Jen Easterly🛡️ Profile picture
Director, America’s Cyber Defense Agency/Head Goalie, Team Cyber. Combat Veteran. Proud Mom. Rubik’s🧊 Enthusiast. Aspiring Electric 🎸. ❤️/RT ≠ endorsement
Daniel O'Donnell Profile picture 2 subscribed
Oct 23, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
ICYMI: @boblord & I put out a blog as part of our @AuthenticateCon preso: HELP US AMPLIFY THE CALLS TO ACTION TO THE TECHNOLOGY VENDORS that power our digital lives to provide the visibility we need to to raise the cybersecurity baseline for the nation: 1. EMBRACE RADICAL TRANSPARENCY FOR MFA STATS: We can’t improve what we don’t measure. Publish what % of enterprise users are using SMS vs FIDO vs an authenticator app. And tell us how those numbers are changing quarter to quarter. Tech providers can inform the whole ecosystem.
Sep 30, 2022 15 tweets 9 min read
🎃🍂 Fall is always a busy season for @CISAgov (cue this long thread!). Between #CyberMonth, election security, and everything else in-between.

Here's @CISAgov's September month in review & what's in store for October. A thread 🧵 #CISAInReview 🗳️ Exercise your right to vote! We’re proud to support our partners throughout September’s National Vote Registration Month. Visit to check on your voter registration.
Mar 13, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
🧵On the demise of public-private partnership & the rise of operational collaboration: In Dec 20, a significant cyber-espionage campaign was discovered by @FireEye, illuminating the reality that in our highly-digitized world, tech companies are often first to see an attack.1/ 🛡Based on this recognition & new authority from Congress, in Aug 21, we launched the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative to enable collective cyber defense of the nation. JC⚡️DC has now grown to 20+ of the biggest tech cos w/unique visibility into the critical infra ecosystem.2/
Mar 11, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Thrilled to see that the cyber incident reporting legislation has passed! This bill is a game-changer & a critical step forward for our Nation's cybersecurity. As the nation's cyber defense agency, it will help @CISAgov better protect our networks & critical infrastructure. @CISAgov will use this info to render assistance to victims suffering attacks, analyze reporting to spot trends across sectors, & quickly share information with network defenders to warn potential victims & help prevent further attacks.
Mar 2, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
🛡️A cyber🧵While there are currently no specific or credible cyber threats to the US homeland as a result of the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, @CISAgov strongly urges continued vigilance by all orgs – large & small. See for info & updates 1/ Just because we have not seen threats to date doesn’t mean we will not see them manifest quickly. Risks may emerge rapidly from a) unintended impacts of cyber attacks within & beyond Ukraine by both state & non-state actors; 2/