 12:1-2). 2/6
Aug 19, 2021 22 tweets 6 min read
🧵 I finished Reparations by @dukekwondc and @_wgthompson. I read it slowly. For someone new to the idea, it was a lot to absorb.

But in the end - and this may make no one happy - I actually thought it was quite moderate in its proposals. 1/22 A central point is that we should proclaim the Gospel in our own context. And the long history of white control and racism is part of the American context.

If I was a pastor in Vietnam, I would want to know what the French, Japanese, Americans and communists had done. 2/
Aug 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Finished Poland 1939 by @Roger_Moorhouse. A masterpiece of well written and well researched military and political history, reminiscent for me of Wm. Shirer's "The Collapse of the Third Republic" (the fall of France).

Some takeaways:

1) War is hell.
2) Polish units did much better than commonly supposed. Their cavalry was actually quite effective at times.
3) Armored trains, so strange.
4) The German slaughter of civilians and POWs was widespread and evil. The racism was vicious. 2/