Caroline McAllister- XX Profile picture
A woman’s place is in the revolution. When women move the world moves. #WomenWhoWouldntWheesht #NoToSelfID
Dec 16, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
The UN dude said there’s no evidence of harm to women in other countries.
They don’t measure the impact therefore they do not collate evidence of risk & detriment to women.
We know this is a lie.
Dolatowski, a violent, predatory male in a female prison.… “She added: "There is full scrutiny under way right now and, of course, Parliament will next look at the proposals in plenary session next week.”

The scrutiny of this bill has been woeful.
Survivors of MV were denied a voice at the Committee.…
Oct 23, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
The committee scrutinising the GRR Bill in Scotland refused to meet with female survivors of male violence, confirming female survivors are the most marginalised & vulnerable group because even their government won’t acknowledge them or listen 2their lived experience.
#No2SelfID The committee met with at least 14 different lobby groups & activists from the gender identity industry.
The SNP stated in their ‘21 manifesto they would engage with women on this issue & misled the electorate into believing they were listening to all the arguments.
Aug 19, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
I see the witch prickers continue to harass & abuse @GussieGrips.
Scotland is a basket case when it comes to freedom of speech & women’s rights.
This regression has taken place under the watch of a female FM who has actively encouraged the vilification & dehumanisation of women. No one knows this better than Joanna Cherry. The ongoing harassment of Scotland’s most capable & successful MP is disgraceful.
The FM continues to ignore the vendetta ongoing for years against JC.
Her silence has brought shame on our nation.
Apr 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
When I 1st trained in safeguarding it was a real eye opener 2learn how predators operate.
An example used was a dude with a dog who had his eye on a child. He learned where she lived & the route she took to & from school.
He’d walk his dog in the opposite direction to meet her. Over a period of weeks of him saying hello, the girl stopped to pet the dog. One day he offered to buy her sweets at the local shop.
He asked her what sweets her parents didn’t allow, she answered chewing gum. He bought her chewing gum.
Dec 31, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
My life evolved around party campaigns, events, fundraising, etc. Like many others, I believed the SNP could & would be better. I was wrong & yes they let many of us down so don’t dare tell me to wheesht for Indy cause the whole time the govt insults women we will not secure Indy Most folk want intelligent based, fair policies that address many of society’s ills. We want open & honest debate & need to trust our govt to make the difficult decisions, not abrogate their responsibilities to lobby groups.