Common SeNCO Profile picture
Father, Husband, Infantryman, Avid Stryker Enthusiast, Pro-Skeptic, Attempted Scholar. Leadership ability isn’t dependent on sideburn length. Views are mine.
Mar 21, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Retirement Final Thoughts:
1. Don’t wait to thank the people you would wished you’d thanked if you died tomorrow. Thank them for things they did whether they meant to or not.
2. Don’t bother thanking the people who taught you what not to do. Fuck them. Especially you, SSG NW. 3. Leaders Eat Last was ruined by the book when it became a trope and a weird competition. But it should still mean something, and I don’t think it does. You can’t be the CSM/SGM yelling “leaders eat last!” and then cry about not getting VIP treatment when you’re TDY or deployed.
Jul 10, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
Gather round for the story of how then-SFC @CSenco had his NJP dismissed at the 11th hour by a magnanimous BN CDR. NJP for that most grievous of Servicemember affronts to the good order and discipline of the US Army… the wearing of civilian clothes in a gym to do PT on leave. No shit there I was, on a cold, rainy morning at JBLM, due to PCS in a few short months. On this day of days I would soon learn to rue, I made the unforgivable choice to… DO PT ON LEAVE.
Feb 14, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ On this day in 1951, the 23rd RCT received the best Valentines Day you could ask for:
A front row seat to one of costliest underestimations of the French Army.
See just after midnight the PLA forces thought a bayonet charge on the French positions was in order, 2/ And since the PLA’s bayonet charge MDMP was pretty thorough, they remembered to sound their bugles and whistles whilst mid-charge which they assumed would augment their chosen COA. A poor assumption, but not their last before daybreak would arrive. Call this “PLA Whoopsie #1”.
Jun 18, 2019 19 tweets 3 min read
(1/X) This will likely be personally identifiable info, but I recently found old FB posts from a CQ shift at Drill Sergeant School (disclaimer I was a SFC(P) working as a 1SG when I was selected and was not a model drill sergeant candidate. Also, I was reading a lot of Lovecraft) Entry #1: In case you were wondering how it's going on my CQ shift here at the Drill Sergeant Academy:
Time: 1718
Mission: Charge of Quarters
Report Follows--
18 minutes complete. Nothing of significance to report. Cleaning complete, alone with only my thoughts to keep me company
Jan 2, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
2/2 Chip Yong Ni conclusion-
and now that it’s light, the mighty Air Force is raining napalm hate on the PLA to give the boys on the ground a breather and it’s working, but they’re getting low on ammo, but hey that’s why they had bayonets. They spend the day distributing ammo, reinforcing their positions and, as for the 37th Field Artillery, identifying potential buildings the enemy might use to attack and blowing them all to fuck. And if there’s one thing that everyone can admit they want to see,
Jan 2, 2019 25 tweets 5 min read
I’m about to go Twitter dark for like 6 months so here’s part one of a drafted tweet I was too cowardly to post (1/2 THREADS, it’s a lot):

Chip Yong Ni-
Inspired by booze, boredom and @pptsapper, I present to you my inaugural ramblings concerning the Battle of Chipyong Ni. So, no shit, there we were (that’s where I’m obligated to start, right?), embroiled in the back and forth conflict (yup, not a war, but tell that to the Mud-feet... Mud-foots? Anyways...) known as the Korean War.