Claudia Hanson Thiem Profile picture
#Cohousing momma. Pedestrian. Organizer-at-Large. Team @BoulderProgress and @Jovita4Colorado. Twitter is dead, so I had to *join* the Planning Board. She/her
Jun 25, 2021 79 tweets 9 min read
It's Boulder Planning Board Thursday and we're going to do another round on the Spine Road apartments. No public comment tonight, just deliberations based on last week's applicant presentation and hearing. Still, could require popcorn. Summary of the 6/17 public hearing, ICYMI:
May 28, 2021 51 tweets 6 min read
Boulder Planning Board is kicking off its affordable housing finance and development study session. I'm here to learn along with the board, and of course to report on their reactions. Boulder's permanently affordable housing goal is 15% of all units by 2035. We're at 8.4%, or ~3700 units as of 2020. There are additional 971 units 'in the pipeline'.
May 20, 2021 100 tweets 12 min read
Boulder Planning Board off to an early start talking about the city's Access Management and Parking Strategy (AMPS) - parking reforms in 'progress' for at least 7 years. This is a carryover discussion from the last meeting, which ran late due to a housing review - which was denied because of...parking.
Jan 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm listening to a presentation from a new group - Colorado Housing Affordability Project - that is researching and advocating for land use and zoning reforms - at the state level. Check them out: I am skipping lunch and feasting on this platform...ADUs, transit-oriented development, missing middle housing, and no population caps.
Jan 22, 2021 100 tweets 10 min read
I'm sorry if you were finally enjoying 2021, but I can't resist tonight's Boulder Planning Board meeting. There's a public hearing about converting the storied (and now landmarked) Marpa House into apartments, likely for students. It will be spicy! I'm wrestling with a column on another infuriating topic on the side, so I might be just a tad salty too.
Jan 14, 2021 27 tweets 3 min read
Boulder Police Chief Maris Herold is having another town hall this morning. I'll report out anything new-ish... Obviously a lot of the talk is going to be about Boulder's unhoused. Officer Maynard from BPD's Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) is on the call. And they're plugging the 1/19 City Council meeting, where encampments and homeless services are on the agenda.
Dec 18, 2020 30 tweets 4 min read
Good evening to anyone who finds Boulder Planning Board worth a like. The main business tonight is a Concept Review of a new Fire Station #3 at 30th and Bluff. Planning Board will also finish its annual letter to City Council. I will surely tweet far more than the evening merits. If approved, new fire station will replace the one at 30th and Arapahoe, which is outdated, undersized, and in a flood zone.
Dec 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I first encountered @markgelband neck deep in the comments section of the Camera, circa 2008. I didn’t have a clue what or who he was fighting then. And he was so roundly abused in that forum that I assumed he must be wrong. (1/5) Of course, he wasn’t, and I’m sorry it took me a decade of living here to figure that out. Mark has been a generous friend since I’ve known him, and behind his public bluster, a patient explainer of our inglorious local history. (2/5)
Dec 10, 2020 23 tweets 3 min read
I'm at a Boulder Police Department community forum and might do a thread. '2020 Disruptions in Policing', for your consideration:
Dec 4, 2020 62 tweets 8 min read
Boulder Planning Board thread incoming...approving mid-term updates to the Comp Plan, S. Boulder Creek upstream analysis, transportation design and construction standards, and that tedious year-end letter-by-committee to City Council on tap. I have my knitting standing by. Public participation: Kurt Nordback here repping Community Cycles. They have been through the transportation and constructions standards w their typical rigor. I love these humans.
Nov 20, 2020 77 tweets 9 min read
Live from Boulder Planning Board...We've got a discussion of parking (the Access Management And Parking Strategy/AMPS) program, and Planning Board's annual report to City Council. Also we'll have a visit from Boulder's new Director of Planning Jacob Lindsey. A profile of Lindsey and some of his earlier work in Charleston, SC here:…
Nov 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Boulder’s Planning Board will be drafting its annual letter to City Council at its meeting tomorrow (11/19). And tweeting this exercise will be so much more fun with a little public participation. Please share your thoughts at 6PM: City Council wants to know what work made Planning Board ‘happy’ and ‘sad’ this year. Talk at an earlier meeting went directly to climate change and structural racism (both sad, to be clear), so some hearts are in the right place.
Nov 6, 2020 117 tweets 13 min read
Boulder Planning Board is meeting tonight in case anyone still cares about local politics. We’ve got a deeply personal fight about live music at a restaurant on E. Pearl, a minor change to the NoBo subcommunity plan, and an update on CU South annexation and public process. I hope some folks will be at the library’s One Book conversation with Ijeoma Oluo tonight. Tbh I’d rather be there.
Nov 5, 2020 20 tweets 3 min read
Meanwhile in Boulder…I’m listening in on a town hall meeting with Police Chief Maris Herold hosted by the Dairy Arts Center. There's been an increase in camping in the park north of the Dairy, and two weeks ago a homicide victim was found there. More than 100 people in attendance. Herold starts her introduction talking about challenges of COVID capacity limits at the jail.
Oct 23, 2020 51 tweets 7 min read
Hey Boulder, if you need something other than fires and elections to doomscroll tonight, I’ve got you covered. Planning Board is doing a concept review of a big downtown project… Grace Commons Church (formerly First Pres) wants to redevelop its main campus and annex at 16th/Walnut. Church spaces, a cafe, and 30 units affordable housing are in the mix. Here’s the packet:…
Sep 25, 2020 52 tweets 6 min read
Boulder Planning Board's site review of the proposed Macy's redevelopment is happening now. I've heard so much over the years about the Crossroads Mall, but it was gone by the time I arrived in 2007. So appreciated that city staff's presentation started with this history: Image
Aug 20, 2020 129 tweets 14 min read
Some of you Boulderites are following the Muni hearing tonight, but I - and a not insignificant number of city staff - am hanging with the Planning Board. Some jokes amongst staff about double-screening it tonight. Let's try not to inflict too much brain damage on them, ok?