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In the Control Group 💉 Mom, Wife, Engineer, Patriot, Nuclear Energy Advocate, Pro-Life. I ❤️ Cast Iron Cookware & Tom Sowell.
Jul 5, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
@ZDoggMD - do you think that I’m a “fu*kwad” or a conspiracy nut b/c I don’t think children need to be injected w/ ~90 doses of pharmaceutical products to be “healthy”? Because I know that human nature is not optional and when there is ZERO liability, bad things WILL happens? What an arrogant condescending jerk! You guys act like average folks, or even way above average folks like @RobertKennedyJr, are too stupid to understand basic data and are unable to read simple text if it is related to TheScience 🙄. How incredibly patronizing and dismissive!
Feb 12, 2022 • 15 tweets • 11 min read
@MartyMakary I have been watching you two slowly realize a very dark truth over the past year. Often in disbelief that your completely rational professional opinion that is solidly supported by GOOD data and decades of clinical experience is for some reason “controversial” 1/

@VPrasadMDMPH @MartyMakary @VPrasadMDMPH You keep calling out the obvious politicization of the CDC, FDA, NIH, and the numerous bad policies. You two, like many other brave MDs, have stood up with your spine stiffened by your impeccable reputation and rock solid ethics. Where are the rest?!? 2/
Jan 12, 2022 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
@NatetheLawyer I respectfully disagree w/ you on this one. Yes, many states do require specific vaccines from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule. However, there are some very important distinctions (1/#)

Did you know that there are 69 doses on the schedule, not including C19? That is a lot! @NatetheLawyer The shots on the CDC schedule were fully FDA approved, underwent rigorous & lengthy clinical trials, and were approved & used for at least 6 years before being put on the schedule.

The approved product is not yet available in the U.S. & there is ZERO longterm safety data.
Aug 11, 2021 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
@terrihill @conservmillen Okay. Maybe this will help…

COVID 19 is Easily Risk Stratified: young & healthy people almost always have minor symptoms and recover just fine. My kids had low fever & stuffy nose for 2 days. Age, obesity, serious illness, breathing issues, etc. all greatly increase risk. 1/ @terrihill @conservmillen COVID 19 Vaccine Risks are Unknown & Appear Random: Data don’t follow a trend other than the young and those who have had COVID seem to be at higher risk of serious event or death. The same population who have the lowest risks from the virus. It’s like Russian Roulette. 2/
Aug 7, 2021 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
@SharylAttkisson I’m going to call bullshit on the KY study. Haven’t read it yet, but my prediction is that everyone with 1 out of 2 vaccines and anyone less than 2 weeks out from their last dose was put in the “unvaccinated” category. If they were honest, they’d throw them out. Let’s see…. @SharylAttkisson Okay, so I was incorrect in my prediction of how it be BS, but it is absolutely garbage!

They list several issues with the study, nearly all would shift the results towards their desired outcome.

This is the biggest IMHO….