California Policy Lab pairs trusted experts from UCLA and UC Berkeley with policymakers to solve our most urgent social problems. Contact:
Jan 27, 2022 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
*New Research Alert* San Francisco restorative juvenile justice program that serves as an alternative to traditional criminal justice processing reduced the likelihood of future arrest by 30% over 4 year period: Thread (1/7)
The program, known as Make-it-Right, (MIR) provides youth charged with certain felonies the opportunity to meet with the person they harmed and to develop and complete a plan to make amends instead of being charged by the DA's office. (2/7)
Mar 4, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Is the #CalExodus real? New research released today answers that question. @NatalieHolmes3, a research fellow at the California Policy Lab, used credit bureau data to see if, when, and where Californians have been moving since March 2020: Thread (1/6)
Finding 1: No, there is not a mass exodus of people leaving California. Of people who moved, about 80% moved to a new location in California, not out of the state. But, there are some nuances... Thread (2/6 )
Jan 21, 2020 • 10 tweets • 7 min read
New report by the California Policy Lab:
Can informational "nudges" about the #EITC and #CalEITC increase tax filing and claiming rates for the credits? (1)
The federal Earned Income Tax Credit and the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) can provide a substantial financial boost to low-income Californians--BUT--you have to file taxes to claim them: (2)