Kevin Dahlstrom Profile picture
I learned everything the hard way so you don’t have to. 4X founder, 4X CMO, 50X PE investor. Also climb rocks. Sign up for my newsletter👇
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Jul 30 11 tweets 6 min read
Come with me on the legendary Orient Express…

🧵 (w/lots of pics) Image Years ago I made a deal with my two daughters:

In their teens I'd take each of them on a dad-daughter trip anywhere in the world. They choose the destination and plan the itinerary and I pay for it.

My 17 year old chose to ride the Orient Express. Here’s how it went… Image
Jun 18 8 tweets 5 min read
💊In my 30 year quest for optimal health, I’ve tried literally hundreds of supplements.

Almost none of them work.

Here are 6 that do.

🧵 Image 💊Astaxanthin

It’s the king of antioxidants, with a wide range of beneficial effects on energy, inflammation, cognition, and exercise performance. Most people notice that their eyesight improves within 45 minutes of taking it. It also functions as an “internal sunscreen”, preventing sunburn.

I take 12mg every 2-3 days, especially on big climbing days. Astaxanthin softgels contain an oil base so check the ingredients to make sure it’s olive oil or coconut oil and not a seed oil.Image
Jun 14 5 tweets 2 min read
If you have lower back problems (or want to avoid them) do these 3 core exercises every day.

It only takes 8 minutes. If you can’t do these times, work up to it.

1) Plank

3 sets of 90 sec split between 3 positions: Side, front, other side.

15 sec rest between sets.

🧵 1) Bird dogs

3 sets:

Set 1: 10 sec on each side
Set 2: 15 sec on each side
Set 3: 20 sec on each side

15 sec rest between sets

(My form is bad in this vid but you get the idea)
Apr 23 20 tweets 7 min read
I bought a full page ad in today’s Wall Street Journal to announce the death of consulting.


Here’s an inside look at a secret project I’ve been working on for the past year with an extraordinary company (with lots of pics!)

🧵 Image I rarely write about my work. Most of my followers think of me as a semi-retired entrepreneur (or, even better, as a rock climber) but I've spent the biggest chunk of my career as a CMO.

In fact, I have a nerdy distinction in the marketing world...
Apr 22 11 tweets 1 min read
Do these 10 simple things and you’ll have a great life: 1. Optimize for experience…

Not money, status, or possessions.

(And the best experiences cost very little.)
Dec 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A new year is upon us.

There's lots of talk about what people are going to DO in 2024.

But the truth is most people WON'T DO these 5 basic things.

Will YOU?

🧵 1. Most people WON’T show up on time, every time

It's my #1 piece of advice:

👉If you struggle with punctuality, fix that first.

It’s foundational to everything and most people *massively underestimate* the negative impact that being chronically late has on their life.
Dec 19, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
Turning 40 was nothing.

But 50 hits different.

You start to reflect on life. What really matters? How does it all add up?

Let me tell you what feels good… and also what doesn’t.

🧵 Image 😊Career accomplishment feels good (BUT...)

Through hard work and luck, I’ve had what most people would consider a successful career:

✅Founded & sold businesses
✅C-level in public companies
✅Rang the bell at NYSE
✅Deals with business icons

I'm proud of those things BUT…
Dec 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If you’re feeling stuck.

If you want more out of life but aren’t sure what to do.

These two threads are the advice you’ve been looking for.

🧵👇 1) How To Get Un-stuck

EVERYONE—from CEOs & celebs who "have it all" to normal Joes like you & I—gets stuck at some point in their life.

But not all of us get UN-stuck.

Sep 8, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
🤫The secret is out.

This week I hosted 17 friends in Boulder for a different type of gathering.

It was the first step toward a larger vision—perfectly aligned with my personal mission.

Here’s how it went down (with lots of pics)🧵 Image Now more than ever people want more than just a great career—they want a great LIFE, full of:

—Deep connection
—Learning & growth

To build a great life you have to be INTENTIONAL. With that in mind, an idea was hatched…
Jun 1, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵 True Success

We usually associate career success with *accomplishment*, measured as wealth, status, accolades, or expertise.

Accomplishment is a good thing...


There’s a 2nd equally important dimension to success that is often overlooked. It's... Image CONTROL


WHAT you work on

WHO you work with

WHERE you work

WHEN you work

Like accomplishment, control doesn't happen overnight. It compounds over years of deliberate effort. Image
May 25, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
"Comparison is the thief of joy."

It's a popular saying but it's WRONG.

Comparison is human nature — it's unavoidable and within limits can be healthy.

What steals joy is comparing THE WRONG THINGS.

Legendary climber Alex Lowe (RIP) had a great take on comparison...🧵 Image Lowe, perhaps the best all-around climber of his generation, was once asked:

"Who's the best climber in the world?"

Sensing a trap, he responded:

"The one having the most fun."

You see what Alex did there?

He changed the game. You see...
Apr 28, 2023 32 tweets 7 min read
💥How to Kick Ass at Everything—PART II

This is the long overdue sequel to my mega-thread on health & fitness (link to Part I at the bottom of this 🧵).

Back to our story... Image After a bout with chronic illness in my 20's I was able to to regain my health & become super-fit (see Part I for details on that)


When I reached my mid-40’s I began to feel less vibrant, with a collection of mild but annoying symptoms:
Apr 25, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
📬From the mailbag:

“I’m tormented by my failure.”

We all face failure at some point in life.

Over my 30 year career I’ve had spectacular failures… and there will be more.

🧵3 things I’ve learned about failure:

(#3 is the key to everything) Image 1. Failure (or success) is a choice.

🙄Don’t roll your eyes until you hear me out…

In any long term endeavor—career, marriage, etc.—some degree of failure is inevitable.

Nobody bats 1.000.

You can't avoid strikeouts but you CAN choose how you react to them.
Apr 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
“Drop Your Weapons"

This 🧵 is very personal—it's been written for weeks.

I'm posting with the hope it helps one person.

My father spent a big chunk of his adult life in prison. He did some inexplicable things that I’ve only recently begun to talk about.

Years ago... I ran across a quote from Oprah:

“Turn your wounds into weapons.”

It became my mantra. I was determined to defy my upbringing, no matter the cost.

I weaponized my resentment and took every hill I attacked. I was unstoppable... and incredibly misguided.

Because it turns out…
Apr 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It's the most powerful force in our lives.

It turns the impossible into the inevitable.

And we have complete control over it.

I'm talking about serendipity.

Here’s something that most people don’t get:

(I promise you'll be glad you read this 🧵) Image When you do little, often uncomfortable, things consistently to increase your surface area for serendipity it compounds EXPONENTIALLY, not linearly.

Individually these little things seem inconsequential but over time…
Apr 10, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
🍻“I’d like to buy the world a beer”

My hot take on the Bud Light ad fiasco.

I’m a 3-time CMO (and maybe the only one to rebrand 3 public companies).

And I have a better idea than Bud's marking VP👇

Hear me out:

(short 🧵) If Bud Light's brand goal is to modernize & become more inclusive, I applaud that.

It's time.

But their execution was incredibly misguided—it amounted to nothing more than a cheap PR stunt and worse…

a huge missed opportunity.
Mar 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The older I get the more I realize:

👉Whatever you believe, you're right.

When someone says, “I can’t get ahead in this economy”—they’re right.

But when another person says, “There’s never been more opportunity to get ahead”—they’re also right.

Because… It's self-fulfilling:

which determines

Here's the thing:
Mar 21, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
💍Finding The One

Over the years I've received a bunch of DMs like this one.

I’ve always been hesitant to write about marriage because anyone who says they have it figured out is a charlatan.

I often say there are only 3 types of marriages...🧵 1) Those that end in divorce
2) Those that come close to ending in divorce
3) Those in denial

(🚩When someone gushes about their spouse on social media it’s a strong signal that they’re in the 3rd category)

Marriage is easy during the good times so it stands to reason that…
Mar 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Don’t Major in the Minors

(a short 🧵)

When I was in my 20’s my dad gave me a simple piece of financial advice that I never forgot:

“There are two ways to get rich: 1) Pinch every penny & save for decades

2) Make a sh!tload of money”

Dad died penniless so I ignored most of his money tips BUT there’s a powerful truth in his statement that I took to heart:
Mar 15, 2023 30 tweets 6 min read
How To Get Un-stuck

(a mega-🧵)

Here’s a true story you won’t find in any book:

About 10 years ago one of my friends won the career lottery—he became the CEO of a multi-billion $ company. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

💰Since then he’s made… …around $10M a year. You can do the math.

American dream, right? Not so fast…

Hard as it may be to believe, my friend is stuck.

I mean bad.
Feb 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The most fun I ever had negotiating a salary:

Years ago I hired a guy to a junior marketing role. He was a bike mechanic with no relevant experience, but he had an engineer’s mind and was funny as heck.

I asked him to call me to discuss compensation… When he called I could tell he was nervous. This was a big deal for him—his wife had just given birth to their first child.

I asked him what salary he thought was fair. He had prepared for this question:

“Well, to leave my current career and support my family I’d need to make…