Cade Onder Profile picture
23 year old obsessed with Spider-Man. Co-host @PostCredPod. Chicken tendy connoisseur. Previous work: @ComicBook @ScreenRant @GameZoneOnline
steph wanamaker Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 21 17 tweets 4 min read
Last night, my girlfriend and I came back from dinner, sat down on the couch and I saw a tall figure wearing a baseball hat walk through her dark bedroom.

I immediately asked “did you lock the door” and she said yes, but I didn’t tell her what I saw.

(1/6) It really creeped me out because I was pretty certain of what I saw and I stared into her room waiting to see something move, but nothing happened… so I just let it go.

We went to bed later and her dog would randomly bark, very aggressively at her bedroom door. (2/6)