Chris Elmendorf Profile picture
The law prof at UC Davis, not the developer in San Diego. Dad. Denizen of San Francisco. Patron of Amtrak. Tweets are my own, not statements of UC. (he/him)
Mar 23 16 tweets 5 min read
Proposition: Abundance and the conservationist mode of environmentalism are (or should be) friends, not enemies.
🧵/15. Image There's a widespread view that Abundance squares w/ environmentalism only insofar as climate supersedes conservation as the Big Issue for enviros.

Tradeoffs b/t conservation & green energy give rise to a "Greens' Dilemma."
/2 Image
Mar 11 17 tweets 5 min read
Even if CA enacts this amazing set of bills ⤵️, there are big challenges ahead.

I see six areas of concern on the horizon. 🧵/16. Concern #1. Local political incentives.

Ditching public hearings on housing proposals ("ministerial approval") is good, but it doesn't give city council members any affirmative reason to facilitate -- or simply not obstruct -- development.

Mar 11 17 tweets 6 min read
It's exciting to see the public-intellectual drumbeat around "Abundance" manifest in this year's crop of California housing bills.

They're far more ambitious--and promising--than anything I've seen previously. 🧵/17 Image
#1: CEQA reform that's broad, deep, and clean.

@Scott_Wiener's SB 607:
- authorizes admin mapping of good-for-infill areas & greatly simplifies CEQA review of housing in those areas (in line with the recommendations of this...

Mar 4 14 tweets 5 min read
Correction: My earlier posts (⤵️) about AB 1893's "baby builder's remedy" for projects on housing-element inventory sites missed an important detail.

There was (I think) an accident in the drafting of AB 1893 which may greatly limit its reach. 🧵/13 Image
AB 1893 is @BuffyWicks's "builder's remedy grows up" bill.

It tried to clarify the development standards that apply to those housing projects which a city may not disapprove (or render infeasible) on grounds of noncompliance w/ zoning.

Feb 1 18 tweets 4 min read
Had a great chat yesterday w/ Tal Alster about Israel's TAMA 38 program and potential extensions to SFH -> plex projects in the U.S.
🧵/17 Image TAMA 38 authorizes condo HOAs, by supermajority vote, to contract w/ developer to redevelop their building as a larger building w/ more units.

- owners each get a bigger/nicer/safer condo, and money to pay for temporary housing

- developer profits from the added units

Jan 30 22 tweets 6 min read
An L.A. rebuild problem which @GavinNewsom & Leg ought to fix, post-haste:

- Many people who lost their homes are underinsured & can't afford to rebuild.
- Many others are inexpert at supervising contractors & vulnerable to being scammed.

The best path forward...
1/🧵 Image for many such folks is probably to sell their burned out property to a developer, for cash or cash + option to purchase a new townhome or condo that the developer will build on the property.

But, L.A. County's plan to 2-track permitting...

Jan 27 5 tweets 3 min read
This Tuesday, LA County Commission will vote on a clusterf*ck resolution to speed the rebuilding of firetraps -- while exempting "fire impacted communities" from virtually all state housing laws for the next 5 years.
1/5 Image (link: )

I figured there'd be some nonsense after the fires, but nothing like this.

The County proposes a two-track permitting system: fast lane for like-for-like rebuilds; slow lane for everything else.
Jan 21 7 tweets 2 min read
Curious about federal tax & housing policy? Check out my new paper w/ @aarmlovi and @samjacobson9.

We argue that Congress should make housing projects in big, expensive cities ineligible for affordable-housing tax credits unless the city opts into federal prohousing rules.
1/5 Image @aarmlovi @samjacobson9 (link: )

The federal prohousing rules would borrow from the recent "YIMBY" reforms adopted, on a bipartisan basis, in red and blue states alike.

To retain tax-credit eligibility, big cities would have to (1) allow dense housing in commercial...
Dec 17, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
New @SeanMcCulloch11 & Gyourko paper estimates value that suburban homeowners' place on avoidance of density.

tl,dr: anti-density prefs are typical but there's lots of heterogeneity, a long tail of density haters, & v. strong distaste for renters

1/5 Image @SeanMcCulloch11 Paper leverages density discontinuities at borders b/t jx w/ different largest min lot size per Wharton survey.

As @salimfurth observes, it's probably picking up distaste for living near poorer 'burbs, not just distaste for density as such.

Nov 27, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
A 🧵 on new MA clean-energy law.

tl;dr: "comprehensive permit" is great; so too, new substantive standards in place of open-ended enviro reviews.

But failure to address incentives for litigation may prove to be the Achilles' heel.

1/23… .@JesseJenkins celebrates the law for (1) eliminating veto points, (2) facilitating robust public participation in permitting, (3) speeding up permitting.

I'm convinced of (1); but I think upshot for (2) and (3) is less clear.

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Nov 18, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
New UCLA Lewis Center report on LA's housing element rezoning program (CHIPs) illustrates urgent need for legislative oversight + clarification of housing-element law.

L.A. is on the wrong track, headed for a wreck.

1/… L.A.'s housing element was great. Using research from @TernerHousing, L.A. discounted sites' nominal capacity by estimated probability of development during planning period. Status quo shown to be woefully inadequate --> big rezoning commitments.

Nov 17, 2024 25 tweets 8 min read
The Arlington Missing Middle decision is a doozy.

It drive home @nicholas_bagley's point that "hard look" judicial review is the root problem, not NEPA or mini-NEPAs.

It's also interesting (bad) on nondelegation & remedies.

A NIMBY trifecta.

🧵/25 Context:
- After 3+ years of studies & debate, Arlington in March, 2023 passed an ordinance that allows up to 58 "plexes" (of up to 6 units) to be permitted annually in single-family-home zones,
Oct 24, 2024 21 tweets 6 min read
Prop 33 supporters are saying voters needn't worry about cities abusing rent control to kill off housing development b/c state law guarantees landlords a "just and reasonable" return on investment.

If only they were right! 🧵/21. It's true that CA cases dating to the 1970s say that rent controls which are so low as to be "confiscatory" are unconstitutional.

In fact, in 1976, CA Supreme Court said landlords are entitled to "just and reasonable return on their property"!

Sep 29, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
L.A. housing element rezone is a big test for @California_HCD.

Public discussion has focused on city's decision to "preserve" its SFH zones, but the bigger prob is a mess of new, cost-elevating rules, obscured by hand-waiving about sites probability of development.
🧵/19. When L.A. prepared its housing element, it worked with @TernerHousing on a good study that related sites' land-value residuals under various zoning scenarios to their probability of development.
Sep 21, 2024 19 tweets 7 min read
On Jan. 1, 2025, most lots in San Francisco's residential neighborhoods will be opened up for 4-9 unit, 100% market-rate projects.

Applicants may design their project *however they want,* provided it conforms to *some* zoning district anywhere in city.

An explainer 🧵. 1/19. This result comes courtesy of AB 1893, signed into law yesterday, which for present purposes made three significant changes to California's Housing Accountability Act (HAA).
Sep 20, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
SB 1123, signed into law yesterday, is a step toward allowing "Houston style" infill throughout California.

Unfortunately, due to vestigial CA-brain thinking, it's unlikely to unleash a Houston-style infill boom w/o further legislative tweaks.
🧵/17 The gist of the bill:
- Requires ministerial approval of "small lot subdivision projects" of up to 10 unit on infill sites. This includes both condo projects ("vertical subdivision") and fee-simple projects ("horizontal subdivision").
Sep 13, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
🥳New paper! "Do Housing Supply Skeptics Learn?"🎆

Yessir, they do!

And when they do, they become *much* more supportive of market-rate housing development.

Image Context: @ClaytonNall, @stan_okl & I have run a number of surveys in which we find that ordinary people have no conviction that even a very large positive shock to their metro region's housing supply would bring down prices & rents.

Aug 21, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
This (⤵️) is a clever idea about how to advance a single-stair project in California. Might be worth a try...
1/8 The SDBL requires cities to waive "development standards" that would physically preclude the project, and also to provide a number of "concessions and incentives," unless doing so would violate health/safety per the HAA.

Jul 2, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
Looks like tomorrow's committee hearing on @BuffyWicks's "Builder's Remedy Grows Up" bill, AB 1893, will be make-or-break.

The committee's bill analysis is out. It's pretty hostile.

This 🧵covers the main objections and quickly responds.

Image Objection #1: By amending the HAA's definition of disapproval to cover de-facto disapproval thru "unjustified, dilatory, or egregious" course of conduct, the bill would expose local governments to liability for reasonable, good-faith actions.

Jun 8, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
.@Planning4LA has issued new CEQA streamlining checklist for projects within scope of housing element EIR.

Here's a 🧵comparing L.A. & S.F.'s use of housing element EIRs to streamline CEQA review of projects & rezoning.
1/16… Both cities (wisely) did a full EIR for their housing elements, saving time, grief & litigation risk down the road.

Even more wisely, both cities put most developable parcels in their housing element site inventories, w/ p(dev) adjustments.
Jun 3, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
California shoots self in foot, again:

@AsmChrisWard's bill to revisit CA Building Code w/ goal of reducing construction costs by 30% has been gutted.

It now just prescribes study of whether to allow 3-10 unit buildings under residential code.

Image CA's "housing crisis policy" has been to pass dramatic bills allowing big apartment & condo projects to be built as of right & in derogation of local zoning--but only if the projects would be so costly that (almost) none get built.
