Calvin Freiburger Profile picture
Independent, Christian, @Hillsdale conservative. @LifeSite writer. Fighter, thinker, reformer. Views strictly my own. Trump failed; time for #DeSantis2024.
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Oct 2, 2022 27 tweets 5 min read
Re: the "Trump was undermined by internal resistance & bad advice" excuse -- yes, he was. But most of it was enabled or amplified by his own decisions.

To not fire Comey on Day 1. To pick two bad AGs in a row instead of seeking a fighter to spearhead a housecleaning. To leave countless fools and saboteurs in place. To drop “lock her up” the moment it was no longer politically useful. To not sit down with Christian Adams, Judicial Watch, or anyone else who's been fighting these battles for years and could have helped him develop action plans.
Mar 2, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
What I want out of a president:

- uprooting the corruption, incompetence, & leftism in our military, Justice Department, medical bureaucracy, & education system

- filling courts with ACTUAL originalists we don't have to just guess will do the right thing (continued) - genuine independence from the GOP establishment, recognition of what they really are, & commitment to resisting & replacing them as needed

- actually building the border wall, shoring up immigration enforcement, dismantling incentives to illegal immigration (continued)
Feb 7, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Notorious Twitter addict Jonah Goldberg has been oddly silent the past six hours. Apparently he hasn't yet figured out an adequate spin for his massive hypocrisy. UPDATE: Jonah's explanation not even pretend to have an explanation for his hypocrisy, but to snottily pretend the *mere act of noticing it* somehow reflects badly on *the noticers.* No explanation for that, either. Because he knew it was crap before he typed it.
Jul 25, 2021 10 tweets 6 min read
There are two fundamental truths here: that @DavidAFrench is not a conservative, and that he won't confront most of the actual conservatives who tear apart the fallacies and falsehoods he peddles in this screed. @DavidAFrench 1) BLM is a hate group that endorses violence, tyranny, and other profoundly anti-Christian values. If Platt and Kelsey marched with it, they're every bit as unfit for positions of religious leadership as they would be if they marched with the KKK. Period.
Jun 11, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
The stupidity of applying the "banning ideas" framing here is astonishing. Schools ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE INDIFFERENT ABOUT WHAT STUDENTS LEARN. We don't fund schools for the hell of it; we do it to transmit the right understanding & values from one generation to the next. The most remarkable thing about @DavidAFrench's insipid (and let's face it, almost certainly bad-faith) position here is that it's all-but impossible to tell what he thinks the point of higher education even is -- why it's considered of public interest in the first place.
Jun 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Your "@TheDispatch Journalism Is a Joke" reminder of the day: this is precisely the conclusion an "objective" report like this is supposed to explore, not assume at the outset. "his refusal to propagate the Big Lie has rendered him public enemy No. 1"

uNbiAseD fAcT-bASed RePOrtiNg
Jun 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Liar. Noonan knows perfectly well that most of the people she's writing about were "appalled" by the riot; what she's actually mad about is that we didn't meekly submit to the demands of those using Jan. 6 as a pretext to destroy the people and arguments they hate and fear. It's interesting that Noonan opens this piece with an anecdote about a European diplomat's disapproval of America. I suspect that if we reviewed her 2002-2004 writings we'd find a few rebukes of the idea we should give a damn what foreign governments think about us.
Jun 6, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
“Why should I believe when you so obviously do not?” is also a question that could be asked of David himself, but he seems remarkably untroubled by the potential for his own corruption to trigger similar crises of faith. This smarmy little act @DavidAFrench does - and yes, it is an act - where he sneers at people who recognize the danger of the Left as "fearful" or somehow not trusting God is one of the most vile, dishonest, demagogic pieces of sophistry in his quiver, and that's saying a lot.
May 30, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Is there anything more on-brand for @DavidAFrench than taking MEMORIAL DAY as an occasion to dump on America for the actions of an unspecified number of Oklahomans a *CENTURY* ago? This is so dishonest (also on-brand for French). Most on the Right don't care if a (so-called, in this case) conservative talks about racism. We care when you lie about it.
May 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I cannot imagine having so little integrity or self-respect that I would take it upon myself to crusade around social media conjuring disingenuous excuses for unethical pundits' unethical conduct. "David openly says this constantly" [on podcasts and such] is in no way an answer to David neglecting to disclose his company's relationship with Facebook while opining on Facebook for a different audience.

Clifford Smith knows this, but doesn't care because he's dishonest.
May 7, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1) "Ackshually, the base is the enemy" is one of the last major pitstops on the road to garden-variety liberal talking head. It's always fun to get an update on @DavidAFrench's transition into @MaxBoot. 2) Is their anything more to the bamboo-fiber thing than one guy claiming they're doing it in an interview? Because if there is, @DavidAFrench sure as hell can't be trusted to tell his audience about it.
May 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Before getting to the DeSantis stuff, I just have to note how funny it is that the authors refer to @AnnCoulter as a Trump ally. She couldn't have made it any clearer that she's been off the train for a while now, guys. Anyway, this a hilarious hit on multiple levels. OF COURSE somebody who doesn't keep around or listen to the usual self-important GOP advisers is going to disgruntle that group. THIS IS A FEATURE, NOT A BUG.
May 6, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
This thread takes a lot of gall coming from Jonah Goldberg, a man who's been caught demonstrably lying about both people & issues with the frequency that some of us breathe, & both pals around with and *employs* some of the most dishonest, unprofessional figures in the business. Jonah: "Show me a quote from Cheney where she attacked the base."

How about four? (CC @AdamBaldwin)
May 6, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1) My own layman's expectation is that the covid vaccines will turn out to be fine for most people (i.e., no risk of randomly killing healthy recipients), but that at least some of this small # of deaths will be attributed to interactions w/ risk factors we don't yet understand. 2) That might mean they aren't right for certain subgroups, or maybe even that Pfizer is right for some patients & Moderna for others. This is the case for all sorts of medications, and is nothing to fear; it's wouldn't mean the vaccines should be pulled. Far from it.
May 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
You know what else is deceptive, David? Promoting a clip that omits the parts OF THE SAME MONOLOGUE in which Carlson SAYS WHAT YOU'RE ACCUSING HIM OF OMITTING! Here's the full segment. In it, @TuckerCarlson says vaccines are generally safe and that causation has not been established:…
May 5, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I've been ripping a lot on corporate shills for their hysterics at any suggestion that Big Tech censorship warrants a policy remedy. So it's only fair to note that this is idiotic too. I'm unclear as to what the theory of SCOTUS's standing would be here under existing law. Screaming "FIRST AMENDMENT" and "PROPERTY RIGHTS!" does not end the discussion as libertarians & SwampCons want. But they're real things--important things--and conservatives have to factor them into the solutions we advocate.
Apr 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Branding, mostly.

This is one of my few areas of disagreement with Dennis. Self-described liberals who still embrace classical liberal values are so rare these days that I see no value in trying to preserve or rehabilitate the label. Anyone living today who truly believes in individual liberty, human equality, and accountable government constrained by a Constitution should just be called a conservative. Because that's what they are.
Apr 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Trump told a group with no history of violence to "peacefully...cheer on our brave senators and congressmen-and-women."

Waters told a group with a history of setting cities on fire to "get more confrontational."

Jonah really is an absolute garbage excuse for a journalist. As if that wasn't enough, Trump was encouraging protest of elected lawmakers engaging in a political function. Waters was encouraging retaliation if private citizens made a *factual* finding -- a finding our system is heavily weighted *toward* -- that she didn't want.
Apr 14, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
A comparison this ignorant from a professional political journalist would be hugely embarrassing if his colleagues & target audience were serious people. It only sounds intelligent if one knows almost nothing about either governor's time in office. (continued) Scott Walker won *one* major conservative victory at the start of his governorship, but the leftist capitol occupation traumatized him so badly that he spent the rest of his tenure dodging anything that might make the Left too angry:
Apr 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
There is something genuinely creepy about the visceral anger with which even some conservatives react to a single (probably brief) review pause to just one of several vaccine options, especially considering they were all developed in a fraction of the time it usually takes. Fear and impatience are making even people who should know better lose perspective. Rolling out a vaccine this fast is something new, and information is going to keep evolving. Take the time to get it right, THEN decide if you want to take one of the ethical options.
Apr 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This is such a dishonest talking point. There is absolutely no contradiction between condemning one president's then-present sins and recognizing that another president *having sinned IN THE PAST* does not define him for life. This is Christianity 101. It's very hard to take seriously someone who claims not to see any difference between a sitting president taking sexual advantage of an intern and a president having had an affair ten years beforehand as a private citizen, for which his own wife had long since forgiven him.