Love thy neighbor: wear an N95😷 Profile picture
Commentary from a coloradan parent who wants people to understand the COVID situation in Colorado. Tweets A LOT about masks. Blocks misinformation spreaders
Feb 19 6 tweets 2 min read
Theres an entire FIELD of public health about this issue: public health promotion and behavior change.

There are proven models about how to get people to act in different ways than they have in the past, in different ways than they are used to.

#HealthBeliefModel There are other models, but the Health Belief Model is my favorite.

It essentially says:

People need to belief they are susceptible BUT ALSO that their actions will make a difference.

They need to believe it is EASY to take the protective actions, & be prompted to take them Image
Jan 29 12 tweets 2 min read
I cant get over the feeling that what is happening on the national stage for all federal programs feels exactly like what happened under Biden to public health.

Im not bolstered knowing that in May 2021, Jan 2022 & ever since, Public Health leadership went along with it all./1 In May 2021, Biden wanted to appear to have defeated the pandemic, and removed the requirement for masks for vaccinated.
They said, “anyone who wants the shot can get one”, despite the fact that MANY people were still trying to find a vaccine appointment. /2
Dec 31, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
CDPHE's wastewater team kindly updated the WW before the holiday, which is important as things have CHANGED.

This data is through 12/26, there are limited new reports included.
The COVID median rises to 53k, Flu & RSV are also up.
COVID & Flu are skyrocketing. Image The COVID median climbs to 53k from 30k last Tuesday.

That said, the two most recent single day medians (12/25 & 12/26) are sky high (333k & & 236k respectively), and required me to extend the vertical axis to 400k so both could be seen.

That said, limited data points. Image
Nov 9, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
Colorado COVID Wastewater analysis, a sad update:

I no longer believe in the infallibility of Colorado's COVID Wastewater data.

The @CDPHE wastewater team has changed processes repeatedly. Analysis shows the data isn't what it used to be.

/1 Image Ive long been beating a drum of the excellence of Wastewater as a tool to measure the burden of COVID in our state.
It didnt rely on humans being aware of the risk and choosing to take action (like seeking a test, or going to the hospital).
It just required they flush. /2
Oct 18, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
COVID Flu & RSV in Colorado update 10/17

The new dashboard is now working.

The data is presented the way you would present to epidemiologists, not the public.

We've lost:
# & trend of hospitalized COVID patients
# of reported cases
Complete Summary wastewater trends
🧵 Image That said, there's good data here:

Hospitalization rate is down to 1.5 from 2.13 last week.
Thats equivalent to 88 admissions, vs 124 last week.
And down from a peak of 237 on 9/7/24.

Positivity is up slightly, up to 8.7% from 8.1% last week.

RSV and Flu remain VERY low
Aug 30, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Colorado COVID Wastewater Update - 8/30/24

Est 7day Avg Cases: 2476 (up 25% from 1980 last wk)

Est Community Transmission Level: High

Est 7-Day Incidence: 299 per 100k

The estimate climbs to its highest level since 12/23/23, and higher than most of the last 1.5 years. Image The estimate places the current COVID level in the top 25% of weeks since the start of the pandemic.

The level of COVID in the wastewater is now higher than all but the peaks in:
- Nov '20,
- Nov '21 (Delta)
- Jan '22 (Omicron)
- July '22 (BA2)
- Nov '22
- Dec '23 (1 week) Image
Aug 28, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
COVID in Colorado Weekly Update - 8/28/24

Reported Cases climbs to 2805 from 2581, rising 9%.

Positivity drops to 17.0 from 17.9%.

Covid patients dips to 145 from 153.

There is more flattening on the dashboard, though all levels remain elevated.🧵 Image The wastewater data is a bit of a bright spot, with a major caveat.
Only 10 utilities remain classified as "increasing", down from 17 last week.
That said, most of the large metro utilities remain "increasing", while the tourism-associated utilities are decreasing. Image
Jul 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Colorado COVID Wastewater Update - 7/26/24

Est 7day Avg Cases: 1944 (up 8% from 1801 last wk)

Est Community Transmission Level: High

Est 7-Day Incidence: 235 per 100k

This is the highest level estimated since the first week of the year. Image The picture across the front range looks bleaker than it has in recent weeks, with almost all the front range utilities showing "steadily increasing" levels of COVID. Image
Jul 24, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
COVID in Colorado Weekly Update - 7/24/24

Reported Cases rises to 2043 from 1772, rising 15%, highest since 1st week of February.

Positivity rises to 18.9 from 15.9%.

Covid patients rises to 135 from 123, the highest value since mid Feb.

All indicators look quite bad. Image This time last year, we were near our lowest level of hospitalizations ever reported: 63 on 7/25/23. We are now more than double that at 135, a level we did not reach until mid-late September. Image
Jul 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I am BEGGING people repeating this narrative to question why PPE designed for use in air-conditioned, dust-free environments was used for a Poultry barn in 104F weather.

N95s don’t work when wet, even when the wetness is from sweat.


ASK about it Reporters:
Please ask if the respirators used for this work were fit tested for the employees.

Ask to see the “goggles”.

Were they this? Or this?
Jul 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
On Monday, @GovofCO declared a state of emergency in Weld County due to the ongoing #HPAI #H5N1 bird flu outbreak.

This is in a massive egg laying facility with 1.7 MILLION chickens.

This is the 3rd poultry producer in the last week w/affected birds /1…
Image This after no affected poultry producers in 4 full months.

Weld county is one of the counties where human testing of symptomatic dairy cattle workers was performed, indicating it is one of the areas where dairy cattle are impacted by h5n1 in colorado.

Jun 27, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
COVID in Colorado Weekly Update - 6/26/24

Reported Cases rises to 1115 from 943, rising 21%, and above 1000/wk for the first time since March.

Positivity drops to 7.6 from 9.3%.

Covid patients rises to 87 from 84.

Most indicators are looking bleak this week. Image The wastewater picture is looking particularly concerning. The trend numbers havent updated on the COVID Dashboard yet, but hand counting them yields this:
Steady Increase: 40
Increase: 1
Plateau: 8
Decline: 2
Steady Decline: 4
Jun 12, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
COVID in Colorado Weekly Update - 6/12/24

Reported Cases rises to 900 from 781, rising 15%!

Positivity drops to 6.2% (from 7.8).

Covid patients rises to 96 from 82.

The wastewater data continues to show steep rises. Image The wastewater picture is concerning.
This is the most number of "increasing utilities" since the first week of January.
MOST of the front range utilities except those in Colorado Springs are reporting increases.
May 19, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Is there #HPAI #H5N1 Flu in our Meat?

We know it has been found in our milk & dairy cattle, & wastewater.

@USDA & @CDC have been mum about its presence in beef.

What do the data show us?

There's an overlap of elevated Flu A in wastewater with slaughterhouse locations.🧵 Image showing US map showing the location of elevated Flu A in wastewater and location of US large slaughterhouse facilities.   Image from: Disclaimers
1) Correlation isnt causation
2) I havent tested the meat or wastewater
3) CDC Flu A in Wastewater levels don't indicate variant. The virus may be any Flu A variant
4) I dont know how/where each slaughterhouse's waste is treated
5) This is a call for more testing
Apr 26, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Colorado COVID Wastewater Update - 4/26/24

Est 7day Avg Cases: 367 (down 20% from 463 last wk)

Est Community Transmission Level: MODERATE!!!!

Estimated 7-Day Incidence: 44 per 100k

Lowest level EVER! (approx equivalent to June 2020!) Image The estimate dips into the level equivalent to "Moderate Community Transmission", a level for which the CDC suggested it was safe for vaccinated people to be unmasked indoors. Image
Apr 10, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
COVID in Colorado Weekly Update - 4/10/24

Reported Cases rise to 673 from 628, rising 7%.

Positivity rises to 3.6 from 3.2%.

Covid patients rises a snoodge to 86 from 85.

Admissions are up slightly, but low.

Wastewater continues to dip. Image Wastewater continues to decline, with declining utilities now the third highest ever. Image
Mar 31, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
N95s are an occupational tool that prevents a TON of challenges for everyday, persistent, including hair type (especially with the “rubber band straps).

They are an AMAZING tool, but here are some very real things that could be fixed to make them better for persistent use: 🧵 More Sizes!
I love the aura. Its an amazing n95. I pass a fit test in the 1870 & 9210.
But I’m not comfortable in it all day, its a snoodge too small. (Insert big head joke here) there should be a large, a small, and even an xsmall if we want people to use these all the time /2 Image of 3m 9210 with braided elsetic straps.  Image from
Mar 24, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
When it was announced that @CDCgov was likely changing the Covid guidance, I wrote to the @WhiteHouse because #CovidIsntOver and i wanted them to hear my voice.

I just received this obnoxious and antifactual response. Let me break down some of the issues: 🧵 Full image of letter from Biden.  Details of issues in screengrab alt text in thread. The weight of the pandemic has been difficult to bear for those who campaigned for you based on your promise to stop the pandemic, not just sweep it under the rug. For healthcare & public health workers, abandoned by your failure to follow public health practices, …/3 I know that the weight of this pandemic has been incredibly difficult to bear, particularly for those who have lost loved ones to the virus.  Jill and I continue to pray for surviving families and friends—we keep every family enduring this pain in our heart
Jan 12, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Colorado COVID Wastewater Update - 1/12/24

Est 7day Avg Cases: 2800 (up 27% from 2197 last wk)

Est Community Transmission Level: HIGH

Estimated 7-Day Incidence: 338 per 100k

The rise in Est'd cases returns, but not as high as before Christmas, a possible reason for optism/1 Image The median of all reporting utilities is dipping slightly, with a few low reports in the last couple days.

The median remains above the level for the entire fall, and still very much looks like it is in "surge" territory.

But it looks possible that our surge may be receding. Image
Jan 11, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
COVID in Colorado Weekly Update - 1/10/24

Cases dip to 3077 from 3202, dropping 4%.
Positivity dips to 9.8% from 9.9%.
Covid patients jumps 15% to 246 from 213.

Fewer cases, but hospital admissions are up (near the year's highs) & Wastewater is still rising.

(corrected 🧵) Image The wastewater picture is still bad, though a slightly smaller number of utilities are showing as "Increasing" than last week.

More than 3/4s are still "increasing" though, so we are not out of the woods at all.
Jan 5, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
I normally don’t respond to rude responses like this one, but I’ve decided to engage.

Firstly: why is this rude? you claim I didn’t read the entire thread or your article as a way to undermine perfectly reasonable commentary.

I read it. Its full of issues.

Let’s go: You say you are not opposed to robust safety regulation. But right here, you say EXACTLY that you are opposed to “too much regulation”.

You are quite clearly trying to limit and determine what safety regulation virology work is subject to. Image