How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App 1) BLM is a hate group that endorses violence, tyranny, and other profoundly anti-Christian values. If Platt and Kelsey marched with it, they're every bit as unfit for positions of religious leadership as they would be if they marched with the KKK. Period. most remarkable thing about @DavidAFrench's insipid (and let's face it, almost certainly bad-faith) position here is that it's all-but impossible to tell what he thinks the point of higher education even is -- why it's considered of public interest in the first place.'s interesting that Noonan opens this piece with an anecdote about a European diplomat's disapproval of America. I suspect that if we reviewed her 2002-2004 writings we'd find a few rebukes of the idea we should give a damn what foreign governments think about us. smarmy little act @DavidAFrench does - and yes, it is an act - where he sneers at people who recognize the danger of the Left as "fearful" or somehow not trusting God is one of the most vile, dishonest, demagogic pieces of sophistry in his quiver, and that's saying a lot. is so dishonest (also on-brand for French). Most on the Right don't care if a (so-called, in this case) conservative talks about racism. We care when you lie about it. Is their anything more to the bamboo-fiber thing than one guy claiming they're doing it in an interview? Because if there is, @DavidAFrench sure as hell can't be trusted to tell his audience about it., this a hilarious hit on multiple levels. OF COURSE somebody who doesn't keep around or listen to the usual self-important GOP advisers is going to disgruntle that group. THIS IS A FEATURE, NOT A BUG. "Show me a quote from Cheney where she attacked the base."'s the full segment. In it, @TuckerCarlson says vaccines are generally safe and that causation has not been established: "FIRST AMENDMENT" and "PROPERTY RIGHTS!" does not end the discussion as libertarians & SwampCons want. But they're real things--important things--and conservatives have to factor them into the solutions we advocate. living today who truly believes in individual liberty, human equality, and accountable government constrained by a Constitution should just be called a conservative. Because that's what they are.