CJ the
| Aggregating @c4dotgg | ex-VC Analyst | i like roasting projects
Jerome Ku Profile picture 雷神Value(✊, ⬜) Profile picture ger🦇🔊 .lens Profile picture Sean Senthilnathan Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 27, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read
Everyone's writing threads on the Telegram Bot narrative, but do you still dig left and right for a comparison between them and couldn't find any?

Here comes the TG Bot Royal Rumble Comparison thread! Image 1/ Here's a brief copy of what the difference are between 5 projects which are live (may have excluded some because they don't have a working product/not much features) :

@TeamUnibot @0xWagieBots @MaestroBots @BananaGunBot @BoltBotERC

Apr 11, 2023 35 tweets 17 min read
Presales! You’ve heard of the term where people always say being early is key!

Have you listened to the shills and wondered why you still ended up losing money?

Here’s why:

You don’t know what you're apeing into. Image 1/ Allow me to explain what are they and what should be considered before apeing into them!

I'll explain what are they, different types of presales with examples, pros vs cons and what I usually do!
Mar 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This smells sus af @Atlasaggregator

All the farms are under a proxy governed by an unverified contract


Proxy Owner:

Dev wallet funded from Swift mixer
debank.com/profile/0x4606… Says they are audited BUT Image
Mar 27, 2023 15 tweets 8 min read
Teams with good financials are a step ahead of their competitors.

Is your project/team well capitalized to operate with sufficient runway?

What if I told you there’s an ecosystem ready with grants and up to $200M worth of capital ready to be deployed? Image 1/ @0xMantle just announced their deployment of their Ecosystem Fund and their grants program.

This one is for all you builders whether you’re a novice team with a great idea debating on where to launch, or for those who are already running multi-million dollar protocols.
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 10 min read
Are you ready to ape shitcoins on FVM?

A thread on Filecoin Degen MasterList:
List will get updated constantly on my TG (t.me/c4dotgg)

Have not done DD yet so ape responsibly. RPC Info
Chain ID 314
Currency FIL
Or just use Chainlist (chainlist.org/chain/314)


Binance, Gate.io, OKX
Mar 14, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
A list of protocols/strategies affected by the @eulerfinance exploit: 1. @AngleProtocol
Mar 2, 2023 29 tweets 11 min read
Why did @circle introduce native USDC to different blockchains like Avax & Solana?

1 reason is to avoid exploits like the Nomad hack from happening.

Heard of a protocol building a bridge catered to NATIVE bluechip altcoins like $AVAX, $FTM, $BNB?

Read on in this 🧵 below: 1/
Before we dive in, there’s mainly 2 types of bridging mechanisms to be aware of: Image
Feb 22, 2023 16 tweets 9 min read
Wondering why you’ve bought a token that popped up on Dexscreener with the correct address after checking but still unable to sell it?

You got honeypotted.

Read on to understand how the new trending scam works and how to avoid losing your shekels to them. Image Before we dive in, its best to check out this thread I wrote last year about the random tokens with good volume turning out to be honeypots before you dive in.
Feb 12, 2023 25 tweets 12 min read
Pretty sure I’ve seen CT say things like “Why yield farm when you can put them in T-Bills for 4-5% and its safe?”

Well, if you only find yields under 4-5% then you probably aren’t yield farming right.

A🧵 about the art of yield farming with some alpha below: 1/ What is yield farming? You first need to understand this.

How do protocols generate revenue?

DEXs → % of the swap fees
Money Markets → % of the interest charged to borrowers
Derivatives → % of the fees used to open/close positions or from funding rates
Feb 2, 2023 34 tweets 15 min read
You've heard about Celestia / Fuel, you've heard about EigenLayer.

What if I told you there was something that is a mixture of both?

Let's dive in to what @0xMantle is and whether it's beneficial for $BIT.

ps: Alpha near the end so you better read it all

A 🧵 👇 1/ What is Mantle Network?

An Ethereum based modular L2 blockchain (Optimistic rollup for now, with plans to upgrade to a zkRollup in the future).

But before we go further, below is a layman explanation on what modular blockchains are.
Jan 20, 2023 28 tweets 12 min read
Missed some of the recent moves that happened?

1 way that will help gain an edge is to follow whales/smart money and check what they're up to.

Here's a list of the top 10 + 1 wallets on @DeBankDeFi to see what they're up to! Some of the key findings:

▶️Some are taking part in APE staking.
▶️Common farms include Convex, Beefy, GMX.
▶️Majority of funds still on Ethereum.
▶️1 is net short USDT, another is net short VST.
▶️2 wallets have SUDO-ETH positions.
Jan 11, 2023 24 tweets 10 min read
Ever thought about what would happen to the crypto gainz you made if something happened to you?

No one really does.

What if there was a decentralized way to prevent that from happening? A backstop so to say, will share 3 projects building possible solutions.

A🧵 below : 2/

Short Primer:

Problems when a crypto native user passes away:

→ Private keys are private for a reason, one leak is all it takes to get wiped hence its important to keep them safu

→ Lack of legal frameworks and guidelines on how to pass on digital assets to next of kin
Jan 4, 2023 33 tweets 13 min read
Everyone’s writing about 2023 predictions, what about the predictions that were made for 2022?

Let’s take a look at some 2022 predictions & how they went:

A 🧵 below: 1/

@PanteraCapital’s @veradittakit Predictions for 2022

Dec 26, 2022 42 tweets 18 min read
As more and more reports are being published, here is the Part 2 of the VCs/Institutions outlook summaries!

This time, we're taking a look and some bold and interesting thoughts between 3 players in the space!

Part 2 🧵 👇 1/

TLDR + my fun comments 🤣

If you don't have the time to read, this pic below should cover the rest of the thread (NFA!!!)

For a deeper dive, you can read through below for more thorough insights.
Dec 21, 2022 25 tweets 10 min read
2022 is ending. This is the time where many VC’s / institutions come up with a YoY reviews or insights on what they’re looking at in the space for 2023.

If you want to know what they’re looking at, I summarized some reports from key players in the industry.

Part 1 🧵 below: 1/

@HashKey_Capital’s 2022 DeFi Ecosystem Report (bit.ly/3G69s06)

✍️: @henriquecentiei, Jupiter Zheng, Scarlett Xiao
Dec 15, 2022 31 tweets 14 min read
All eyes right now are on something building on top of GMX, be it a yield aggregator, or a pseudo-delta-neutral vault.

Instead, lets take a look at another upcoming market
👉 Undercollateralized Lending and something new that's building on top of it.

A 🧵 below: 1/

Pretty sure everyone has seen uncollateralized lending platforms pop up (most recently @dammfinance). Then you have the big guys such as @maplefinance and @clearpool.

@Delphi_Digital wrote a report back in October which you can read for a better understanding.
Nov 27, 2022 18 tweets 7 min read
A thread on the recent rise of "Alpha" groups/DAOs

Many groups/communities deem themselves as "Alpha" seekers or hunters when its actually just a cash grab of founders recycling the same calls/analysis/research and spitting them out into the multiple groups they are in. (2/16)

People believe in these groups where some actually pay for them (NFT/Token gated communities) that they are able to extract information which leads to profit generating results, be it flipping NFTs, trading, strategies etc.
Nov 1, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Someone has been "market-making" their self-deployed honeypot tokens specifically on Arbitrum multiple times a day, baiting unsuspecting individuals into buying their scam.

A🧵 on how to spot it and avoid this scam (1/8) : (2/8)
Scammer's Modus Operandi:
- Bridge funds into new Metamask account
- Create new token
- Add liquidity (usually $20k and above)
- Uses their smart contract to buy/sell with multiple wallets
- Removes liquidity
- Transfers funds to new wallet and repeats step 1