Calum Kerr Profile picture
Work @sabiosense Voluntary Chair Borders Citizens Advice. Co-convenor Yes Scottish Borders. Former MP. Borders/Coigach, rural issues, tech. All Tweets Personal
Nov 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Great to see other Yes groups forming in the South of Scotland, we need as many people as possible out campaigning, knocking on doors and engaging in conversations. A couple of points to make... First, I don't know anyone in the Borders who identifies themselves as from the South of Scotland. They're Borderers. It used to drive my flatmate in Westminster @ArklessRichard mad when people referred to all of the South as the Borders. 😂 Regional and local identities matter.
Jan 27, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
The UK Gov declined more ambitious full fibre option, or even universal coverage, when looking at the roll out of superfast broadband. They set a target of 95% - not 100%, 95%! Where did these rural Tory MPs think the 5% would be?! #clueless #selfinflicted #SNPsortingToryFail Their answer for the final 5%? A Universal Service Obligation. The UK-wide USO provides a legal right to request a broadband connection of 10M
download & 1M upload, up to a reasonable cost threshold (£3400).
Ofcom is working on the delivery, expected to be available next year..