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13knight Archangel and Mother Earth kimber:(kimi messenger.) creator army RED. Legions, Capricons, Cepernicks, Ashtars, and many more Space
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
NEW YORK DA = DISTRICT ATTORNEY = President Trump was brought to court by the district attorney.
The reason is that a long time ago, President Trump gave money to Stormy Daniel, a HIGH PRICED career woman, on the condition that she keep a certain secret. It is not clear why,She has been in frequent contact with President Trump's daughter Ivanka for a long time and learned that Kennedy Jr. is alive.
Trump paid her on the condition that she not tell people about Kennedy.
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
7249...Arrests of worldwide leaders related to Covid begin.
A warrant for the arrest of Ukrainian leader Zelensky has been distributed.

Currently, Zelensky is hiding in Canada, unable to return to Ukraine and unable to enter any country.

It's on Sky News UK. They say they are preparing for the Marshall Law, that is, martial law.
Mar 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
7254. Weather news... Nepal

It's a small country between China and India. There was a small earthquake here today.
But the important thing is that the farmland is submerged in water. Farmers are full of questions because they do not know where the water came from. We all know very well where this water came from. The water rose from the inside of the earth due to the pressure that is occurring inside the earth.

In the future, you will hear this kind of news from time to time around the globe.
As I have already mentioned,
Mar 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
7255...a rare video...9DAYS 160 TARGET
An incident in which knight blew up all 160 or more bases of terrorists around the world over 9 days a few years ago.

An event that mankind around the world was unaware of. It was an event that surprised even President Trump. Globalists pointed the finger at Trump because he did it, but Trump didn't know.
in the tweet below
On that day, a citizen tweeted a video of the Hezbollah HEAD QUATER bombing in Beirut, Lebanon.

Since this day, there has been no news about Hezbollah, and
Aug 7, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
It is said that few of the knights who fell off the cliff survived and became the seeds of the people who live here today.

Now, when Kimber wakes up, their spirits will return to their hometown of Nephlin.

All of them are waiting for Kimber to wake up.… Neplin is a planet where knights spend their entire lives at retirement age.

Globalist Reptilian Khazarian made the Giant to be called Nephlin in order to dishonor the Knight.
Aug 7, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The war against White Hat is going on behind the scenes due to Black Hat's relentless struggle.A recent incident after President Trump came out of the White House made him suddenly look very old, the knight says.
In the past, Trump, who didn't listen to knight's advice because he was surrounded by globalists and could not make an accurate judgment, was said to have had painful days with great regret for a while.President Trump's ex-wife, Ivana, was killed by the Globalist and Ivanka and his eldest son Donald Jr. were injured by the Globalist.
Aug 7, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Information received from 13TH Knight.
It is said that the Getty Company, famous for photography, has collected and removed all real historal photos that tell the history of mankind. It is a company of globalists who played a big role in creating fake history by removing real photos and making fake photos.
The Getty Museum is in Los Angeles.
Photos of the Getty Company signal that the company is making false history.
Jul 21, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
The 25-year global clean-up work is ongoing without the leader of any country on the planet.
This work is for the Earth and all life on Earth in accordance with the orders of the 13th Knight, and the construction technology will be passed on to humans so that the Space Force will learn cutting-edge technology.

So what is this job like?

1, FREE ENERGY. nuclear energy. TUBE TRAIN, tube train.
Tube trains are powered by nuclear energy and magnets, and are trackless trains.
Mar 23, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Kimber mentioned that the Khmer kingdom was when she started her first race on Earth (a little bit different from a human face now).

When starting this Khmer kingdom, Kimber brought a stone from the planet Ka and placed it in a pyramid Over the years, the stone was transported to Egypt, from Egypt to Ireland - to England - to Scotland - to England- Scotland
Currently, this stone is kept hidden by spiritual people in Scotland.
It is said that President Trump knows about this stone.
Mar 23, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Winter Olympics in Sult Lake, USA.Sult Lake is owned by Republican Senator Willard Mitt Romney. It is also the general headquarters of Mormonism.Romney was in charge of the Winter Olympics and tried to start a war by manipulating terrorism. They put a Middle Eastern people in jail for use and made all the preparations. It is said that the knight took the Middle Easterners out of prison and had them broadcast on the air they were waiting in handcuffs, and then secretly sent the Middle Easterners to their hometown.
Mar 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
About illegal immigrants. 70% of current Spanish residents in the United States are illegal. These 70% say they have fake green cards or are staying illegally. They use the Social Security numbers of the deceased to obtain permanent residency.They were issued and legally residing but they will all return to their home countries.
Or, they must be legally re-issued as a permanent resident.
It is said that the reason Deep State issued this illegal green card was to destroy society in the United States.
Mar 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
My previous post has disappeared and I have clearly posted the source, but there are people who ask questions without reading it, so I am moving it here with the understanding that I cannot answer it every time. This is where there is a group that has already heard and reported everything that happened at that time, both spiritually and in reality, from several years ago.
Mar 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
China plane crash
US Tornado Incident
We expect the tyranny of the remaining Deep State minions to become more frequent in the future.
but don't worry
A new world has already begun and is in operation. Throughout history, it has been said that it will take a long time to get rid of the countless Dibbs minions scattered throughout.
Until now, globalists have controlled and controlled the Earth, but Trump has taken over all of those cockpits and removed them.
Mar 22, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Globalists joined hands to separate Taiwan from China and used Taiwan as a playground.
Since then, nothing has been done by China and Taiwan without the involvement of American globalists.
But now, China and Taiwan are talking while turning away from the United States. The current situation is that the United States is unable to say anything while watching China and Taiwan talk.
Mar 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The Deep State Shadow Government, the politician known to the American people, has been cleaned up!

STATES ATTORNEY installed in each state = A total of 230,000 criminals involving children such as the Disney company were arrested in the state prosecutor's office. In the meantime, they tried to catch these bad people in the body office, the Ministry of Justice did not allow them to be tied up.
all kinds of lethal weapons hidden under the national park were found and removed, and countless people related to them were captured.
Mar 21, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read

President Trump has sent a long letter to 13TH Knight.
First of all, it was a message to announce that everything was over and a message to say thank you.
It was a brief description of what had happened so far. It tells knight that everything is over and the time has come.
And most of the contents of this letter were already known to those who read what KQ posted.
Mar 21, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
US ambassadors stationed in various countries around the world are returning home one after another because they do not welcome them when they learn the truth about America from each country. They are being voluntarily expelled from each country without a government order to return to their homeland.
Mar 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
U.S. globalist CIA seizes Burisma, the largest electricity and gas company in Ukraine

The truth about the distribution of aid money.
Company CEO: Hunter Biden Recruitment of relief funds in the name of helping underprivileged countries in the United States.
All aid recipients are sent back to Ukraine.->
Ukraine 10%
biden 10%
Hillary 10%,
Nancy Perlosi 10%
McCain 10%
Mar 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Gesara Nesara Execution Department

There will be fluctuations as the global economic system changes to the gold standard. And there may be some economic fluctuations due to globalists' confiscation of property and the closure of large corporations that harm human health. President Trump is working to prevent the stock market crash, so I don't think there's much to worry about.
So, please do not be swayed by what is said on TV or in the media.
There are many things that ordinary people do not know.
Mar 19, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
President Trump has tried EBS several times, but failed.


Aliens created a media control system called


People working here were completely isolated from society and worked only under the orders of certain politicians, and if those politicians disappeared, they would all be fired.

This is called SPY WAR.
They could only communicate with certain people without anyone knowing.
The things that Weather Mountain has been controlling are the Department of Defense screens,broadcasting station screens