CnRNaggarock Profile picture
Twitter for my twitch. Scottish streamer, Grouchy in the morn ,cuddly in the evenings, When laughing he communicates with banshees
Aug 3, 2019 21 tweets 8 min read
@Mortiel I apologise in advance if I seem to jump from one part of things to another, I tend to struggle with the structure of my responses at times. @Mortiel Firstly I would agree if it was an ideal situation, it unfortunatly isn't so I have to disagree with positive reinforcement. It doesn't work on publishers, (Most of them anyway) An example of this. BL3 going exclusive in a display of pure unmitigated avarice.
Aug 3, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
@Mortiel I'd question the thoughts behind "Attacking the idea means buying the game where you want not where they tell you."
(I hate twitters word limit. Gimmie 30 seconds) @Mortiel How would still playing for an exclusive title when it finally releases on other platforms, for (Most likely) full release price upto a year later, do anything to combat the idea of it being a perfectly fine and not damaging to pr in the slightest?