A non-profit dedicated to continuing the fight against the acute and long term risks of Covid-19
Sep 1, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Your Support Matters!
It's been nearly six months since we launched the Canadian Covid Society in March, and we’ve made great progress in this short time.From hiring a coordinator and engaging teams of volunteers, to setting key priorities, we've laid the foundation for (1/13)
our vital work.After our launch, more than 400 people reached out to offer advice, funding and support. It was an incredible response, and as you can imagine, it has taken a while to match the skills, availability and interests of individuals with the work we need to do (2/13)
Apr 26, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
1. Un message de @jvipondmd :
« Salut, tout le monde ! Il est temps de faire le point sur notre progrès à la Société canadienne de la covid (@cancovsoc) ! » 2. « Depuis notre lancement en mars, nous avons créé les structures dont nous avons besoin pour devenir une voix plus puissante et créer des changements positifs pour tous les Canadiens. »