VP, Newsroom Strategy and Audience at The Athletic. Former Deputy Audience Director, News SEO at The New York Times. 11 years in SEO/Audience. 🇩🇴 Dominicano
Mar 10, 2021 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
Hilo: No fui a Harvard. No fui a la Escuela de Periodismo de Columbia. Fui a Brooklyn College, que es una gran escuela de la ciudad, pero tal vez no es lo que gente piensan que se necesita para entrar al edificio en 620 8th Avenue. El edificio de el New York Times.
No creci rico. Creci en un barrio. Tropece muchas veces en mi vida. Hice algunas de las cosas que probablemente piensas que no haria. Pense en jugar baloncesto haste que me rompi el ACL. Y luego me rompi el menisco. Luego tuve una microfractura. Luego me rompi el ACL otra vez.
Mar 9, 2021 • 24 tweets • 5 min read
Thread: I didn’t go to Harvard. I didn’t go to Columbia J School. I went to Brooklyn College which is a great city school but maybe not what many think it takes to get into the building on 620 8th Avenue. The New York Times building. I didn’t grow up rich. I grew up in the hood.
I grew up in Dyckman. I tripped up throughout life as a kid, teenager and adult. I did some of the things you think I probably wouldn’t if you know me today. I thought I’d play basketball all my life until I tore my ACL. Then I tore my meniscus. Then I had microfracture surgery.